House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep2 “The Rogue Prince”

Welcome back, everyone! Chris and I are back. The ghost of Jim still haunts us, but he will be joining us soon. This week, we see the plot move forward to help make sense of the impending time jump. This worked rather well. Also, we get a little insight into the Crab Feeder.

1.   Did Viserys make the right decision in choosing to marry Alicent instead of Laena?                                       

Chris:  It was refreshing to see a member of the Westerosi nobility and a Targaryen specifically feeling distraught over the idea of sleeping with a 12 year old, so good on Viserys. Obviously, because we get a series over this, no, it was a bad idea

Kent:  I’m gonna agree with Chris, but for slightly different reasons.  Yes, it was good to seeing him be distraught because that one on one scene was awkward as hell.  I’m coming at this thinking that the only reason he is getting remarried is due to his kingly duty.  The duty is to safeguard and have a line of heirs, not just one, to keep the family going in power.  I do believe that he truly loved Aemma and this is really a duty.  So if the reason he is doing this is to have backup options, and given his age, you want to start procreating ASAP.  We know Laena was at least 2 years away before the awkwardness happened, whereas Alicent is good to start popping out babies right now.  

2.  According to the after-show stuff where they discuss key plot points and scenes, they say that Alicent was simply trying to be nice or friendly, but not aiming to marry Viserys.  Do you believe that she was innocent and not angling for anything beyond being a good friend?  Furthermore, does Rhaenyra believe that Alicent was playing the game or does she suspect someone else?

Chris:  I think Alicent was just doing what her father forced her too, but there are hints in her conversations to Rhaenyra (in the garden in episode 1 and in the sept in episode 2), that not only would she embrace using her body as her power (as most women were forced to in that time if they wanted to have any control over their lives), and in the fact that she is a noble and that is what they do. I don’t think Rhaenyra believes that Alicent was playing the game, since she tacitly gives her father permission to do this, but I think that she herself loves Alicent in a more than platonic way

Kent:  I think that she knew of the possible outcome, at the very least.  I am guessing Otto had at least implied the possibility that she could be the chosen one, not Azor Ahai, but Vis’ chosen one.  I don’t buy into total innocence.  Her intentions may have been innocent, but i don’t think she was oblivious.  I am still torn on what Rhaenyra thinks.  I just want to throw out random theories and allegations.  I don’t think she is happy.  When you are unhappy or shocked, you can talk yourself into believing any number of crazy things.  I am gonna say that it crossed her mind, at the very least.

3.  Rhaenyra just got on Syrax and left for Dragonstone without telling anyone and then got the egg back and prevented any bloodshed.  Was this the right decision for her to make?

Chris:  Yes and No. She showed her uncle and Otto that she is not just there to fill cups, which could work for her (Daemon showing her respect) and against her (Otto realizing he can’t just write her off as a woman)

Kent:  I’m just going to say a firm no.  When you are the heir, you now have a certain level of responsibility and at the very least, inform someone.  BUT then I wonder, how the hell did she leave on a dragon and nobody knew that she was gone.  I repeat, she left on a dragon and nobody knew that she was gone.  Doesn’t that seem odd at all?  Also, if she lets Otton and crew die, maybe she makes it on the Small Council.  I would have felt bad for Ser Crispin, but that’s okay.  I love Daemon just throwing that egg.  Great scene.

4.  So what was Daemon’s strategy in stealing the dragon egg and lying about Myseria being pregnant and the wedding?  Can Daemon trust Myseria moving forward?

Chris:  Daemon was trying to provoke his brother to call him back. Ostensibly, this shit is going to go down over not getting enough hugs

Kent:  This really was the jaded lover or family member just trying to get some attention, but I feel that he has severely underestimated Myseria.  I know nothing about the future of this show, but I can’t help but feel like Myseria is going to have a relatively important role at some point.  And perhaps you gotta give the whores more recognition because they know all sorts of secrets, and they are well aware to remember every little thing to help keep them alive.

5.  We see Corlys plotting with Daemon at the end of the episode and we know this is leading to a showdown with the Crab Feeder.  What’s the best case scenario for this situation to play out for us as viewers?

Chris:  The Crab Feeder being as fucking awesome as Euron Greyjoy was, and sticking around for a bit

Kent:  I feel Corlys or Daemon has to betray the other one and give us a relatively unexpected early death of a rather interesting, if not likable character.  Daemon has so much more potential than Corlys, and these 2 are my current favorite characters.  I hate to sacrifice one.  I think, will both of these guys be players moving forward after the tentative time skip?  Maybe.  Corlys dying here seems to cause a lot of interesting angles to play out.  Plus, if Daemon can work together with the Crab Feeder, we could be in for some fun times.  Sorry Corlys, I am sacrificing you and your amazing hair in this hypothetical scenario to see the reactions.  Consider how Vis, Rhaenys, Rhaenyra, Leana, and Otto would all react to this.  Lots of potential conflict for seasons to come.  

Bonus – By the end of this series, will Rhaenyra ever get to properly sit on the Iron Throne as the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms?

Chris:  No. We already know how it ends and it doesn’t end that way

Kent:  She will sit on it, get infected and die.  Leana will go sailing away on a boat, Daemon will control the Wall, and it will just be delightful.  To answer the question, nope.  Unless they plan on rewriting history in totality.  This was a terrible question.  By episode 5, I hope the questions improve.

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