Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:5 Ep:2 “The Hurt That Will Happen”

This week, we learned about the roadblocks and the radiated walkers. We also met a lady named Grace. Oh, and Daniel is back!!! My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever.  The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.

1.  As of now, the radiated walkers do not have any extra powers or toughness but are a problem in how you dispose of them.  Is it really a problem though? A good chunk of them were burned and everybody was still just hanging out at the house. Also, what are your initial thoughts of Grace?

Bob:  I like Grace, she is a do-gooder.  The poisoned walkers are truly a problem.  The burned ones caused a major problem initially, much of the radioactive material would have gone up in smoke, but some would remain in the ashes and bones.  The smoke would have been toxic, as burning would have no effect on radioactive materials at campfire temperatures. (Do you find it weird how casual people were about staying near the burned bodies?  I wasn’t like mad, I was a little surprised though.)

Raylene:  I didn’t mind Grace she’s trying to do good. She admitted that she did wrong by not evacuating the power plant when she should have. She seems to try to make up for all that perished. Perhaps this radiation is a slow killer so maybe the burnt bodies are still releasing it into the air.  (I am not as well versed in this stuff as Bob is, but it seems to me like this stuff is still a danger.  Grace tried and still continues to try, and I think that is the most important part for her now.)

Kent:  I found Grace to be very relatable.  At some point in life, the vast majority of us realize that we made a very big mistake.  Some people try to make amends and it is not always so easy or straightforward. I felt her to be a relatively well-rounded character within one episode.  Of course, if you read the idiots online, they don’t get it. People have truly lowered their collective IQ’s over the past decade.

2.  This story with Luciana is pretty terrible, right?  We get it, she’s on meds, but why waste the ammo instead of just getting inside?

Bob:  I thought the same thing BUT she wasn’t thinking clearly.  I really thought it was her end as soon as she began blacking out, it happens so quickly you don’t even see it coming.  She should have laid down flat, but again, not thinking!!!! And why is she sitting up so much anyway!!! (I’m glad that somebody made legit excuses for her because I was FEARing that would end up being my role to play.  We always think that we know better when watching characters on our TV shows or movies, and we often do, but in the moment, we all do dumb stuff.)

Raylene: Ok I get it she wanted to investigate the noise. She could see what happened with the door open she didn’t have to go outside. Foolish move and it almost got her got.  (Most people would have gone outside.  Just because you’re like Hogan, and are a cowerd!, just know that most people would have investigated.)

Kent:  As a horror fan, I sit here and get all pissy at people for doing dumb things.  This wasn’t as dumb as one would initially think though. In that state of mind, given the scenario, a lot of us would have checked.  The shooting of the gun…..a little bigger pill to swallow. I don’t like what they are doing with Luciana, but if we could get some scenes of her tripping and like seeing Daniel but not believing it’s him, that could be a lot of fun.  People, stop being so judgemental!

3.  We finally know why the Daniel tape was labeled “Skidmark”.  Daniel is back, but how did he suddenly end up so close to the main group?  WIll that ever be explained? Does Daniel serve a purpose anymore for the show?

Bob:  Is he that close – maybe I missed that part.  I only see Strand in the vehicle somewhere. Maybe I was reading last week’s blog when this all occurred, LOL. I hope he serves a purpose.  I like Daniel. (Okay, we know that season 1 was LA, 2 was getting to Mexico.  Season 3 was still in Mexico and was there when the damn exploded….I think.  Season 4 was in Texas and that is where we remain. Obviously, I don’t know the exact locations, and we know that our group made the trek.  It is more the coincidental aspect. He has to be close enough, within reason, I think. I could be off here, so I say all of this as major assumptions.)

Raylene:  I hope Daniel is still around. Perhaps he was following them like Morgan did with Rick.  (I don’t think that he was following them.  If he had, he would have hunted Victor down to at least scare him and to see the Clarke family, which is now just Alicia.  Once again, making assumptions.)

Kent:  I think that Al made her way around a lot of southern and western Texas.  So it is entirely probable for her to have met Daniel. This seems a little improbable how everything worked out, but so is Morgan and Dwight finding this group on a whole other TV show.  I still say about a 10% chance of it happening, but that is improbable. Daniel has immense value in just looking menacing. He has a great voice and may be the most beloved character in the Fear franchise.  I am guessing that Nick may hold that distinction, but Daniel is right there.

4.  Are you excited for the reveal of who is hanging all of the walker heads around town and putting up roadblocks?  This has to be a good reveal, right?

Bob:  OR maybe it’s a legit warning to help people.  Don’t mess with Texas. (Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, that is a dandy of an idea.  I like that it could be a warning. Most likely it’s going to be some new threat, but Fear likes to zig when we expect the zag.  I like where your head is at. I don’t like where mine is.)

Raylene:  I hope it’s Dwight.  (If it’s Dwight, I ask you what purpose would it serve?)

Kent:  I’m super excited for the reveal.  I know most of the big threats in this show get eliminated significantly faster than say The Governor or The Saviors or The Whisperers or……Oceanside (BOOOOOO!), so we have yet to see what a long term badass group can be.  The Vultures were probably the best threat so far because it killed a LOT of people. I remain optimistic. The season has been slower, but I think we are 1 or 2 episodes away from having a moment that gets us amp’d.

5.  Which loss affected the owner more: Morgan losing his stick or Negan losing Lucielle (the bat, not the wife)?

Bob:  Negan losing the bat, which was his wife.  He personified the bat remember? If we take mental health into account, Morgan will be more devastated though.

Raylene: That’s a tough one Negan should be able to get Lucille back until it meets Beta’s back. Morgan can make another stick but his OG one has a lot of symbolic meaning him finally awaking from the clear mentality.

Kent:  I am not commenting on the answers because of the nature of the question.  A week later, and I can make an argument for both answers. The key word in the question is affected, and damn, this is tough.  Negan losing Lucille really symbolized the loss in power and control of his life and he’s been imprisoned for like 5-7 years now.  Losing that bat also meant he lost some touch with his wife in a lot of ways. The stick with Morgan was this whole new philosophy in life, that sent him down this really long path, spiritually, mentally, physically, etc.  That episode, season 6 ep 4 “Here’s Not Here” may be one of the most underrated episodes in the Walking Dead run. The stick symbolized a lot of what Morgan worked for and I am curious if it will affect his philosophy moving forward, where he may snap.  I am choosing Morgan and his stick.

Final Thoughts – I was reading up on the third TWD series coming out next year here. “I think AMC has been incredibly good, for very many years, at telling complex stories about masculinity,” Barnett said. “A lot of the shows have very strong female characters, [but] there are a lot more stories to be told in our world about complicated women. We’ve just begun to scratch the surface. I continue to be very interested in that.”  

Soooooo, give me your initial thoughts to this truly wonderful news.

Bob:  Complication does not mean strong. It means the opposite to me. That’s just trying to sound posh, like using words such as “narrative” and “conversation.”  (Yeah, I laughed really hard as soon as I saw the word narrative.  So many imbeciles overuse that term today. It’s like, you just wanna slap people.  Complicated doesn’t mean strong at all, but it is a buzz word so they used it and it’s gon’ be EPIC!!!!)

Raylene:  God I hope it’s another Oceanside community….. I am excited to see how other countries handle themselves. (Hmmm, Oceanside made it into this blog twice.  That’s fantastic. When you think Oceanside, you think quality!  Yes, seeing other countries will be fun.)

Kent:  Here’s the truth.  I am not going to say what is on my mind because, in 20 years, somebody will read this and ruin my non-existent career because I dared to have an opinion that went against these pricks that do that sort of thing.  Do you know what sucks in movies and TV shows? Too many women. The Descent sucked. The nonstop remakes of films with women replacing men, it’s an F’N problem and people are too dumb to stop supporting the garbage.  Time and time again this keeps happening.

And here’s the thing.  The women, by and large, are completely interchangeable in most roles.  Even the award-winning roles, you could swap in 3-5 other women who could do the same thing.  Maybe you don’t get someone to replace Kathy Bates in Misery, so she’s a keeper in my book. But here’s the catch!  It’s not the women’s fault, and by now you have read everything and think that I am some horrible sexist. No, the issue is that the writing for women in TV and film have been absolutely abysmal.  I don’t blame the actresses. Look how awesome Melissa McBride, Jessica Lange, and Lena Headey have been in their respective roles. Jennifer Lawrence kinda sucks now due to the scripts that she takes, but let’s never forget her amazing performance in Winter’s Bone.

So the description that they provide makes me cringe. Just make a new show without trying to get super 2010’s on my ass.  The show will succeed due to the writing and character creation, not because women are strong or weak or complicated. That is all BULLSHIT!  Craft a great character and the people will watch. Enough with the public appeasing agendas. Just make entertaining stuff and stop with the messages and undertones.  And yes, I didn’t say nearly half of what is really on my mind because I have gone over my swearing quota for the week.

What are your thoughts on this?  Leave a comment. I promise I won’t insult you…..too much.

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