Mayans M.C. Television

Mayans M.C. 9 Deuce S:1 Ep:4 “Murciélago/Zotz”

This week Emily hatched a plan and it was an epic failure.  Nobody was surprised by this.  My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them.  If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names.  If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at  Please enjoy!


  1.  Let’s start off by picking on Emily.  Will she be offering anymore strategy moving forward after this debacle?

Raylene:  Well since she reminds me of Tara I’m sure she will be thinking that she knows what’s the smartest move for the cartel.  After all, she didn’t get trampled for nothing, you know.  (I wonder if we will ever give Emily a single positive comment.  Probably not.)

Eric:  Yes. She will get even more involved after this debacle to get her son back. (I concur, and I think she will be Galindo’s downfall.)

Melanie:  She will continue to strategize. If she is not heard, she will do it on her own. (The question is, which is less effect?)

Kent:  Well, since I think Galindo is going down at season’s end, and EZ has to manipulate her at some point, yeah, she’ll keep doing her thing and fucking up.


  1.  Is Jimenez related to EZ?

Raylene:  They said in an earlier episode they were cousins in light of new information regarding Felipe perhaps it’s on the wife’s side.

Eric:  They are cousins.

Melanie:  They are cousins.

Kent:  I really couldn’t discern if this was like slang or what.  It just seems odd to me. Yes, I heard it, it didn’t make a ton of sense to me, logistically.  


  1.  Do you still like Los Olvidados odds against Galindo now that this boy is able to communicate with Nestor Oceteva?

Raylene:  I think the boy will be caught and they will give him false information to give Galindo. (Ohhh, yeah, the old trickery.  I can see that since Adelita noticed the boy being odd.)

Eric:  Yes. The baby is their power, as long as they have the baby they will keep the power. (That’s some Game of Thrones level shit right there.)

Melanie:  Yes. As long as they have the baby they have the upper hand. (Melanie, John Doe has the upper hand.)

Kent:  It’s definitely a good twist.  The baby is the key, but if Galindo or Emily or somebody gets their hands on the baby, we could be looking at a massacre.  It would be different at the very least. Los Olviddos are way more fun than Galindo though.


  1.  Will we find out more about Felipe’s past this season?  Are you looking forward to any revelations in particular?

Raylene:  I am saying he is part of the OG cartel perhaps a founding member. I also like perhaps he’s guerilla style radical. (I would love for him to be like Piney, only he lives.)

Eric:  Eventually we will find out, but by then he will be dead. I think he is/was a DEA agent.  (I could see the DEA agent thing.  I like that.)

Melanie:  I think we will find out more. I am not looking forward to anything in particular.  (What if we found out that he used to be a witch?  Or is warlock?  Just offering ways to intrigue you.)

Kent:  I ‘m looking forward to seeing how much of a badass he was in his youth.  You know damn well that he lived the #ThugLife and he did it well.


  1.  Is Cole a legit threat to the Mayans?

Raylene:  My first thought who the f**k is Cole?  I am guessing its the man that did time with EZ. The only advantage he has is it seems he has military sniper training that could pose a threat.  (The sniping could be pretty badass.)

Eric:  No threat at all.

Melanie:  No threat.

Kent:   He can seriously maim or kill a lesser member of the MC.  Unfortunately, if he does, we won’t really care because we barely know the guys yet.


Final Thoughts – We found out that Leticia is Coco’s daughter, not his sister.  Is she going to get him killed or herself killed or neither if you really want to gamble?

Raylene:  I think she’ll get it because she’ll reveal to the wrong person who her family is

Eric:  She may get herself killed, but not a full-fledged member.

Melanie:  She will get herself killed.

Kent:  She’ll either get herself or her grandmother killed.  I would guess herself so that adds weight on Coco’s shoulders and his mom can bitch at him about it.  Seems legit.


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