This week, we finally got some answers on Al’s situation while meeting Happy Isabelle. This did answer a few questions but overall felt slow at times with some really poor decision making. Either way, we watched it and wanted to share our thoughts on it. My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact your reading pleasure. Any comments in BOLD are written by me. I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever. The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.
1. In the beginning, after Al lost her boot, should she have tried circling back for it or continue to try to escape?
Bob: 100%, she should have looped around, even back to the area she had escaped from. I guess I can give it to her that it would be hard to think clearly. (It’s definitely something more obvious to a viewer than a person in the real-time circumstance. Yet, I need to ask inane questions in episodes that don’t offer much.)
Raylene: Al should have circled back around even if she wasn’t thinking clearly. Shoes are extremely important. (I’m still confused why her boots were on her so loosely, to begin with. I am trying to think of why that was a thing.)
Kent: I felt like this was the perfect opportunity to circle back given how loud the rain was and how unprepared Isabelle was for this. I get that Al wasn’t Thinking clearly, but she had to have seen Forrest Gump. All that moisture running around barefoot was going to wreck her feet.
2. How does Al’s camera still have power?
Bob: LOL. Lots Of Lithium. I don’t know what you were thinking. (LMAO: Lots more of alkaline. I know, it’s not as clever, but I tried.)
Raylene: She has some type of battery charging system in the swat vehicle of hers I thought perhaps we saw it in previous seasons. (I think they are called Power Inverters. We used to use them when having to film long days.)
Kent: She’s a witch. Good thing that Bob and I took this question seriously.
3. Al’s ridiculous jump to the carabiner that the rock climbing walker was hilarious. We have seen all kinds of ridiculous things in the past in the Walking Dead universe. What is this comparable to?
Bob: 1 being believable and 9.2 being Glenn under the garbage can, 7.9. It is similar to finding viable jet fuel. (The jet fuel thing… know it’s bad when I just put my head in my hand and shook my head, let out a sigh and had nothing to really say.)
Raylene: The amount of unlimited ammo these shows have. Or when Daryl wasted a lot of fuel setting the horde on fire in Alexandria. (The Walking Dead…….more like The Wasteful Dead, am I right? Seriously, there are so many times when they waste so much of a valuable commodity, and for such temporary relief, usually.)
Kent: I put this in between Rick and Michonne driving cars parallel with each other and killing like 500 walkers and the time when Daryl and Carol were in the ambulance that was also able to rotate in mid-air in the most unusual fashion. I probably have it at a cool 8.3. Glenn under the dumpster is still the perfect 9.2 as Bob alluded to.
4. Will Al open up to any of the group about the truth of what happened? WIll this be a scenario where she doesn’t say anything and then the group gets in trouble and then they get all pissy with her because she didn’t say anything?
Bob: Al opened up about her name, but that’s common for people to reveal a truth to balance themselves in hiding other things. There is going to be an awkward meeting in the future… (I wrote down her last name. I then lost my note. I’m not spending time looking it up again, but I did enjoy the pronunciation of it.)
Raylene: It’ll come to light when ultimately they find that group and Morgan sees Rick with them. (I am very curious to know if we will ever see Rick make a cameo on Fear. I am guessing no, due to the time lapses, but there’s always Heath. The problem is that I am not sure if Dwight or Morgan know who Heath is. Morgan may know him.)
Kent: I don’t think anybody will know until they are in a situation where they get captured or surrounded and Al or Isabelle acknowledge each other in some way and then somebody notices it and makes a big deal out of it. That seems likely.
5. Name one aspect of this episode that irritated you.
Bob: The episode itself was lame for an Al-driven episode. (Fact, very lame because she was a very interesting character most of last season. But hey, as long as she has that camera and videotapes, they can continually tie random people and stories together and it’s a decent plot device.)
Raylene: The last 5 minutes just annoying. (I did enjoy how Al sees this horde of kids and doesn’t really think twice about it. I would have had at least 3 questions.)
Kent: I have 2 and I really wrote this question so I could vent in a very non-meaningful way. So, as you may know, as I watch the episodes, I often take notes and then derive my questions from the aforementioned notes. As soon as I saw that the person in black was a female, I thought to myself that this has lesbian romance written all over it, and that was going to lead to a question. Then they kissed. So they killed that question. Then I was going to ask if we would ever find out Happy’s real name and was going to have fun with random guesses, and then they just went with Isabelle. Not cool FTWD! Maybe you guys could consult with me so I can get better quality questions.
Final Thoughts – Will Isabelle’s group end up being a decent group or will they be made out to be the villains?
Bob: The Sanctuary was a decent group with strict rules and penalties – I think they may be MORE villainous than the Sanctuary from TWD. (Just for clarification, Bob was referring to the Saviors and not Terminus. I had to ask just to be 100% clear. Honestly, the Saviors had a smart system that made sense and worked. Was it perfect? Nay. I wish they would have spent some time early on showing how the Saviors also cleared out areas so that the communities could travel safer and gather supplies better. I felt that wasn’t really focused on to make the Saviors appear worse.)
Raylene: I think they mean to be good but it comes at a cost to other groups. Unless you bring value to the group your useful if not you are killed. (Sometimes less is better. When you add too many dynamics to a group then you aren’t all on the same page usually and it leads to dysfunction.)
Kent: Since the group’s logo has circles, I am going to refer to them as the “Circle Jerks” because I surmise that they will be jerks. No double entendres intended……I swear……by the moon and the stars in the sky.