The group is back to discuss this week’s AHS. So far, not a lot of positivity going around, but even worse, not much of a plot. I sense some of us are struggling to truly enjoy this season like we have in season’s past. Still, we will trudge on! This week, we have Dom, Melanie, […]
Tag: Sarah Paulson
We are back to discuss this season of AHS. I really wish we had started doing this from the first season. Alas, we are starting the Cult season and while it is too early to judge it properly, the numbers aren’t lying and neither is the viewer feedback. I have heard a lot of negative […]
American Horror Story S:6 Ep:3 9 Deuce We’re back again. This week, I am joined by Tom and Stef. We are here to talk about Chapter 3 of My Roanoke Nightmare. It was a solid episode. I hope you enjoy!!!! Please leave a comment, answer some questions, ive me your take on some of these […]
The AHS 9 Deuce Discussion for season 6 episode 2 Welcome one and all to this week’s AHS 9 Deuce Discussion. We will be discussing “Chapter Two” of season six. This week I am joined by Stefanie, Tom and my former co-worker, Kelly. The format is simple: I ask questions that are sometimes reasonable, sometimes […]
First of all, did anybody pick up on the fact that Chaz Bono was in the first episode? He was one of the Polk’s, the one with the wife beater on. Knowledge is power! At the end of this blog, there will be a TLDR version of what I wrote for your millennial reading pleasure. […]