This week, Cole becomes an ally, Angel gets in trouble with some cops, Emily gets smacked around and sexed up, and Los Olvidados do what they do best. Oh, and EZ acts like an idiot. My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them. If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names. If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at Please enjoy!
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- Shouldn’t EZ be smart enough to not visit Emily in the hospital?
Kristi: Yes, that was a pretty amateur move. Did he really think it would go unnoticed? I’m mean she has 24/7 security. (It was totally amateur hour with those two.)
Raylene: Yeah he should be but clearly he’s a stupid idiot for even getting involved with her 8 years earlier. (Jericho also thinks that he’s a stupid idiot.)
Eric: He should be, but the power of the pussy is too strong. He needs to take the pushy off the pedestal. (40-Year-Old Virgin) (I have only seen that film once, but I am guessing that pushy is a typo. Still, it’s way funnier the way you have it. I love some of our typos.)
Melanie: He should be, but he is not. She doesn’t deserve him at all. (Nope, she sure doesn’t. Hopefully, he is forced to put her down at some point.)
Kent: Welllll, in this world, he thinks he is clever and can just get away with stuff. So far, he’s kinda got by doing dumb stuff, so why stop now?
- Will Jimenez push back on EZ or Felipe now that Felipe has revealed his past?
Kristi: I don’t think so.
Raylene: I think Jimenez is screwed because he’s being pressed by his boss and therefore now I think he’s better off pushing EZ because Felipe has already threatened him. (He sure as hell ain’t gonna push Felipe any more.)
Eric: I don’t think anyone is going to push back on anything because it will complicate the storyline. But I have a question, Does E-Z know about Felipe’s past? (I don’t think that he knows, but he will by season’s end, I would guess.)
Melanie: I think Jimenez will push back on E-Z by telling him Felipe was a Federales. (I could see that. It seems like a big mess, but desparate people do crazy things.)
Kent: 2 people say no pushing, 2 say that he’s going to push EZ. I say that Jimenez isn’t going to push either. I think he is going to do some stuff himself knowing the consequences at the moment.
- Cole is now an ally, at least temporarily. DId that surprise you at all?
Kristi: Nope
Raylene: No Cole seems to be opportunistic to whoever gets him the better deal
Eric: Nope, not at all.
Melanie: A little (Thank you for joining me on the clueless bench. It gets lonely here sometimes.)
Kent: Yeah, it surprised me. It shouldn’t have, but I had this whole vision of a badass fight, and instead, they’re just working together, for the time being. I am let down.
- Los Olvidados can pretty much take down damn near anybody if on their turf, right?
Kristi: I do enjoy them. They are most definitely someone you want on your side. And to answer the question, yes. They some serious ass kickers! (If we could somehow get Joe from The Purge involved with them, I would be soooo happy.)
Raylene: Very powerful indeed but the kids may be their downfall in the end. (Kids certainly aren’t wise, but they are loyal. A smart person with a plan could handle them, I think.)
Eric: Yes
Melanie: Hells yeah!
Kent: I think I would take Los Olvidados over SAMCRO at the moment. Los Olvidados make me so happy. Between them and the pew scenes, I dig this show. It’s a guilty pleasure.
- Will Bishop’s relationship with the mayor prove beneficial for the MC?
Kristi: I think so.
Raylene: Let’s hope so but I think that poor Mayor may have a nervous breakdown soon
Eric: No not at all
Melanie: Nope
Kent: I am loving the overall lack of agreeing on some of these questions. It tells me that the show isn’t boring paint by numbers and there is a level of unpredictability. I am going to say yes for a while, but in future seasons she will get got. It will be a way to get a new mayor character in to cause trouble and to bring Bishop’s morale down.
Final Thoughts – Is there anything between Angel and Adelita aside from a partnership of sorts?
Kristi: I don’t think so. Just business, for now anyway. (I think this is most likely, but it’s not my answer.)
Raylene: Sure but more importantly it was revealed that Adelita watched her family being slaughtered. I have a hunch that it was Felipe that did the slaughtering perhaps that picture he has of him younger with another man and the decapitated heads are her family. I was also pumped to see Emily get smacked around but then it had to get all stupid in the end. (Hmmm, a compelling theory about Felipe. I loved seeing Emily get smacked but then it got lame. Really, where was the man ass? Kurt Sutter, what’s going on buddy?)
Eric: They bang every once in a while. This will become more prevalent as the season progresses. (Yeah, I’m with you. These guys always got something on the side or at least in the past. It’s a comfort session.)
Melanie: I think their relationship will blossom. (Remember that show, Blossom? I used to watch that after the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. I always thought Jenna Von Oy was underrated.)
Kent: I am torn on this one. I think Eric is on target with his response. I also like this picture.
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