Mayans M.C. Television

Mayans M.C. 9 Deuce S:2 Ep:3 “Camazotz”

This week, had a cop execution, a dog named Ope, Alvarez chatting with Mini, the discovery of Ignacio and Dita’s past romance, and Potter missing soup.  My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them.  If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names.  If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at  Please enjoy!

1.  Emily’s plan has seemingly worked out well.  How disappointed are you? Will this eventually backfire on her or Ileana?

Raylene:  Emily trying to act like a gangster I am certain it’ll backfire. I hope Dita does her Gemma Teller style the greatest kitchen death ever.  (There we go.  We didn’t get to hate on Emily much last week, so I wanted to start it off properly this week.)

Kent:  Ileana is playing a foolish game, not one of thrones, but close enough.  She’s gonna fuck up and Miguel will have to regulate….or maybe Nestor. I am so disappointed that this is seemingly working because I hate seeing Emily happy.  She was such a mess in the car and that is the Emily that we all know and despise. This smart gangster shit….hell no. This will go badly for someone.

2.  We now know that there was a romance between Ignacio and Dita.  What are your thoughts on this relatively big plot point?

Raylene:  Like I said last blog Felipe is Miguel’s father so Emily is just sleeping her way through the brothers.  (Angel is with Adelita and her father and Ignacio had a relationship back in the day, so I feel like they are trying too hard to find things for Felipe instead of it being more organic.)

Kent:  I don’t like where this is going and I would like it to end soon and give Felipe something more interesting to do.  It does alter the fans’ perception of him slightly. We thought that he was so loyal to his wife. They seemed to make that very clear and now he’s just another complicated character.  When Galindo tries or succeeds at killing Felipe in season 3, Dita will then get it and then there will be more complications since both the Mayans and Galindo are working with the LO and Adelita, which is why I feel that Adelita is safe this season.

3.  Should the Mayans have really used Hope given her mental state of mind?  Did you enjoy Pollen (dirty cop) and his mom getting killed?

Raylene:  Yeah Hope was very unreliable but was their best bait. Pollen needed to get got and his Mom looked fairly similar to Stupid Rita from Wentworth so I was pleased by the bullet. (I was going to make reference to Rita, but you beat me to it.)

Kent:  The mom may have been the best part of this episode, plus Coco’s reaction.  Coco needs more time and where the hell is his sister??? I think many men are wondering the same thing.  As for Hope, she was in 2 eps of Sons. A bad idea is sometimes the only idea. I’m curious if she will stick around.  This also relates to the name of the episode. Per Wikipedia: “In Maya mythology, Camazotz (/kɑːməˈsɒts/ from Mayan /kämäˈsots/) (alternate spellings Cama-Zotz, Sotz, Zotz) was a bat god. Camazotz means “death bat” in the Kʼicheʼ language. In Mesoamerica the bat was associated with night, death, and sacrifice.”

4.  Adelita has her hands full with Mini and now with Potter on her and Polomo’s ass.  Is this whole situation going to stay as a story on the side or perhaps become more captivating?

Raylene:  This story will be one of the main focus points now once Happy is dealt with.

Kent:  This will be the main story of the second half of the season because Potter and Adelita are arguably 2 of the 5 best characters on the show.  My favorite scene of this episode was Alvarez talking to Mini. I think it was one of the best scenes in the show’s short history. Speaking of Alvarez, he’s in the new Rob Zombie film, “3 From Hell”.  Also, R.I.P. Sid Haig who plays Captain Spaulding in that film.

5.  Happy came home to “Ope”, his dog, and was then greeted by EZ and Angel.  Is there any possibility that Happy survives this season?

Raylene:  Yes Long live Happy

Kent:  The fans kinda want Happy to pay, I think.  I’m not sure because I still really love Happy.  I think deals will be made to keep Happy alive for awhile.  Maybe they learn who was behind everything. They must know that they are sent out on certain missions that hurt or kill people and I doubt that they would constantly want victim’s relatives hunting them down.  I am all for Happy getting got if it brings back both Chibs and Tig. That’s the deal I am willing to make.

Final Thoughts – There were so many great references and scenes this week.  Pick whatever you would like to talk about.

Raylene:  Emily is just awful like I’m going to be a cartel wife now even though I bitched at you for years about your practices. I also want Dita to beat her ass. (I feel that DIta would own Emily in a fight, and I want to see it.)

Kent:  You’ll be shocked to learn that I took many notes.  So here we go with my random tidbits that I enjoyed that I haven’t talked about yet.  They mentioned Vic Mackey early on, which is funny since Michael Chiklis technically killed Jax Teller.  Potter has a female driver. I’ll just make the sexist comment, but in this show especially, it is surprising to see that.  I feel they did it to show just how different Potter is from everybody else in the show. I really felt bad for Bishop in this episode and I think EZ will be patched in by season’s end more than ever due to Medina’s death.  Perhaps my 2nd favorite scene of the episode was Potter talking about watching the lady making soup and how much he misses it. Aside from Coco or Chucky, who else could have pulled that story off? The room that they laid the trap for the cops was 237.  Why does that matter? The Shining had room 237 with the lady in the tub.

I feel that it is obligatory for EZ to have a John Cena type moment every week, overcoming obstacles or just being a really genuinely nice guy, like when he was the first to introduce himself to Hope when she was freaking out.  I truly enjoyed seeing Felipe and Alvarez have a conversation. The execution scene was well done. Even better was the Dio de la Muerte scene with young EZ because that shit was creepy and cool as hell. Once again, props to the writers for calling Happy’s dog “Ope”. I loved that the book that Ileana gave to Emily was Stephen King’s Firestarter.  My goodness, the foreshadowing in using that particular book was fantastic. Also, the book was fantastic and starts out nearby at the Albany, NY airport. Finally, I really liked the song in the end which was Yelawolf’s “Devil In My Veins”.

Finally, I would urge anybody who likes this show to consider joining in on this blog. We could use a few more people, so if you’re interested, leave a comment and let me know how to contact you or email me at I should also say that I now pause the opening song and pull up the original on YouTube so that I can enjoy the rest of the episode. I hate this new version.

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