Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:5 Ep:4 “Skidmark”

This week, we watch the wacky adventures and Daniel and his trusty sidekick, Skidmark. Actually, there’s a lot of stories here and some redemption for Strand, some great stuff with Daniel and Charlie, and we got a Children of the Corn situation. My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever.  The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.

1.  Daniel was the star of the episode, and now he is off on another adventure.  Do you think we will find out where he is going or who he is looking for, or was this just a way to give him more time off?

Bob:  I think it’s… I miss this guy. I would probably watch this show just for him if he was in it.  Maybe Daniel will be wrapped into a finale somehow, but he may be gone for a while it would seem.  (I would agree about watching the show just for him.  There are many TWD characters that I would 100% say that about, but Daniel is one.)

Raylene:  I hope to see more of Daniel. It’ll be interesting to see how he ended up with the place he was at.  (I love to know about his journeys.  I always want to learn more about him.  He has the most interesting life story, in my opinion.)

Kent:  I think we will see him again.  I am probably wrong, but I think that we get a double dose of Daniel this season.  I could even see him sacrificing himself for Victor or Alicia or Charlie. Each one would be their own little story.  I don’t know if we will find out what he has done in the interim.

2.  Daniel spent some quality time with Charlie.  If you could pair Daniel up with anybody currently on Fear The Walking Dead, who would it be and why?

Bob:  Morgan.  Morgan is the contrary being for Daniel.  Both are surbibors. Morgan doesn’t want to take life and Daniel has not problem with it and both have a set of values, through I think Daneil’s compass has a stronger bearing and conviction.  (This could be compelling like the Jesus and Morgan dynamic in season 8, one of the few great things about that particular season.  And also…..cue the video. I really need to make my own Deathrow video to this song.)

Raylene:  I like the Charlie pair up he could have another chance to be a father figure.  (Charlie is like an ace up the writer’s sleeve.  She has so much mystery to her still that they can just slowly chip away at her story and I am almost always interested.)

Kent:  I thought about quite a few.  Dwight would be a good conversation but I fear would cover too much ground that we’ve already covered.  Same for Victor. Luciana would be okay if healthy but I think it would be similar to her talks with Nick in some capacity.  For Kentertainment value, I choose2 possibilities. John Dorie and Daniel would be such a clash or perceptions and the conversations would be a true delight.  I’d love to see them take out 29 walkers. The other option, and my dark horse is Sarah. She did great with Wendell, Morgan, and Jimbo. Her sarcastic attitude and wit with Daniel’s dead seriousness would make for good TV.

3.  Victor used the propellers to kill a lot of walkers, but at the cost of hurting the plane and halting progress.  Was this a smart idea in the moment?  

Bob:  It is scenes like this that blow my mind. Maybe Victor was like “I will sacrifice the one thing that really caused all this to happen anyway” in his thinking.  Maybe he panicked. Maybe he would have just walked away and like the team of zombie slayers come up from behind and kill from the back of the pack. (I don’t have much to add other than my mind was blown as well.)

Raylene:  I think it was more of a “prove to Daniel that I have changed” moment.. I would’ve liked to think there could’ve been a smarter way.  (There was.  The walkers are slow as dirt now and most everybody there was able-bodied to do work.)

Kent:  I know that the TWD shows get ripped for many things.  This is rarely one of them, and I don’t know why. These flashy kills are fun, but they lack logic in context.  Sometimes they do work. The practical thing was the keep luring them. You had 2 working vehicles. NOBODY should have been in any danger considering how long they have now been in the ZA but for 5 minutes, it seemed like everybody collectively lost their damn minds!!!  Not a smart idea in the history of ever.  

4.  Do you think that Daniel has finally forgiven Strand?

Bob:  Daniel has buried the hatchet but he remembers where he buried it.  I think he will always measure Strand. (Daniel has that mind where he probably doesn’t forget much of anything.  I’d really enjoy watching him play poker.)

Raylene:  No Daniel still is holding on to his resentment. (He’s worse than Wilson Phillips with holding on.  Nobody will get the reference. Moving on.)

Kent:  I think he may verbalize it, but I don’t think he can 100% commit to forgiveness.  I think part of Daniel wants to, but he simply can’t do it all the way.

5.  Okay, we have a group of children, the children of the nuclear plant.  If we assume that the show will not keep all of these kids on for the main cast, do you think that the kids will get killed or taken away or be like Oceanside?

Bob:  They will remain where they are most likely, kids are fickle like that.  (Well, what if an old friend of Michonne’s pre ZA shows up?  I bet they would move then. They may stay because they know how to survive there.)

Raylene: I wouldn’t mind a group of children by the Ocean being bad ass.  (I just hope that they would capture people and make them listen to Everclear’s “Santa Monica” on repeat.  Seriously, this song would be great for torture on the West Coast.)

Kent:  It’s not unreasonable that they could just migrate to Gatlin, Nebraska and start a new life away from the nuclear plant.  They could learn to grow corn and making ritualistic sacrifices. Everybody wins! Realistically, I will throw out the idea that Logan takes them all in.  I think Logan will end up having heart growth issues like the Grinch.

Final Thoughts – Is the solution to the plane situation as simple as fixing the plane?  How do you think our groups will eventually reunite? On this show, anything is on the table.

Bob:  The plane is able to be repaired of course.  Having Al there would really help… Though, it seems to be the engines are seized, but I don’t know much about jet engines…  The groups are going to reunite, I just don’t know when or how. (It’s times like this that I think to myself, why don’t we have a jet engineer writing these blogs with us in order to provide valuable insight.  I think that we can safely assume that it will happen at night or via air travel, so that way I can rationalize this video. Also, picture Daniel driving and Strand loading up the gun and I’m 100% sold.)

Raylene:  I say the last episode is Strand flying to them. So yup plane is fixable.  (H.opefully he is listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers “Aeroplane”.  Wait, screw that, go with Whitesnake’s “Here I Go Again” because he presumably would be flying solo.)

Kent:  Since so much of this season is based on The Little Prince, it would seem reasonable that the plan gets fixed.  Will a helicopter chase them? Will we have some crazy aerial scenes? Will they play Ride of the Valkyries during the scene?  Episode 6 is called The Little Prince, soooooo that may be something. This video is solid and I would encourage watching it.

I don’t own any of the rights to any of the videos in this blog. If you like what you see, try to support the creators.

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