Every week, I get some volunteers to answer these questions, and sometimes I leave a comment in bold, just for fun.
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- Admit it, you thought Tyrion’s plan to take Casterly Rock was a good one.
Chris: Jon’s odds are getting better and better
Jim: I did, however I thought (in error) that they were going to get dragon support…. dragon support would have destroyed Euron’s fleet which she wanted as well. I still think even if the entire army was there…. they could have won, with much heavier casualties…. the clock is still ticking on Grey Worm
Raylene: I did think it was a decent plan perhaps they should have sent one of the dragon’s there for the ultimate manpower.
Kristi: It wasn’t terrible. I would have thought more would go in through the tunnel though.
Kent: It seemed totally valid at the time. Cersei seemed vulnerable 2 episodes ago. My my my, how things have changed. Lots of life lessons to be learned here.
- Who got the better end of the discussion between Jon Snow and Daenerys? Should Jon have bent the knee to Daenerys?
Chris: Dany got the better, but Jon came off more reasonable and mature. Go figure
Jim: Jon did what I expected…. conveyed his point without giving up his position. It was the right choice, and I believe they will become strong allies, without him bending the knee. Right now, he got what he wanted and she didn’t, but made headway with an ally.
Raylene: I think Jon made the right choice not to bend the knee to her since he really doesn’t know how she is as a ruler and only experience he’s had was with the Mad King. He is making the point that defeating Cersei isn’t the priority now
Kristi: Jon. He seems to be the only one that is really focusing on the main objective. Kill the Whitewalkers and stay alive. Dany is starting to get on my nerves actually. (Welcome to my point of view.) He absolutely made the right choice to not bend the knee. They need to work together.
Kent: Jon did because Dany is busy acting like a petulant child who got her toy taken away while being whipped and chained, but the point remains the same. She is way too cocky and full of herself at all of the wrong times it seems, at least the past 2-3 seasons, which is when I got off the Dany train. Jon is the voice of reason, and Davos is an Onion Knight. Neato.
- Where will Jorah Mormont end up next on our TV screens?
Chris: I can’t wait till his niece kicks his ass
Jim: I see him ending up with Khaleesi, as expected.. but he may show up on his journey to her running into someone else…. Hound and Arya are travelers who he could run into…
Raylene: He will make his way to Daenerys since that is where his heart lies
Kristi: He will be find Khaleesi
Kent: I just don’t think that he makes it right back to Dany immediately. I think that Jim is on to something, and I think Jorah meeting up with the Brotherhood would make for a great time. 2 of my favorites having a scene would be magical. Fuck Dany and Jon, give me Jorah and Hound.
- Has Euron Greyjoy become the most entertaining character on the show this season (Just for this season, not all time.)?
Chris: Euron is awesome and badass, but I still think I would rather watch the power trio Davos, Jorah, and Bronn road trip split off we talked about the other night (I would give HBO $50 for a full episode of that.)
Jim: “All this excitement is getting me hard”. (Great line.) Yes, he is fun, but I still enjoy Bronn and just caught a glimpse of him, so tbd…. and I still stand by my Cersei/Jaime/Euron death chart…. I see him offing Jaime, them the jilted lover Cersei offing him.
Raylene: I have to admit yes he has. Hopefully, we will see and hear more from Bronn since we saw him with Jamie
Kristi: Nope. My favorite is the dragons. I know they haven’t been on too much or done anything significant yet but it brings me joy every time they are on. (Yeah, I don’t know anybody who doesn’t get some pleasure from seeing the dragons. They are so delightful.)
Kent: Of course he is. Nobody else has made you laugh more this season than Euron. Wait, has anybody even made us laugh? Euron is an 80’s wrestling heel brought to life in Game of Thrones. Ravishing Rick Rude would love this guy.
- If Bran can see everything, why isn’t he warning Sansa about Littlefinger?
Chris: He sees what he is looking for. If he isn’t actively looking at/for something he is unaware of it
Jim: He is too busy watching sister hate porn? (Too soon?). (Never too soon for hate porn references in these lurid blogs.) Maybe he already sees it play out, and doesn’t need to intervene….
Raylene: Perhaps Littlefinger is going to die so Bran doesn’t see the point of warning Sansa (Interesting..)
Kristi: That would be too easy.
Kent: I think Bran has seen it, but is also aware that things have to play out a certain way for the other stuff to happen. I do think that in the books, at the very least, we will find out that Bran knew but chose not to intervene.
- Bronn is back! (YAAAAAAAY!!!!) Will Jaime/Cersei reward him with Highgarden (Olenna’s place)?
Chris: No. Sam’s dad, Bronn’s liege is getting it
Jim: I could see that, but not till after they try and take back Casterly Rock, which I’m not sure will be as easy as they think.. but he deserves it, after giving up a lordship to help Jaime in the first place.
Raylene: That or they will give him Casterely Rock if it’s taken back
Kent: Unfortunately, Tarley will probably get it, but I will say Bronn gets it and then they give Tarley Casterly Rock, just to be different.
- Did the writers intentionally dumb down Daenerys and her efforts to get the throne in order to make Cersei look better/smarter?
Chris: No. She had so many advantages if it played out realistically it would have been over in 2 episodes
Jim: no, we have just had a longer history of Cersei’s schemes to see how conniving she is, so her Casterly Rock/HighGarden move is just another in a long history of her moves. Daenerys still needs to take her leadership lumps per se to get her feet under her.
Raylene: I think they are showing the years of listening and watching Tywin. Dany is still wet behind the ears with war. The age difference is on Cersei’s side here
Kristi: Cersei is better and smarter. She has a lifetime of this behind her. I obviously want Dany to win but she isn’t as seasoned as Cersei when it comes to war.
Kent: Dany is smarter than this, so I say they dumbed her character down. Yes, we know that Cersei learned from Tywin, but I mean, it’s not like Dany couldn’t have systematically conquered rather than dividing people up. Her advisors should have known better. If Jorah or Ser Berristan or whatever the old guy’s name was who got killed by the Harpies, they would have been more helpful.
- Do you even feel sorry for Ellaria Sand’s daughter, Tyene, after getting poisoned by Cersei?
Chris: No, but I felt bad for Bronn
Jim: I feel bad, but she earned it…. if you mess with someone’s kid, bad things happen eventually.
Raylene: No because unfortunately, the sins of the mother’s the daughters have paid the ultimate price.
Kristi: I did feel sorry her.
Kent: I can’t top or argue Chris’ point. I didn’t feel bad. This all goes back to if Oberyn had not been so damn cocky and finished the Mountain, none of this has to happen. No, it’s not Ellaria or Tyene’s faults, but that’s the crux of the issue. Cersei was justified.
- Melisandre and Varys had a small conversation, but it sounds like bad news for Varys. Assuming that he is to die, who do you think will kill him?
Chris: Littlefinger
Jim: Littlefinger…. just a hunch…. no basis to go by, but I felt they were two of the same when they shared the screen in the first season or two, and I always thought they couldn’t share the same space forever.
Raylene: I think a white walker will get him
Kent: Why not Qybern? That dude is all kinds of crafty and got Pycell killed. That’s my pick, but Cersei seems more likely.
Bonus Deuce
- If you have a favorite quote or scene from Olenna Tyrell, please write it down.
Chris: You will serve the cheese when I say to serve the cheese!
Jim: “You are in the presence of Daenerys (insert title here)..”. “This is Jon Snow”
Had to add it…. first thing I saw after I watched the episode
Raylene: You’re not in your sanctuary now, my dear. All I have to do is whistle and my men will stroll in here and bash you about until I tell them to stop
Kristi: He really was a cunt, wasn’t he?—on Joffrey
Kent: Kristi did the one I wanted. Here’s a solid list.
- What one thing will you remember from this episode above all else?
Chris: Cersei’s revenge on Ellaria. I know what Kent’s will be
Jim: Who knew just cutting off stonescale and putting on an ointment was the miraculous cure for this disease that we have never known of?
Raylene: Jon and Davos’ reaction to when they first saw the dragons
Kristi: The look on Jon’s face when the dragon flew over him. That was awesome! I had to rewind it to watch it again.
Kent: Davos trying to do a regal job of pronouncing Jon’s accomplishments, and of course the finger in the bum line. Grey Worm’s realization was also really well done.
Final Thoughts (An opportunity to hit on anything that I missed with my questions, or to make predictions, complain, or celebrate the episode.)
Chris: Euron and Jaime is going to be a fun deathmatch
Jim: *pour drink on floor for Olenna*. She was one of my favorites, and I loved that she killed Joeffrey and owned it in her death scene…. was a great last word and middle finger to Cersei…. and again, nothing that happened changes my Euron/Jaime/Cersei death triangle…. especially with Euron stirring the pot by asking Jaime inbred sex tips!
Raylene: Jamie kills Cersei
Kent: We discover that Arya was the girl who interrupted Cersei and Jaime. I love the theory and I can’t take credit for it.
All the pictures used in this blog are for review purposes. They are the property of HBO.