Season 1 Television The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone – S:1 Ep:2 “One For The Angels”

This episode holds a special place in my heart.  I thought so highly of this episode that I wrote and made a parody of the episode.  It had a lot going for it. It never appears on people’s top 25 lists, and that’s fine.  Ed Wynn is the star of this one as Lou Bookman […]

Top 5 Lists

Top 5 Horror List: Best Theme Song/Soundtrack Song

Welcome everybody to a new feature that the 9 Deuce Horror group is now offering.  We are doing a month Top 5 list on the horror genre for the foreseeable future.  We are also bringing back the one horror film a month blog.  Finally, we will also have a monthly podcast discussing both of these […]

9 Deuce Group Film Discussions

9 Deuce Horror Presents: Jaws (1975)

Welcome to our 9 Deuce Horror group’s Jaws discussion.  You know the drill by now.  I ask 9 film specific questions and then have some wiggle room for 2 bonus questions that may not be film specific.  I am your host, Kent, and today I am here with Tom, Kristi, Chris, Sara, Thomas, and Dom. […]