House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep 1 “The Heirs of the Dragon”

We’re back! Well kinda. Chris and Jim are back to help me with this project. Unfortunately, timing hasn’t been kind these first 2 episodes for Jim, but he will be here with us soon.

The format is the same as it ever was. I ask 5 questions about the episode and a bonus question that can be a bit more random. Any comments in BOLD are from me.

Sooooooo, welcome to House of the Dragon, a spinoff prequel to Game of Thrones. Yes, we had trepidation walking into this show because of how the final season of GoT played out. We have given it a fair chance. I hope that we can get lots of good content from this show. We also do a podcast called Kenter At Your Own Risk where we discuss the show in more detail. We hope that you enjoy us, and if you have any interest in joining us on the blog or the podcast, leave a comment or contact me.

One final thing. I am currently reusing the GoT logo that we had. I will try to get one made specifically for this series.

1. Was the story of the Targaryen’s the best option for a Game of Thrones sequel?  Is there something that you would have preferred, even as a single season?

Chris:  It was the best option that they could work with, with what has already been written by George R.R. Marten. Too close to GoT (Dunk and Egg) and people wouldn’t be able to separate the two series

Kent:  If they are just gonna tell a story about how a Targaryan female felt wronged and deserved the throne, only to get super close but never rule for any substantial time, I feel like we may have seen something similar to that.  That is the problem with a prequel.  They have certain things that they have to adhere to.  So Rhaenyra is never going to be the ruler, and I feel that takes a bit of wind out of the show’s sails.  I think it would have been better to go 4-6 generations into the future and not have any rules that needed to be followed. 

2.  Does Daemon give off more of a Jaime or Joffrey vibe in your opinion?

Chris:  Daemon gives me more of a Jaime vibe; there are scenes where he shows he cares about his family (thinking specifically the funeral), where Joffrey would have been absent any empathy at all:  

Kent:  Jaime for me as well.  Sure, he may be a dick, but there is still a human in there.

3.  Did you think that the baby, Baelon, was going to die so suddenly?

Chris:  Some of these questions get the benefit of hindsight, since we have already done our first podcast, but yes

Kent:  I did not.  I was expecting the baby to survive because I didn’t know anything about this story.  O that was surprising for me.

4.  Otto is already playing the game.  Do you think Alicent truly understands the implications of what her father asked her to do and do you think that she is power hungry?

Chris:  I am not sure about Alicent being power hungry, but I am sure she understands the implications, judging by the savaging of her fingernails

Kent:  I don’t think that she is power hungry.  She’s nervous and understands the implications.  While she may be grateful to have a powerful father, it only amplifies all the possibilities for her in the future, both positive and negative.

5.  Ser Criston Cole seems like a guy to keep his eye on.  Do you think that he has good intentions, or is malicious, or perhaps just selfish?

Chris:  Hindsight tells me malicious

Kent:  I am hoping for malicious and selfish.  I get the feeling he could be a good dude though.

Bonus – Did this episode start the healing process after the final season of Game of Thrones, or are you still undecided?  

Chris:  It did. Pre-watching episode 1 I didn’t give a fuck. I enjoyed it enough to want to contribute to this blog and our podcast.

Kent:  The trepidation before watching was high.  I delayed it, like a moron.  In the end, this felt good.  I have no idea how long it will feel this way.  Is this just a crush, or am I gonna date this show for a couple of seasons, or will I eventually fall in love?  I don’t know, but I like where we are currently.

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