Game of Thrones Television

The Game of Thrones 9 Deuce – S:7 Ep2 – The Return of Hot Pie Edition

While the season premiere was an absolute delight, I think this episode truly kicked off the season, in my mind.  If you are new to 9 Deuce, the idea is a simple one.  I ask 9 questions relevant to the episode and 2 bonus questions that are about Game of Thrones in general.  Every week, I get some volunteers to answer these questions, and sometimes I leave a comment in bold, just for fun.

We are doing a weekly podcast throughout this season, so if you would like to hear us chat about it, please check out Are You Not Kentertained.  We’re also on iTunes if you want to subscribe.

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  1.  Do you think that there is any way for Theon to redeem himself moving forward?

Chris:  I can’t see any way for him to. I wonder if he and Bran will meet this season  (Fingers crossed.)

Jim:  truthfully no…. I felt it was a slight reach for him to redeem himself in the Sansa story line…. he pushed a girl off a balcony when she was focused elsewhere…. not the stuff of legends…. this time he’s let his natural sister down twice (once while in captivity), and I think there is no going back to what was…. I still think he dies this season, but it may now be his sister who does it.  (I don’t know, pushing her off a balcony was borderline legendary.)

Raylene:  I see no way he can when it comes right down to a battle he ends up going back to his torture days from Ramsay I am surprised he hasn’t gotten killed already.  (Shame that he isn’t dead.)

Kent:  Sure, if he finds Gendry and gets him on the Iron Throne.  Aside from that, hell no.

  1.  Will Jon bend at the knee to appease Dany?

Chris:  If anyone would if would be Jon. Which could cause friction in the north. I don’t think he will

Jim:  I don’t believe he will bend at the knee, however he will show her respect and convince her of their mutual goals allowing for a free north provided he agrees to allow her southern reign uncontested..  

Raylene:  I don’t think he will bend the knee for her. I do think he will be a respectable guest in her castle for that is in his nature.

Kent:  This one intrigues me.  I’m going to say that he will not bend at the knee, but I’m only 65% sure of this one.  He’s got a lot of pride and is short on common sense at times.  Still, he’s entering unknown territory for him, so he may just due to being outnumbered.

  1.  If you could save either Yara or Ellaria at this point in time, who would it be?

Chris:  Allyria’s daughter, so we can get Bronn a booty call this season  (Best response possible.)

Jim:  easy…. Ellaria…. with her fleet decimated, Yara has nothing left to offer.  I believe Theon will try, in failure…

Raylene: I would save Ellaria for she definitely has more of a fight skill set and very seductive ways of fighting even though her fighting is mainly based on emotions not thought.   

Kent:  Ellaria has more theoretical power, so going with her.

  1.  Has Euron accomplished enough to warrant Cersei’s hand(s) in marriage?

Chris:  Nope. Would that stop her from banging him? Probably not

Jim:  marriage no, however I see them hooking up and working together, but never get the chance to wed…. still hold firm to my prediction that as they begin down this road…. Euron kills Jaime, and Cersei kills Euron.

Raylene:  No he has not warranted a marriage but has done enough to get her attention perhaps a little sexual chocolate.

Kent:  Sure.  I’m guessing she hasn’t had any D in some time, so why not just go with some crazy dude who has a hell of a track record?  Plus, don’t you get the feeling that she may want to make Jaime jealous?

  1.  Was Jon being a tad mean to Littlefinger, based on his knowledge?  Please take out what we as fans know, and just consider Jon’s perspective.

Chris:  This old(ish) dude who sold his sister to the Boltons just told him he wanted to bang her like he wanted to bang the woman who made Jon’s life hell. Probably warranted (I’m really glad that we are bringing “Bang” back to the forefront of the conversation.)

Jim:  it’s tough to say how much he knows about Littlefinger deeds, but I think her does know that Littlefinger sold Sansa to the Boltons, and he seems generally slimy..  so no, I I think it was a warranted warning.

Raylene:  I think Jon got defensive because he knows that Littlefinger left her there with Ramsey and the horror she faced.

Kent:  Yes, I would say so.  Littlefinger allowed Jon to live and rule by coming to his aide at the Battle of the Bastards.  A little bit of social decorum could go a long way for Jon.  Plus Sansa secretly enjoyed being with Ramsay.  That whole 50 Shades mentality.  Believe that.

  1.  Was it really that big of a deal that it was 4 women and a midget plotting a course of action to take the throne?

Chris:  No. Kudos to diversity

Jim:  not particularly…. it goes to highlight that the path of Daenerys has not gone the normal or expected route…. really, unless you read the books, did anyone see Tyrion working with her?

Raylene:  At the time their plan seemed to be a reasonable one but now It seems they may need to draw the Lannisters to Casterly Rock and take them out there.

Kent:  No, it seemed perfectly normal, until I watched the after the episode thing and they wanted to practically suck each other off over the diversity.  Seriously, get over yourselves.

  1.  Out of all of the strategies presented in that room, such as Olenna suggesting that Dany be a dragon, vs Dany not wanting to leave the city in ashes, whose philosophy do you most agree with?

Chris:  Olenna got her entire family massacred, probably not a good idea to follow her decisions. Go Tyrion! (I’m still mourning her husband.)

Jim:  if she leaves it all in ashes, she will be painted with the same brush as the mad king, and being the benevolent ruler forced an uprising of the masters last season…. weak answer but I say a push…. pick the areas to bring the hellfire and pick the areas to work with the other kingdoms (like the north)  

Raylene:  At first I wanted to see it all burn to the ground (Nickelback) but now Dany needs to separate the Lannisters troops to whittle them down (Really? Nickelback?)

Kent:  Just burn what you need in order to take over.  This seems very simple, but now Dany has dicked around so much that Qybern has a ballista to do work.  Dany is such a dumbass.  Olenna should be doing something more important.

  1.  Is this the last that we will see of Nymeria (Arya’s direwolf)?

Chris:  No, but how will she return

Jim:  I don’t think so…. I can see a return in the woods as Arya gets into trouble…. bringing the wolf pack as well (hopefully they don’t get blackout drunk..  that’s been done before)  (I miss the NWO Wolfpack.)

Raylene:  Yes I think sadly it is because she didn’t seem to recognize Arya anymore

Kent:  I have a feeling that it may be the last time since they seem to be avoiding the book stuff.  I hope that I am wrong, but time is a commodity that this show is lacking.  Seriously, why are they pushing this so fast?  It’s such a hit, why isn’t HBO simply telling them to draw this out longer?

  1.  What interests you more: Melisandre’s role in Dany’s plot or Sansa ruling the north while Jon is away?

Chris:  Sansa, mostly because like I said in the podcast, it would be nice to see one person rise above the pettiness and greed (Damnit Chris, this is Game of Thrones!  We need pettiness and greed.)

Jim:  Sansa…. this is where we see what Littlefinger does, and if he ends with the north and moves to Cersei..  or plays both for the win…. though I like the idea of Jon and Danny meeting (family reunion) Sansa Littlefinger is more intriguing. (It is intriguing, but I’m still having some issues putting the pieces together as to how it all fits together.)

Raylene:  Melisandre’s role because I am curious to see if Jon lives to his word I believe he said he’d kill her on sight

Kent:  Melisandre because in the battle of the gingers, Mel has gotten nude for us, while Sansa has been a prude.  Yup, my reasons are flawed.

Bonus Deuce

  1.  Do you think that Grey Worm will be successful in his attack on Casterly Rock?

Chris:  Yes

Jim:  until I saw the sex scene I woulda said yes…. but now though they will be successful taking Casterly Rock, he won’t leave alive (horror code) (The fear is real.)

Raylene:  I would say no I believe Grey worm will come to his demise.

Kent:  Grey Worm has been such a big part of the story, but then the sex scene.  Damnit, they are really mindfucking me.  I say that he returns to Missendei. Although if Jon and Dany join forces, Jon is a leader, but will the unsullied get a new leader or just follow Jon?  Man, now I am worried for Grey Worm as his role is no longer as big with all of these forces joining.

  1.  We got Hot Pie back.  Will we get Gendry back at some point this season?

Chris:  Sorry Kent but no (Boooooooooooooo)

Jim:  yes…. the longest tease in the show.  You say the north remembers, well so does the viewers…. every blog,chat room, fanboy/girl etc is mentioning him…. he will be back in some capacity, or at least his story closed.

Raylene:  I would hope so

Kent:  I don’t like Chris’ response.  He’s also probably right.  If it happens, just know that the shouts of joy will be coming from this bald bastard.

All the pictures used in this blog are for review purposes. They are the property of HBO.

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