This week Felipe had a long talk with Jimenez, EZ tried helping Coco’s daughter while still being a lovable moron, Bishop is still trying to discover who the mole is, and Los Olvidados get the upper hand against Galindo in numerous ways. My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them. If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names. If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at Please enjoy!
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- How did you feel watching the little girl push the boy off the roof?
Kristi: I didn’t fully understand that. So who was the little boy? What was his story? Why did he have to die? I didn’t care for that scene. (Since I know that you are often multitasking while watching, here’s what you may have missed. Back in Ep 3, Galindo brought those boys to the pew and made them promise to be his eyes and ears like Varys has in Game of Thrones. So this boy had this idea to portray the son/brother of the slain father and son in the marketplace. This tricked the little girl into talking Adelita into bringing the boy into their camp. The boy was smart and was probably hoping not to get killed, and maybe get some favor with this power badass in Galindo. So he recorded the footage of Cristobal (Galindo & Emily’s baby) with the Nun. This is why the Nun got slaughtered. He then also called someone in Galindo’s group, my hope is Nestor, and gave him the coordinates that Adelita had set up because she had noticed the boy was around at very opportune times and seemed nosey. This was the setup. When Nestor and his men arrived, Adelita and group were able to see that they had a mole, and it had to be the boy. The boy was going to basically get Adelita and a good chunk of Los Olvidados killed, or worse. Not because he was evil, but most likely afraid or trying to impress a powerful man. Now, just imagine that Gemma Teller narrated all of that.)
Raylene: It was only a matter of time for him to be killed. The boy was probably threatened by Miguel so it was just a shitty situation on both ends. (He was probably threatened, but I almost feel like he was trying to impress Galindo at the same time.)
Eric: That was disturbing and shocking all at the same time. (It was so many odd feelings for me. The fact that it evoked all of that is impressive writing, in my opinion.)
Melanie: I had one question and one question only during that scene…Why couldn’t it have been Emily? (Preach it! Especially if she got outmuscled by the little girl.)
Kent: At first I was super pumped. I felt happy that the girl got the opportunity because I am sure she felt worse than anybody, betrayed, lied to, like she was doing a good thing. Then I thought about it, and I felt bad for the boy too. Like, he was trying to do what he thought was the best thing for himself and friends. Honestly, it sucks for everybody.
- So Felipe’s partner was some relation to Adelita, most likely her father. Is this a good way to continue to intertwine characters or does it feel like overkill?
Raylene: Well that doesn’t blow my theory of him killing her family that may have been his way out. (It doesn’t blow it yet, but it’s hanging on by a thread.)
Eric: Overkill (Someone had to choose overkill, thankfully you did.)
Melanie: I thought it was an interesting twist and I am interested to see where it goes. (It has my attention, and that’s not always easy to get.)
Kent: I like it. I think I like this because Adelita is by far the best female on the show, followed by the little girl, and Felipe is my favorite male character. So this should be fun. I loved Felipe and Jimenez’s interactions this week.
- Is Coco fucked? By that, I mean do you think that he is going to take the fall as the mole?
Kristi: I do see him taking the fall. They are setting it up for that. I don’t see EZ going anywhere and if his bro takes the fall, then he won’t be taken into the club. I don’t see them knocking off his character so, at the moment it looks like Coco is going down. (That’s a good point. Would EZ even be offered membership if Angel is found to be the mole? You’re probably right and that would ruin a lot of people’s predictions. Well done!)
Raylene: I do see him getting got especially since too much screen time and he is starting to form a relationship with his kid. (I have a friend who friend requested Coco’s daughter on FB.)
Eric: I don’t think so
Melanie: I don’t think he will take the fall, I think the guy that works at the junkyard that Coco won in a game of cards will take the fall. (Nooooooo! Chucky is amazing. You may not have the emotional attachment to Chucky that some SOA fans have though. While never anybody’s favorite, he was almost like a mascot.)
Kent: I hope not, but it’s going to be him or Angel, right? I could very easily see Coco take the fall and EZ get superfly pissed at his brother and this causing even more drama in season 2. Yup, it’s been picked up for a second season, woohoo!
- Are you surprised that Adelita didn’t ambush Nestor and his guys when they investigated the coordinates?
Kristi: Not at all. As soon as he stepped into Mexico I saw the future. They had to do a play off the separation of the deplorables. Just the way of the world right now. (That was fucking poetic.)
Raylene: No she’s pretty cunning it wasn’t the right time to make that move. (Ahh, the timing aspect. Right. If they attack Nestor, they don’t get the pleasure of enjoying Galindo getting messed with.
Eric: They were there to kill that kid, not anything else. (I feel like they only strike with violence if it’s out of necessity.)
Melanie: I agree with Eric, they wanted to kill that kid and make a point. (It’s almost a mind game. Plus they screwed Miguel with the blanket.)
Kent: I really thought that they were walking into certain death. I am convinced that Nestor is gon get got this season, but he is proving elusive. I am surprised.
- Is EZ a dumbass? He went inside the truck of a dead man without wearing any gloves.
Kristi: I really like him but what is with all these amateur moves! Come on Kurt. Stop making him do all this stupid crap. (Considering the things that these men have done in 6 episodes, really, EZ shouldn’t be this naive at this point. His overconfidence will undo him at some point.)
Raylene: Yes he was very stupid to go in there during the day no less. (Yeah, going in the day, I can understand if you are just scouting it out to see if anybody checks the truck, but otherwise, just no..)
Eric: Yes, completely dumb. He should know better. (I swear that he wore gloves in other scenes this season. That part is maddening to me.)
Melanie: I don’t even think his fingerprints being in the truck will end up being a big deal. (Shouldn’t be since they are destroying the truck. It’s like doing something embarrassing when you’re alone. Nobody was around to see it, there’s no evidence, so you keep on keeping on.)
Kent: This was the scene that irked me the most. This was beyond stupid and careless, even for EZ, and we were just talking about how dumb he was last week. It’s a good thing that the dude is incredibly likable or else I’d be wanting him gone.
Final Thoughts – Was anybody excited about the reveal at the end? If you don’t know who the guy was that talked to EZ, his real name is Ray McKinnon, and he was also in Sons of Anarchy for some of season 4, and also was Proctor John in Fear The Walking Dead. Since I speculate that some of you will not know what the hell I am talking about, did you at least enjoy the end song choice this week called “My Father’s Father” by The Civil Wars?
Raylene: Yes I was happy to see him he played both roles in SOA and Fear very well.
Eric: Huh?
Melanie: No idea
Kent: My question did not hit the mark this week. Well, he played Lincoln Potter in season 4 of SOA. The dude is actually one of those cool guys that fit certain roles so incredibly well. He’s a glue guy. So as soon as I heard that voice, I was like, I know that dude! I think he is going to add even more to this show. As for the song, once again, I knew that I recognized the voice instantly. I had to really think on it, then tried to Shazaam, but then my phone was like “Hey, fuck you Kent, you need to rewind the song because I am taking my sweet ass time.” I really have enjoyed the few songs that I have heard of theirs. I first got acquainted with them through wrestling of all things. There was a group of bad guys, The Aces and 8’s, that had this catchy song and then someone pointed out that TNA Impact essentially ripped off a song by The Civil Wars. Somehow TNA got away with this nonsense.
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