House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep6 “The Princess and the Queen”

This week, at least for now, it is Jim and Me. Chris is in Florida, so he’s in Hurricane Hell. We wish him well. This week’s episode, “The Princess and the Queen”, concludes the time jump, for the foreseeable future. We have new actors playing Rhaenyra, Alicent, Laena, and Laenor. We have 7 children of […]

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep5 “We Light the Way”

Last week finally felt like a Game of Thrones show, but this week had a Westerosi Wedding, and it was awesome. One could argue that the first 4 episodes existed to build up this single episode, and I am not sure I would argue against it. Chris and Jim are here to help me answer […]

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep4 “King of the Narrow Sea”

Chris, Jim, and I give their thoughts on a most interesting episode of House of the Dragon. This episode had sex, betrayal, more betrayal…. a lot of betrayals, and a puppet show. But did anything Daemon do in this episode make that much sense? As always, anything written in BOLD is from me. 1. What […]

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep2 “The Rogue Prince”

Welcome back, everyone! Chris and I are back. The ghost of Jim still haunts us, but he will be joining us soon. This week, we see the plot move forward to help make sense of the impending time jump. This worked rather well. Also, we get a little insight into the Crab Feeder. 1.   […]

House of the Dragon

House of the Dragon S1 Ep 1 “The Heirs of the Dragon”

We’re back! Well kinda. Chris and Jim are back to help me with this project. Unfortunately, timing hasn’t been kind these first 2 episodes for Jim, but he will be here with us soon. The format is the same as it ever was. I ask 5 questions about the episode and a bonus question that […]

Game of Thrones Television

The Game of Thrones 9 Deuce – S:8 Ep:6 “The Iron Throne”

By now, it’s been over 2 weeks since the show ended. I wanted to wait a little bit before releasing this one. Whether you were happy, angry, satisfied, or any emotion, you absolutely felt something by the time the final credits rolled. We are here to discuss as much as possible. Please check out our […]

Game of Thrones Television

The Game of Thrones 9 Deuce – S:8 Ep:5 “The Bells”

This was a week of Dany being a crazy bitch while Cersei, Jaime, Sandor, Gregor, Qyburn, Euron, and Varys got got. Oh, there is only one episode left and they could use about 3-4 more episodes. Can somebody remind me why they cut this season to 6 episodes? Please check out our podcast where we […]

Game of Thrones Television

The Game of Thrones 9 Deuce – S:8 Ep:4 “The Last of the Starks”

This was a week of celebration, manipulation, and cremation. The plot thickens as we now see what is in store for Cersei and King’s Landing. Will Dany Please check out our podcast where we discuss this episode on Kenter At Your Own Risk. My name is Kent and each week, I will ask some questions […]

Game of Thrones Television

The Game of Thrones 9 Deuce – S:8 Ep:2 “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

This week, we saw the preparation for the impending war, Jon revealing his identity to Dany, a lot of new or very old interactions, and Arya getting nude with Gendry in an episode called “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”. We also have a new writer this week. I’d like to welcome Johnny to the […]

Game of Thrones Television

The Game of Thrones 9 Deuce – S:8 Ep:1 “Winterfell”

We are back for the final season of Game of Thrones. If you read this blog before or any of the TV shows that we discuss, most of the names will be familiar to you. My name is Kent and each week, I will ask some questions that I hope don’t always have a clear […]