Fear The Walking Dead Television

Fear The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:6 Ep:6 “Bury Her Next To Jasper’s Leg”

In Fear The Walking Dead’s sixth episode of season 6, June saves Ginny’s life and wants a hospital as a reward. Wes may be a mutant/alien/superhero. John got sick of everybody’s nonsense and was listening to Fleedwood Mac’s “Go Your Own Way” at the end of the episode. My name is Kent, and for Fear The Walking Dead, I only ask 5 questions and some final thoughts to make this blog a little more compact for your reading pleasure.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy it.

1.  What should June have done when she was alone with Ginny?  Should she have killed her or demanded more or ran away or something different?

Bob:  She should have negotiated escape, but Ginny would go back on that.  Hospital???  I mean really? Dude, a hospital?  This is a GMA move.  Let’s a make a place that will bring the ZA inside. (I don’t know what you’re talking about. Every hospital in the TWD universe has worked out just fine. You know, the one where Rick woke up, the one Nick was in, the one they made on the farm in Fear season 3, the one Beta worked in, the one where Beth was captured……damnit, I see your point.)

Raylene:  June maybe should’ve tried to get everyone released to a settlement and not to be part of Ginny’s community. Hospital isn’t a bad idea but they need some protocols for who gets treated. (Priorities…..June lacks them.)

Kent:  Killed her.  In the ZA, power speaks.  Did June never read George R R Martin’s books?  You kill the king, you become the king…or queen.  (Girl power!)  Just assigning new roles to the current characters under June and John’s rule is more fun than the inane idea of a hospital.  I’m having Daniel in the role of both The Hound and The Mountain. Alicia would be Dany because she’s the last of her family unless Madison survived. Wes could be her Jorah. Strand would be an amazing Varys. Morgan is fine as John Snow. Luciana can be Sansa because nobody what she has to say.

2.  If Wes was already critical and then Ginny kept moving the metal around, shouldn’t Wes be dead?

Bob:  No, he should be basically perfectly fine.  He’s like Luke Cage.  But doesn’t get hurt as bad.  (I’ve never watched any of Luke’s shows on NetFlix, nor read the comics.  But recently I have been playing some Marvel Strike mobile game, and Luke is one of the first characters that you get.  He’s a mediocre tank.  I also don’t recommend the game unless you like ads, more ads, and every time you go to a different screen in the game, you guessed it, ads!)

Raylene:  Yes she should’ve bled out and then Heath comes in his place. (Now I miss Heath again.  He deserves his own spin-off series.  I’d enjoy that more than Carol and Daryl at this point.  Also, I want a comedic sitcom based on life at Oceanside.  Sex In The Side…..okay, the title needs work, but if you put it on HBO, women will watch it.)

Kent:  Who writes these stupid questions.  Obviously, Wes is an alien and a mutant with healing powers.  His spin-off will be on SyFy.  Gotta love the expanded Walking Dead universe, right……right?  Thank you. Scott Gimple for killing off Carl just to give Rick a reason to not kill Negan.  Seriously, you could have made Rick come to that conclusion without killing Carl.  Carl gets a small bite and boom, he’s dead, but Wes is just fine.  Moving along…..

3.  Is the hospital going to change things for the better?  

Bob:  I hope the hospital ends.  But I think John will come back with regrets and see how successful it is.  (That would have made sense, but spoiler, that isn’t what happens.  That was my best spoiler ever.)

Raylene:  It’ll be like the hospital where Noah and dumbass Beth were.  (Memba when Noah was caught in the rotating doors and was given one of the all-time greatest deaths?  Ohhhh, I memba!  You memba when Dawn shot ol’ Bethy and then Daryl shot Dawn at the Grady Memorial Hospital?  You memba how nobody ever mentioned the hospital ever again and how they killed a main character in Beth, just to kill Noah a season later.  It’s a good thing that they haven’t done anything like that since.  Ohhhh, yeah, Siddiq.)

Kent:  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, seriously?  Is this really the question?  No, of course not.  It’s not even going to matter or make a difference aside from maybe one episode, tops.  

4.  We finally got to see Luciana, Wes, Sarah, and Wendell for the first time this season.  Who did you miss the most?

Bob:  Wendell!  It was a really warming scene.

Raylene:  Wendell for sure he is great.

Kent:  And Wendell is all of our answers.  Soooo maybe the writers should try to find a way to feature this character more often.  And I miss Sarah too, but Wendell is a really funny and well-written character.  Give him more screen time!!!

5.  John ended up taking the other path at the end.  Should June have gone with John?  Should John have stayed with June?  Was this the right path for both characters?

Bob:  John had to split.  He would be living a lie.  He should have told June everything.  June wants her hospital.  (Did you know that when Timmy talks on South Park, in his early days he was saying “Living a lie, Timmy”?  You’re welcome.)

Raylene:  John will be back eventually for June. He needed time away to get his head straight.  (He did need time, no doubt.)

Kent:  June should have gone with John, but June is really stubborn and I think she will live to regret some of her decisions from this episode.  John will too, but I think John has a good rhyme and reason and June’s is less rational.

Final Thoughts – How will Ginny and June’s relationship be as we move forward given everything that has happened, plus the fallout of John leaving?

Bob:  They will have a pretty good relationship with June having some leeway but I hope for a smackdown of a reminder like, June goes too far and Ginny burns down the hospital.  (Remember when The Governor burned down Woodbury?  It was glorious.  He needs to get a big role in something soon.  Too talented.)

Raylene:  June eventually will get the Andrea treatment in the dental chair the governor had in store for Michonne.  (Ha, I just mentioned Governor before reading what you wrote.  Good timing!  And I would be fine with that, but we need a Milton.)

Kent:  Badly.  Ginny is in full 1990’s gangsta rap me against the world, I don’t give a F about a damn thing, and there ain’t a damn thing anybody is gonna do about it until I self-destruct or get shot up in a silly East Coast – West Coast rivalry.   I don’t even know where I am trying to go with this, but she’s approaching Scarface levels of F’s given.

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