This week, Taza kills Riz, Emily meets with the Reyes family and determine that Dita ordered the hit, and Miguel is getting fed up with lies. My name is Kent and I write the questions every week and I have a great group of people who answer them. If you are familiar with some of the other TV Show blogs that we do on the site, then you will recognize most of the names. If you would like to participate in the blog and answer my inane questions, please contact me at Please enjoy!
1. Why was EZ’s first assumption that Miguel placed the hit on his parents and not Dita?
Kristi: He thought Miguel was out for revenge. Thinking he knew the truth. (EZ sometimes gets caught up in thinking that he knows everything. It’s a good character flaw, yet I feel they do the same with Potter and Miguel. Sometimes I just like average intelligence guys who know their lane.)
Raylene: He has always assumed Miguel was the downfall of his relationship with Emily. (It always comes back to Emily, doesn’t it?)
Kent: It’s always easier to blame that which you loathe or hate than be objective. Still, for as smart as he is, anything Emily related will always be his kryptonite.
2. Why did Taza kill Riz? What secrets could he be holding? Are you at all surprised that they killed Riz?
Kristi: To get the crew to take action. No retaliation is kinda BS after the way it all went down. I need retaliation, as do they. (As a viewer, I’d love some retaliation!)
Raylene: This was to push Bishop into making the correct call. Without his death, things would’ve just been left in the past. (But is it the right call? These guys went and slaughtered many members of an MC without warning. It feels like Woodbury all over again.)
Kent: I know what the ladies are saying is very logical in this world, but I cannot agree. In my opinion, there is something deeper at play. If Taza wanted retaliation, he would have simply voted for it and manned up. Many of the brothers did and it was fine. That’s why you vote. I paid a lot of attention to his interaction with Creeper. There was something there that he isn’t telling anybody. Maybe RIz knew the truth about this secret. Had he voted, he could have got vengeance. Killing a brother just seems way over the top for something achieved much easier.
3. Should Bishop have maintained the vote for vengeance or should they have kept the deal as is?
Kristi: I like Vengeance vote. We need more action. Thinking of SOA, this show is weak in taking action. There would have been many more deaths by now if Kurt was in charge. I’m still waiting for the, Oh shit, episode. (I believe that Kurt still wrote this season, but wasn’t on set as much, and when he was, some talent didn’t take to him. The man who played Riz seemed quite disgruntled in a recent interview.)
Raylene: No, vengeance is needed over money. (How are they going to afford all that Miller Lite? If you got the time….we’ve got the beer….Miller Beer)
Kent: I will stand by my opinion that agreeing to help SAMCRO with the guns was a piss poor idea. But once they agreed, they quintessentially said that they were in it for the money for the time being. Bishop knew the possibilities when he agreed. He would have been more surprised if the VM didn’t strike back, quite frankly. So knowing this, I feel that sticking with the agreement was the way to go once they initially agreed. The VM counter-attack shouldn’t have surprised anybody. Vengeance makes for better TV, I just wish that Bishop never agreed to the initial deal.
4. What the hell is EZ thinking by lying to Marcus of all people?
Kristi: He thinks he’s doing right by his family. He’s wrong. Shit is going down. (I feel that this show should truly serve as a cautionary roadsign for any wannabe members of M.C.’s. You need to figure out your priorities and make sure that you can make the sacrifices necessary. Otherwise, what is the point? EZ lives this life that is kinda shitty, right? He’s just a prospect. He has all of this nonsense swirling around him. Wouldn’t life just be easier to drop out of the M.C.?)
Raylene: He just being stupid.
Kent: You know those times when you look down, close your eyes and shake your head in disbelief? Yeah, that was me. You can get away with lying to certain people. But there is a very complex formula that exists for the number of people that you can lie to and their significance and role in your life. In EZ’s case, he’s in way over his head. The reality is that once everybody knows that it was Dita who made the call for the hit, we will see where everybody’s loyalties lie. I think that is the game-changer.
5. Do you feel that Jose would have been understanding or forgiving if Emily had opened up and told him the truth when the opportunity was presented?
Kristi: No, she has her hands in too many things. She is not to be trusted. (They could give her the Chucky treatment. Then her hands wouldn’t be in so many things. I’d accept that.)
Raylene: Nope she’s a liability as I’ve been saying all along. Elimination time. (Total Elimination?)
Kent: I think that Jose would have been furious. He may have made a point to get EZ out of the club, or worse. Still, I think that he would have handled it well considering that he just wants to know what he is dealing with more than anything. Knowledge is his biggest asset. He and Potter are similar in that regard. They have so many tools at their disposal, but knowledge is what keeps them powerful.
Final Thoughts – Who has put Miguel in a worse position: Dita or Emily?
Kristi: Emily. She is the one that helped dig up the past. And now she is giving EZ the leverage that her man needs. She’s not a very loyal chick. That’s shitty.
Raylene: Both really have to some degree but I say Dita has.
Kent: Based on what we know, it has to be Emily. Dita did one really bad thing, that we are aware of. Emily not only dug up the info and gave the Reyes family the info, but there is the Marlon situation as well. Miguel knows something isn’t right about that and he fears it coming back on him, and rightfully so. Both undermine Miguel, I feel that Emily simply does it more frequently. By the way, how great was that dinner scene with Miguel, Dita, and Emily?
I am wondering if Miguel will give the okay to make Dita disappear. I think that would calm some of the shit down. If Dita is out of the picture, I’d assume that things at home would be calmer for Miguel and Emily. Just a thought. I still think that Dita and Felipe die tonight.