This week, Dita told Ignacio that he is Miguel’s father, Adelita got captured by the mercs, and Happy told EZ and Angel the truth. My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them. If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names. If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at Please enjoy!
1. How much trouble are Angel and EZ in? The club will be pissed and who knows if Happy will retaliate.
Kristi: I don’t know that much will happen. If anything does the fall will be on Angel since he is technically the shot caller. EZ is still a Prospect so he can’t be held responsible for Angel’s calls. I don’t think Happy will retaliate. He’s just happy his pup got dinner. (Yeah, EZ should be off the hook and I’m not sure if Bishop can afford to go too crazy and potentially lose EZ. He’s a valuable commodity with his memory.)
Raylene: I’m not sure if they will be in any trouble with Happy he seemed to agree to ask around for them and then be done. The club will chop off Angels and EZ middle toe on the left foot. (Will it have green nail polish? If not, I’m not intrigued. That’s a Big Lebowski reference for those who were confused.)
Kent: There will be some bitching and moaning, maybe a commercial break but nothing is fucked. It’s not like they are going to give EZ and Angel the boot from the club midway through the second season. There was no sense in teasing tension. Happy won’t retaliate because he gets it. He understands why they did what they did to him. Let’s be real, Happy would have killed Happy in that same scenario.
2. Dita was owning it this week. Ignacio is Galindo’s father. Emily noticed Felipe’s truck when they left the office. We know that Emily is now going to visit Felipe. Who will be the first one to find out about Ignacio being Galindo’s father?
Kristi: I’m going with EZ. I consider him the Jax of the show so far. He is smart and seems to find shit out. (I hope that he has a better post Mayans career than Jackie Boy did. )
Raylene: I CALLED IT………..I think White Devil will learn from Felipe. (Here we go. You got your one prediction correct for the year. Now settle down. Still wasn’t as solid as my Gendry prediction. I did love when DIta called her the White Devil. DIta was so good this week. I wonder if Kurt Sutter’s wife, Katey Sagal, aka Gemma Teller, got in Kurt’s ear and told him that Dita could be utilized much better than in season 1.)
Kent: This whole thing, I don’t know how I feel about it. Yay, added drama! I really hate the idea that Ignacio was apparently unfaithful to his wife because that was part of his character. Now, this tarnishes his character a bit. Regarding Emily, this is just another excuse to be in touch with EZ again, I think. I am predicting that Angel is the first to find out because the dude needs a win. If not him, then Nestor will somehow overhear a Dita conversation. Don’t sleep on Nestor. This is exactly what his character needs, perhaps more than any other. Then there’s Potter as a dark horse. I give him a 10% chance.
3. Will Packer (Robert Patrick), or anybody else, be able to pinpoint who hired Happy to kill EZ and Angel’s mom?
Kristi: Someone will and they will pay. I think it was a Galindo but not sure who. I was thinking maybe the mom. Perhaps Jose got too close to the truth of who the daddy was and she was worried for her life. (I love this idea of her revealing info to Ignacio but also being the one who set up the hit. That would be a tweest! Also, Fire In The Sky starred Robert Patrick was a really solid film.)
Raylene: I am saying it was Jose Galido who ordered the hit after finding out about Dita and Felipe. I say it’ll be uncovered not by Packer or Happy but Miguel. (Miguel seems likely, so I don’t think it will be him. I don’t know how long he has had power. The timeline obviously matters. I also like how we got Happy’s timeline about being a Nomad.)
Kent: I want to say Devante. Of course, that leads to no big death, but we may not get one if it is Jose or Miguel either. Or Miguel will finish the job on Felipe. I have faith in Robert Patrick.
4. Have we finally heard the last from the Swole Boys? Will there be retaliation?
Kristi: I hope they try. I was really looking forward to watching the gym burn down. (Can they play Nickelback’s “Burn It To The Ground” when this happens? Sorry, I had to.)
Raylene: We’ll see those tools one last time (How did words like tool and douche become associated with such negative connotations? They are both really useful and good things. I don’t get it.)
Kent: I think we are a few episodes away. Maybe episode 7 or 8 and they will try to retaliate. I say that you should continue to bring them back because they are pure cannon fodder for the show.
5. Galindo and Adelita were tracked down by the mercenaries and we know that Potter will be interrogating Adelita. Did Adelita do the smart thing by giving herself up? Will Potter use Adelita against someone else?
Kristi: Adelita is a smart woman. I’m sure she has something up her sleeve. I definitely think
Potter has alternate plans. (The dude who plays Potter also played Charlie Campion in the very beginning of Stephen King’s The Stand. My mind is still blown by this fact.)
Raylene: Yes it was a good move she prevented a lot of bloodshed. Potter will want her to move on Miguel. (Well, there was some blood, but it could have been worse. I get it. I wish Javier Bardem was involved in some way. Then there would be even more blood.)
Kent: I think that she made the only move that definitely kept her alive at that time. If she opened fire on the mercs, she may have gotten got. These are the risks of being the jefe of Los Olvidados. Potter has something sinister in his mind. I don’t know what it may be, but it is something that isn’t super obvious, I hope. If it is something as simple as messing with Galindo or the Mayans, then that will be super lame for the soup man.
Final Thoughts – What was the most ridiculous scene this week?
Kristi: The Swole boys revving their so-called bikes. That was a joke.
Best scene. Happy giving in to save his doggo. That made me Happy 🙂 (Everybody should have a shot for every time Kristi says “Happy” moving forward. Everybody owes 4 at this time. I have this maple-flavored Jim Beam that is tasty, but not for shots. I loved the dog but I wish they could have just fed him sooner to stop the barking.)
Raylene: The damn bike chase scene again. Also any scene with Emily. I was hoping Dita would catch her snooping and blast her (I would love to see Dita kill someone this season. I am pushing my chips in and I am all in on DIta being a badass. I’ll double down on that if the first death is Emily. I also just made a poker and a blackjack reference.)
Kent: Most ridiculous was every scene with the Swole Boys. I have to say, there was one line that I absolutely laughed at. When Adelita and Galindo were talking in the vehicle and she says something about wanting to talk to Emily, I believe. Galindo says “I don’t think she needs to hear your uplifting marriage insight.” The way he said it, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing them on screen together.