Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:10 Ep:15 “The Tower”

This episode, we get to learn more about Princess. We also see both sides prepare for war and many people are in a precarious position. My name is Kent, and I ask 5 weekly questions (sometimes more) and then people answer them.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and […]

Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:10 Ep:9 “Squeeze”

This episode, the group tries to make it out of the cave together and alive, but that ain’t happening. Also, Negan and Alpha get nude. My name is Kent, and I ask 5 weekly questions and then people answer them.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you […]

Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:10 Ep:6 “Bonds”

This week, Carol and Daryl try to learn the Whispserer’s routine, Eugene makes contact with a mysterious lady, there’s a bad flu, and Negan is charming Alpha. My name is Kent, and I ask 5 weekly questions and then people answer them.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and […]

Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:10 Ep:5 “What It Always Is”

This week, Negan escaped with a jerkface named Brandon and talked about nut-tapping. Magna’s group is boring us, but Ryan Hurst is singing. My name is Kent, and I ask 5 weekly questions and then people answer them.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy and if you or someone […]

Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:10 Ep:4 “Silence The Whisperers”

This week, Lydia is assaulted and Negan saves her while killing Margo. Elsewhere, Hilltop has a tree fall and Luke is heading to Oceanside with Michonne and Judith. My name is Kent, and I ask 5 weekly questions and then people answer them.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I hope you enjoy […]

Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:9 Ep:16 “The Storm”

This was the season 9 finale and it was a mixed bag. We did get snow, but it appears that Ezekiel and Carol are finished. Negan’s redemption arc continued this week. My name is Kent, and I ask 5 weekly questions and then people answer them.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  I […]

Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:9 Ep:14 “Scars”

We finally learned about Michonne and Daryl’s scars. They were branded, by children. Crazy trained murderous children. There was some physical and emotional scarring this week. I am very wordy this week. My name is Kent, and I ask 5 weekly questions and then people answer them.  Any comments in BOLD are written by me.  […]

Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:9 Ep:9 “Adaptation”

This week, we saw the fallout from Jesus’ death and knowing a little bit more about the threat that is The Whisperers. Michonne captured Alpha’s daughter, Lydia, and Alpha is not having that.

Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:9 Ep:8 “Evolution”

This week, Daryl, Jesus, Aaron, and Dog went on a rescue mission to find Eugene.  Carol and Michonne had an odd conversation planting more seeds.  Gabriel was so wound up by Negan’s words that he accidentally left the cell unlocked.  At the end, Jesus got cocky and paid for it.  My name is Kent, and I ask […]

Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:9 Ep:7 “Stradivarius”

This week, we saw Rosita attempt to escape the Whisperers while Eugene is hiding.  Carol is asking Daryl to watch over Henry while he is in Hilltop.  Also, Daryl has a dog named Dog.  My name is Kent, and I ask 9 episode-specific questions, and 2 bonus questions, and that’s how we get the 9 […]