Game of Thrones Television

The Game of Thrones 9 Deuce – S:7 Ep4 – Bronn Still Doesn’t Have A Castle Edition

So that’s what a huge battle between main characters looks like.  That was cool, and absolutely terrifying if you’re a fan of Bronn or Jaime.  I’m back with my roving gang of GoT fans who are here to help me answer the questions that were on my mind this week.  We finally got Briana on […]

Game of Thrones Television

The Game of Thrones 9 Deuce – S:7 Ep3 – The Queens Reign Supreme Edition

Every week, I get some volunteers to answer these questions, and sometimes I leave a comment in bold, just for fun. We are doing a weekly podcast throughout this season, so if you would like to hear us chat about it, please check out Are You Not Kentertained.  We’re also on iTunes if you want to […]

Game of Thrones Television

The Game of Thrones 9 Deuce – S:7 Ep2 – The Return of Hot Pie Edition

While the season premiere was an absolute delight, I think this episode truly kicked off the season, in my mind.  If you are new to 9 Deuce, the idea is a simple one.  I ask 9 questions relevant to the episode and 2 bonus questions that are about Game of Thrones in general.  Every week, […]