Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:5 Ep:3 “Humbug’s Gulch”

This week, Dwight made his first appearance on this show. We also learned that Max, Dylan, and Annie are actually the ones leaving the walker barricades. It was a very solid episode. It’s just Bob and I this week. It feels like 2001 all over again. My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever.  The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.

1.  We officially have Dwight on the show and he is looking for Sherry.  We weren’t sure if we’d get the answer to her whereabouts on TWD, but FTWD may carry out that story.  Will we see Sherry again on FTWD? Do you think Dwight will fit into this show and cast well?

Bob:  Yes, we are seeing Sherry again! Dwight will fit in and Morgan will make sure of it. I just really hope he doesn’t keep riding the mantra of woe is me I’m so bad…. I’m so bad woe was me.  (I am a little worried about the mantra that you speak of because that is something that TWD and sometimes FTWD likes to fixate upon and it’s not very compelling television when it happens too often.  Still, if you are going to have a character fixate on something like that, Dwight is one of the most reasonable choices. I’d rather him walk a line of redemption without the “woe is/was me” bit.)

Kent:  I’m very excited to see Dwight on the show for a number of reasons.  Due to the Daryl factor, TWD was never going to run with the comic story arc of Dwight being a trainer and leader for Rick’s army to take on the Whisperers.  And that is okay, although I really loved the dynamic of RIck, Dwight, and Sherry in the comic and I would strongly encourage people to read it for a very different story.  

With that not happening, this works. Not only from a story perspective and how FTWD has gotten two characters that may have gotten lost in the TWD shuffle, but also this is hopefully great for Austin.  I don’t know all of the details about the accident with Austin on set that caused the death of a stunt double, but the whole thing is sad and I think this is a good way to try to deal with that sad situation.

2.  We now know it was the kids putting up the weird walker barricades.  Was this a good reveal for you?

Bob:  Yeah, I enjoyed because I never saw it coming. Great job by the kids!  (It’s funny because any of us could have easily guessed them, they were sketchy from the opening scenes of the season, but they disguised it well.  Now it makes me wonder if Max and Dylan are actually smarter/tougher than they appeared initially as a way to disguise themselves as helpless. It would make more sense to me if that were the case.)

Kent:  I feel that this video will make some of the readers laugh and sums up how I feel in regards to the surprise factor.

3.  Are the kids part of a bigger story or group?  Give me some wild speculations.

Bob:  I don’t think so. I think they found a stockpile of Whataburger, Twinkies and fluffernutter and do not want to share.  (I have 3 thoughts on your response.  1. Twinkies would be stealing from Zombieland, so it makes sense.  2. I have never had Whataburger and I wonder would be edible from that restaurant this deep into the ZA.  There has to be something, right? 3. I think peanut butter and fluff would potentially have survived, but bread wouldn’t have.  Would something like crackers have survived? I’d eat that.)

Kent:  These kids are part of a larger group of kids.  You know how we had that stupid storyline with Michonne and Daryl explaining the scars that was underwhelming as *^#&?  While it may not have been the same group, you can make an argument for a similar group. I will go even farther with this though.  Malachai and Isaac have been recruiting deep in the ZA and these kids are dangerous. They decided to leave Nebraska and went to Texas.  I’m just waiting for Linda Hamilton to join the cast. I just looked at her IMDB page and no FTWD, but she is doing voice work for the upcoming Gears 5 video game.

4.  We haven’t seen much of Charlie, Sarah, and Wendell.  Do you miss these characters?

Bob:  Who? If you read it real fast it looks like “Charlie Sheen Went there”.  (I have no idea how to reasonably respond to this.  It made me laugh a lot. Speaking of Charlie Sheen, I just watched his brother, Emilio Estevez, in Maximum Overdrive on Wednesday.  Why is that relevant? Per the opening of the film, on June 19, 1987, at 9:47 AM EST, the Earth passed through the tail of a comet and the machines attacked the humans.  I was only 6 at the time, so I barely remember that factual event occurring.)

Kent:  I really miss all three, but mainly Wendell.  The dude says some really funny things and Sarah feeds off of it and they set each other up nicely.  I like having some humor in the show and aside from Skidmark, we haven’t really had much. I also miss Jimbo.

5.  What storyline interests you more: Max/Dylan/Annie or Logan’s group that took back the building that was rightfully his?

Bob:  MDA. I would enjoy Logan’s story for certain. It’s like a safe stock bet, low risk, low reward. MDA is high risk and high yield or no yield!  (TWD has a very hit or miss track record with children and I think that is where my apprehension lies.  You are right, this could yield some incredibly captivating TV, and I really hope to get that.)

Kent:  The way that I look at this is that we have 4 different factions in play here with the main group, MDA, Logan’s crew, and the group in suits that have Rick.  Will any work together to take out the others? Most importantly, in typical FTWD fashion, will ANY of the other 3 factions remain by the end of the season, at least on this show?  I think we may keep one of the MDA crew and possibly Logan. You know that I love Matt Frewer but I am going with crazy kids 50% of the time every time. I miss Lizzie and Mika.

Final Thoughts – With Dwight now on this show, the question has to be who may be next to crossover.  Name me a character from either show that is still alive that would make for a compelling crossover.

Bob:  Daryl would be HILARIOUS because of Dwight and how he never trusts anyone. That being said, I would rather see Carol B all sweet and kind and loving.

Kent:  I wrote down every name that was compelling to me.  Since I need to add content to this blog since we are short-handed this week, why not make a top 5?

Honorable mention: Maggie and Ezekiel because you could see either break away from TWD for a variety of reasons.  Still, with Maggie’s show failing, she should be back on TWD. Ezekiel is a possibility, but I feel the main show needs him more.

5.  Jadis/Anne – Her character is interesting and she has a connection with the one group, so this is entirely possible, but only in a small dose.  I don’t think it works as a permanent spot.

4. Beta – If Alpha were to get got, as well as a large portion of The Whisperers, we know that Beta can survive on his own.  There’s no reason that he couldn’t join the FTWD group as a contributing member and bring his knowledge and tactics with him in a redemption arc of sorts.  More Ryan Hurst is always welcome.

3.  Negan – Where does Negan truly fit in the future of TWD?  Yes, he will be a Judith savior, but aside from that, who can actually work with him and trust him?  Maybe he helps the group fend off The Whisperers or he gets his freedom and he takes off to carve his own path.  Negan is potentially reformed somewhat. He has great chemistry with Dwight and that could be compelling TV. More importantly, I would love to see Negan make some lewd remark at June to see John’s reaction.  Negan is one of the best remaining characters on TV and if he can’t be maximized on TWD, FTWD would absolutely do great with him.

2. Daniel – All of the other picks are TWD to FTWD.  Daniel would be great on TWD, and with such a large cast, he wouldn’t need to work too much.  His schedule would probably be very light. I would love for him to take over Oceanside, but that’s not practical in 2019 TV.  What if Daniel picks up Dwight’s role from the comic and builds an army to counteract the Whisperers? You could see that work well.  He would fit in the show incredibly well, I think.

1.  Heath – Here’s the thing, Heath was supposedly traded to the group that currently has Jadis and Rick.  He was traded for supplies. So he most likely still is alive. We know the Scavengers abducted Heath because Angela Kang has said so, plus we saw the RV that he was last using being seen with the Scavengers. Corey Hawkins doesn’t have a ton going on per his IMDB.  I think we will see him this season. I implore you to check out both of the links below for more information. It’s pretty interesting stuff. Let’s hope that Heath is still a B and not an A.

Also, I must rant. There is a large group of fans that are whining so much about John’s trick shot. THAT is the concern in a TV show about zombies and people who travel half the country and meet up with each other, but the trick shot was your breaking point? Get over yourselves and go sign an online petition. The funny thing is that wasn’t even close to the dumbest thing in this solid episode. First of all, June and John wasted too much ammo to help Dwight. They are more than capable of doing it better, but trick shot…I know. Secondly, Alicia runs over nail board, which has to severely hurt Luciana. She tells Morgan and then never removes the board from the road and he somehow avoids it. IF you want to complain about something, that should be it.

This is the final tidbit and possibly most delicious. In the episode that Rick left the show, Anne/Jadis hears some voices on the radio. The theory is that it may have been Alicia. Seriously, this is a solid theory that makes a lot of sense.

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