This week, SAMCRO tried to make a deal with the Mayans and Vatos Malditos and the aftermath was severe with Riz getting shot and Coco losing his vision. My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them. If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names. If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at Please enjoy!
1. SAMCRO returned in full force, minus Tig, and tried to work a gun deal. If we just focus on the gun deal and not the aftermath, should they have all cooperated? If you say no, who should have bailed?
Raylene: I think nobody would have bailed on the deal because it’s what Jax Teller wanted. But Mayans would have been logical because of the bad blood. (Mayans were just stupid to do this. We all liked Jackie Boy, but the dude knew how fucked up things were and killed himself. Why is this the guy that these clubs want to do right by? It is a tad odd to me.)
Kent: These deals have historically never been good because something bad happens and then there’s retribution. Realistically, both the Mayans and Vatos should have pulled out. Neither could trust the other. Yes, money is nice, but I don’t think it was worth any potential war. A lot of the men at the table knew the history. Chibs also knew better.
2. Now let’s talk about the aftermath. Riz took some shots for Taza and Coco is experiencing some form of blindness. Which one was worse? Will Adam allow the MC’s to do business at the Flying Serpent Lodge anymore?
Raylene: Riz looks to be on life support so not sure if he’ll pull through. Coco is still alive just can’t see at the moment. (As we are getting accustomed to on other TV shows, these blindness situations tend to be temporary or partial. A gunshot wound is still lethal at times.)
Kent: I have to assume that Coco’s blindness is temporary, or maybe one eye will be messed up. Riz appears to be in far worse shape currently and the immediate future. And he’s vulnerable at the hospital. I think Adam is not going to allow any further business meeting between MC’s.
3. Will the Vatos Malditos be the main antagonist of season 3?
Raylene: Seems likely and Potter as well. (Potter’s run seems likely to run through next season and then they will probably have to finish that one.)
Kent: With only 2 more episodes, it would make some sense. Someone seems due to die soon, and that is all that is really missing for this thing to become combustible. I can see any number of people getting got. But just when things seem likely to explode, it can often fizzle. I have a hunch that this shit is resolved within 5 episodes. Potter will still be doing work throughout all of season 3.
4. Dita is the one who paid for the hit on Felipe and Marisol. Do you question if she was telling the truth about Felipe being Miguel’s son? Are we going to find out that Dita was a badass all along like her husband? Does this change your feelings toward Dita?
Raylene: A jilted lover can do crazy serious things. I still love Dita especially if she takes out Emily. (Crazy bitches are crazy bitches.)
Kent: I’m not mad at Dita. But she needs to be held accountable for her actions. I am truly wondering if Miguel is Felipe’s son or not. I almost feel like that could have been a lie to try to tie Felipe closer to her in some way. Women play some really stupid games like this.
5. Emily was finding out info for EZ and then told Felipe. Miguel has been having her followed closely and he showed up at the end, seemingly very pissed off. Does Miguel know about the hit? If not, will this put a bigger strain on his relationship with Emily or Dita? Is this leading to Emily leaving Miguel for EZ?
Raylene: I don’t think he knows about the hit. I think it’ll affect his relationship with Dita if he knows the whole truth. I don’t think Emily is going anywhere that’s too good of a cash cow to give up. (The show’s theme song just started playing on my Amazon playlist. Good timing! Do you think Emily is in it only for the money? I do, but I feel like the show doesn’t want to make her character that type of girl.)
Kent: I go back and forth on whether Miguel knows about the hit. I am leaning toward no, but that would be truly fascinating to me if he did know. Both women in his life are walking headaches for him at the moment and neither are providing much for him. Technically, Emily is more important since she is raising his son. Still, I think the early tension will be with Emily and then I think that Dita will get put down. Of course, this is leading to Emily and EZ around season 4 or 5.
Final Thoughts – What a great episode. It was arguably the best of the season, so far. With tensions super high at the moment, by the time the credits roll at the end of the season, will we be mourning the loss of one of our favorite characters? If yes, then who?
Raylene: Riz, Angel and hopefully Emily. (I am shocked that you would include Emily.)
Kent: I was going to suggest that Raylene had too many names on this list. Then I came across the news of Kurt Sutter being fired from FX for being and “abrasive dick” and now I have no idea what to expect. Obviously, everything was filmed prior to the firing. Still, you have to wonder if Kurt knew the writing was on the wall, what crazy shit did he write for the season to end on. I am going to say Felipe and Dita both die along with a few Vatos.
I like to end with talking about the meaning of the show’s episode title. This week’s episode was titled “Kukulkan”. Here’s a little excerpt from Wikipedia.
“Although heavily Mexicanised, Kukulkan has his origins among the Maya of the Classic Period, when he was known as Waxaklahun Ubah Kan (/waʃaklaˈχuːn uːˈɓaχ kän/), the War Serpent, and he has been identified as the Postclassic version of the Vision Serpent of Classic Maya art.[3]
The cult of Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl was the first Mesoamerican religion to transcend the old Classic Period linguistic and ethnic divisions.[4] This cult facilitated communication and peaceful trade among peoples of many different social and ethnic backgrounds.[4] Although the cult was originally centred on the ancient city of Chichen Itza in the modern Mexican state of Yucatán, it spread as far as the Guatemalan Highlands.[5]”
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