Game of Thrones Television

The Game of Thrones 9 Deuce – S:8 Ep:3 “The Long Night”

This week, it finally happened. You know what happened. We got the war against the Night King’s army and it was an epic episode on many levels, and I assure you that I do not use the term epic very often. For the second week in a row, we have a new writer. This is going to be a first for me, Mary Jane is a Spanish speaking lady and so I tried my best to translate her answers with a translator. I left her original responses and you can see that some of the questions didn’t translate properly for her. Still, this is exciting. 9 Deuce has finally gone international! It took us long enough. I believe that there are ways to fully translate this blog into Spanish using extensions or add ons to your browser for anybody who would like that. (Creo que hay maneras de traducir completamente este blog al español usando extensiones o complementos para su navegador para cualquiera que lo desee.) Please check out our podcast where we discuss this episode on Kenter At Your Own Risk.

My name is Kent and each week, I will ask some questions that I hope don’t always have a clear cut answer and see what everybody’s opinions are. It’s a super simple concept. Since Chris T. and I do a podcast already called Kenter At Your Own Risk, we are spending the next 6 weeks going on and on about this show before we get back to our typical horror film conversations. If you like what we’re doing, share this with your friends. If you would like to get involved with the blog, please contact me at Any comments in bold type are made by me. Please enjoy.

1.  Which death scene was the best one performed?  Which death scene was the most impactful to you as a fan?  This way you can talk about 2 deaths and not everybody will say the same….I hope.

Chris T.:  Lyanna Stark’s was the best effects. I was not prepared for hearing a child’s rib cage being crushed. I also was getting ready to be grossed out when her head got bitten off, but she avoided that. Jorah’s possibly most impactful.

Jim:  Most of the death scenes were really good, so I’d rather talk about the one I didn’t really like.  Beric’s scene…. They accentuated the fact that he used to come back to life by giving him like 4 distinct death before inexplicably letting him get free and into the room with Arya, and Hound and The Red Woman to have a final line and die.  Would have been better to allow him to be swallowed up by zombies one of the several other times.

Raylene:  I will say Jorah’s death had the biggest impact on me as a fan. I had grown to love Jorah over the years, even though he was fighting to protect the entitled Queen. Strictly going by a visual best death scene for me was The Night King and his minions I enjoyed basically how he turned to broken glass after being stabbed.

Chris B.:  Jorah’s was the best.  It was nice to see the non-crazy side of Dany come back.  And the dragon consoling her was a nice touch.

Johnny: Sorry for coming late to the blog party. I’m typing this on my break at work. Lol Hopefully it’s okay to be better late than never. :/ (I meant to buy balloons for the party.)

The best-performed one I feel was Alfie Allen as Theon. Such a redemption and end to his character arc. The one that impacted me the most was Edd’s death. The fact that him, Jon, and Sam were the last of their gang with Pyp and Grenn gone… that really got me when he died too.

Kristi:  Lyanna was the best one for me.

Mary Jane:  La muerte mas impactante: la muerte de Margaery Tyrell junto a su familia y los fanaticos religiosos. (Creo que el significado de la pregunta se perdió en la traducción aquí, obviamente. Pero, ahora sabemos que la muerte más impactante de Mary en el programa fue la de Margaery.)

The most shocking death: the death of Margaery Tyrell with his family and religious fanatics. (I think that the question’s meaning was lost in translation here, obviously.  But, now we know that Mary’s most shocking death on the show was Margaery’s.)

Kent:  I’m not sure if there is much for me to add to anybody’s responses, for the most part.  It is nice to see all of these. The best one for me was Beric’s. It reminded me a lot of T-Dog’s in TWD.  I wanted to argue for Edd’s but Sam did nothing to add significance to it, unfortunately. Most impactful is tough.  Lyanna took out a giant that could have really made things significantly worse, but Jorah is probably the right answer for obvious reasons.  

2.  Were you a fan of the editing or filmography or any other term that you want to use for this episode?  I’m referring to how dark some parts were, how some of the scenes were confusing to fans. Talk about what you thought was done well or poorly.

Chris T.:  Sometimes it’s awesome to be named Chris. Like Chris B I have no idea what people are complaining about because I didn’t experience any lighting issues. My wife and I agreed the editing and cinematography for this episode deserve an emmy.

And then I check the internet and see people bitching they couldn’t see, beyond the fact that the battle occurs at night in a magical blizzard.  (Yeah, I had to bitch.  Nobody cared, but it felt good to vent.)

Jim: So, I watched it yesterday, and while I did a pretty good job staying spoiler free, but the one thing I did see was the internet gripping about the brightness of the show.  So, first running, I put me TV in the brightest setting, and watched the episode. After reading this question, I went back and rewatched about half of it in my normal settings. The library scene was amazing dark, quiet scenes were amazing dark, and Dothrakis disappearing was phenomenal, however, the bigger battle scenes were a little confusing, because it was noise and little detail.  I could barely see who was getting killed. So basically I’ll call it a push…. Set pieces worked, larger battles I could have done with more light (not a lot more, but some) (I want to know more about how you set it up to view it best because I do want to rewatch it.)

Raylene:  It was definitely different style but a lot of the time I was losing people I mean it wouldn’t make sense to have it filmed super bright for a night time snow storm battle basically.  (Thankfully the fire helped sometimes.)

Chris B.:  I didn’t have the lighting issues a lot of people experienced, so I liked it.  To me, all of the darkness surrounding the battle gave it a horror vibe. I loved the Dothraki being killed the way they were because they managed to show how dangerous the army of the dead was purely with lighting.  (I think that Dothraki scene may be my favorite scene that they have ever filmed.  I know it is top 3 from a visual standpoint.)

Johnny: I enjoyed the episode, but I was one of the fans who was a bit disappointed with the how dark it was. I understand it’s the long night and all… but the fact HBO put so much time and money into this episode and even compared it to being the same caliber as Helm’s Deep in LOTR… I was a little let down. Don’t get me wrong though… I really liked the episode, I just wanted more from it. Still my fav battle is the Battle of the Bastards though… That charge scene with Jon gives moves me everytime.  (I’m still impartial to Blackwater.  This had a different vibe, but was perhaps a tad overhyped in some people’s minds (my own) and yet it was overall very satisfying.  I think they should have wrote the Night King a nice letter and asked him to have battle at dawn. I think it would have worked.)

Kristi: I had no problems with the lighting.  This episode was epic. The darkness added to it for me. (I feel like everybody had a better time than I did, as far as watching it.)

Mary Jane:  creo que todo se hizo perfectamente. lo único posiblemente criticado puede ser la separación de la historia del libro con la serie televisiva. critico que esta sea la ultima temporada esperamos que vengan mas temporadas.  (Oye, al menos George RR Martin supuestamente está trabajando en 3 spinoffs de Game of Thrones, sabes, en lugar de terminar esta serie de libros primero. Suspiro.)

I think everything was done perfectly. The only thing possibly criticized may be the separation of the history of the book with the television series. I criticize that this is the last season we hope that more seasons come. (Hey, at least George RR Martin is supposedly working on 3 Game of Thrones spinoffs, ya know, instead of finishing this series of books first.  Sigh.)

Kent:  Well, I am among the people griping.  On my TV, it was a god damn muddy mess that made beyond confused at times.  By my count, Sam and Brienne both died numerous times from what I could make out.  I haven’t re-configured my TV’s settings, nor am I exactly sure if I needed to make it brighter, darker, or simply adjust the black levels.  Still, this really irked me because I feel that had I seen this play out as intended, I would have thoroughly enjoyed this far more because there was a lot to like.  The Dothraki scene was probably my favorite thing that they filmed along with the library scene.

3.  Who was the biggest disappointment in this episode: Sam, Varys, or Ghost?

Chris T.:  Sam. He got Edd killed. He should have died like 16 times. He might have actually saved some people if he had been down in the crypt.  (Thinking about it, Sam down in the crypt changes a lot of this episode, in a positive way, I think.  Edd still would have died, probably protecting Jon or Melisandre, but I still would have preferred that.)

Jim:  Varys.  I don’t know why, maybe it’s because he’s always been so smart and informed.  He didn’t see the Red Woman returning, didn’t think about the crypt being dangerous, and overall, was shot as cowering with women and children.  I know Tyrion was there too, but it was shot in a way you could tell he didn’t want to be there (and he said as much too), Varys did. (Everything you said is true and makes me incredibly sad.)

Raylene:  So far, Varys is winning this one. He hasn’t really been able to be showcased much at all.  I think he maybe a goner by series end. Why weren’t any of the people in the crypt, like the adults, given weapons just in case something got inside? I’m sure they’d understand stab with the sharp end. (It baffled me that a handful of able bodied people weren’t given weapons for the “just in case” scenario.  Also, Varys will survive. I guarantee it.)

Chris B.:  I’m going to say Sam.  I did accurately predict someone would die protecting him.  He’s not a fighter, he’s a liability. I didn’t expect anything from Varys.  Ghost has barely been featured lately, so if anything they kept the status quo with him.  Why on earth would they have Sam on the front lines? They should have sent him to the crypts and had Gilly come out and fight.  (Listen to Chris patting himself on the back.  I can hear that all the way where I live. Yes, Sam totally should have been in the crypts, I agree.  Good job on your predictions. Someday I will get something right. In all fairness, I did get Gendry right last season and it spited the other Chris.)

Johnny: My disappointment was with The Night King. I felt his demise was a little bit too easy. All that being said though it was great having the master assassin Arya is to have her finish him in the end. Also, it was pretty cool knowing that, that’s where Arya was given the dagger in the god’s wood by Bran and then that’s where she killed him.  (I am going to be a nerd for a moment here, but the Night King’s death reminded me of far too many video games today.  You have this epic journey and you bust your ass to reach the boss, and over the last 10 years, how often is that boss fight a total joke?  The biggest offender of that was ESO for me. I am old school guy and I like my NES bosses or stuff like Dark Souls. I want to earn it, not just drop a dagger and catch it with my other hand.)

Kristi:  Sam. He should have never been out there.  (If he was going to be out there, he needed to have a scene to justify it, and it didn’t happen.)

Mary Jane:  Ninguno me decepciono al contrario fuero0n tal y como esperaba.  (¿Esperabas que Ghost o Nymeria tuvieran un impacto? Siento que los libros hacen que parezca que van a tener un impacto para el final.)

Nothing disappointed me otherwise, as I expected.  (Did you expect Ghost or Nymeria to have an impact?  I feel like the books make it feel like they are going to have an impact by the end.)  

Kent:  I kinda want to say Ghost.  He barely existed and could have had a cool kill or something.  But yeah, Varys needs something this season because they appear to have no intention of completing his story, whatever it may be.  He was among the 3 smartest people in the room but was utterly useless.

4.  Did the crypt scenes live up to your expectations?

Chris T.:  Or down to them. I did like some of the Sansa/Tyrion stuff, and Missandei got the best diss of the episode  (That’s a good line.  I’m not going to steal it.   I thought about it though.)

Jim:  I did expect more rampant death, and think that was the Stark we’d lose, but it did happen as I thought.  Much like the other scenes of this episode, the best armor you can have is a major role. Like Chris B said, I also liked that it kept the story tension of Dany vs Sansa going.  That’s going to need to come to a head soon though. (Plot armor is best armor.  I truly feel that sums up this week’s podcast.)

Raylene:  I wanted to see Ned Stark’s headless body roaming around.  (Could he have froze it back on?  Like pour some water on just have some insta-freeze action.  It’s not like he would need to turn his neck for much of anything.)

Chris B.:  I liked the scenes from the crypt.  First, we were able to continue the inner turmoil feud with Sansa and Dany.  The skeletons breaking out of the tombs was pretty cool, though I’m not sure a skeleton can move stones out of a wall, but at the same time, this is a show about ice zombies and dragons….. (It’s always funny when we watch a show and we draw a line at some point.  The dragons and ice zombies are totally believable, but skeletons moving stones….. Yet I agree with you.  Set within the parameters of the show, I do feel it was a bit odd.)

Johnny: I would have preferred to see a fight with at least one of the big characters down in the crypts with the undead Stark family. (That definitely felt like a missed opportunity to me.)

Kristi:  Not so much. I expected way more. It was short and sweet, I guess. (Just like a midget.  At least it didn’t truly waste our time, yet something cooler would have been welcome.)

Mary Jane:  no me esperaba nada en la cripta.  (Lo bueno de esto es que cuando no tienes expectativas, no puedes irte muy decepcionado.)

I did not expect anything in the crypt. (The good thing about this is when you have no expectations, you can’t walk away very disappointed.)

Kent:  Not at all.  It would have been cool to show them band together with the bigger named characters getting some shine and a kill would have been solid.  Sansa could have used the pointy end. I would have been thrilled to see Missandei or Gilly get a kill. Also, I really would have enjoyed seeing a youtube video with someone editing in the Cryptkeeper from Tales From The Crypt in these scenes somewhere.  Maybe have him make a joke and see Tyrion’s response. I miss that show.

5.  As you watched this episode unfold, who did you think was going to die but managed to stay alive?  Or who do you think should have died given their circumstances?

Chris T.:  In no particular order, people who should have died but didn’t include: Grey Worm, Jon, Dany, Sam, Gendry, The Hound, Tormund, everyone in the crypt, Brienne, Jaime, Poetic, Rhaegal, and Drogon. And Ghost  (First of all, I feel like you meant to type Podrick and ended up with Poetic, but I decided to keep it there because it made me laugh.  Secondly, at least you didn’t think that Davos should have died.)

Jim:  Sam, Jaime and Brie all looked dead at many points, and I’m not really sure how they didn’t die.  The wights were literally piling on top of them, yet somehow they didn’t get eaten long enough for Arya to do her thing.  I think all of those would have been admirable death scenes.. (In my experience during this episode, I thought that was happening.  So confusing. It really would have been fine to kill Brienne here. I know that they need fighters for the final episodes, but she was expendable.)

Raylene:  Brie and Jamie at one point were just all covered by wights. I only could see the tops of their heads. Sam should’ve been dead as well. He, at one point, looked like was laying on top of them. How in the hell is Grey Worm still around?  (Maybe the wights weren’t as strong as were led to believe.  Or what about them slowly deteriorating like the zombies in TWD?  It’s a possibility.)

Chris B.:  I think I, and by that I mean all of us, are shocked that Grey Worm survived.  He was the one character I was 100% sure would die. And to be honest, I thought Drogon was dead.  He was stabbed about 1000 times. (Drogon is the dragon version of 50 Cent.  He can’t die like that. And yeah, you speak for all of us.  I wish I knew what the Vegas odds were on his death and if anybody made money on it.)

Kristi:  Totally thought Brienne was going to die. Grey Worm also. I’m surprised Grey Worm didn’t meet his maker, as he was on the front lines. I don’t see how he made it.  (I am curious if we are going to see him and Missandei make it to Naath afterall.  I would be happy if they did.)

Mary Jane:  definitivamente pensé que bran moriría, Arya Stark jure que iba a morir por un spoiler que vi. me decepciono la muerte de los dothraki esperaba ver mas de ellos creo que fue terrible la forma en que bajo mi criterio los sacrificaron.  (Me alegro de no ser el único que pensó que Bran iba a morir. Habría tenido mucho sentido. El gran ejército de Dothraki se sacrificó en nombre de una escena realmente agradable a la vista, por excelencia.)

I definitely thought that Bran would die. Arya Stark said I was going to die for a spoiler that I saw. I am disappointed the death of the Dothraki. I expected to see more of them. I think it was terrible the way they sacrificed under my criteria.  (I am glad that I am not the only one that thought Bran was going to die. It would have made a lot of sense.  The big Dothraki army got sacrificed in the name of a really visually pleasing scene, quintessentially.)

Kent:  Grey Worm is still the biggest surprise.  As I was watching it, as I said, I thought Brienne and Sam had died.  I’m also a bit surprised about Bran. As I watched it, I kept expecting that one BIG death.  He could have said some creepy Bran stuff about how he already saw his death and the aftermath.  I also secretly wanted Bran and the Night King to do a fist bump.

6.  Did you hope for something to happen in this episode that didn’t happen?

Chris T.:  Not really. Refer to our podcast, Kenter at Your Own Risk, for my thoughts on this particular subject.  (Ahhhh, nice to see Chris dust off the pimp hat.  But yeah, listen to the podcast. We’re saying what you’re thinking.)

Jim:  I really expected Bran to do SOMETHING??!?  I thought he’d warg into something, or provide any insight as to the Night King’s position, give any more back story or something..  instead he went white eyed into the ravens for no helpful information, then called Theon a good man…. Theon, the opposite of both good, and a man…. kinda wished he’d contributed anything else.  (Aside from the visuals, this was by far my biggest gripe after the adrenaline wore off.  I thought he would warg into a dragon and help out. What good did he truly accomplish by warging into the raven?  It kinda angers me. Thanks, Jim.)

Raylene:  I wanted to see the Lord of Light appear, I guess as an actual person. Like, is he just the fire that appears when Melisandre chants?  (I feel like somebody who has read the books could shine more LIGHT on this topic than I can.  Here is some info for you. R’hllor is his name. I really wish it was Robert Paulsen.)

Chris B.:  I was hoping to see the Night King fight Jon Snow.  I felt they had been building to that, only for it to not happen.  I was also thinking it would have been awesome if Bran warged into one of the dragons.  (That is a great point.  Jon has sword fights with everybody, and it felt like this one was going to happen, even if for 30 seconds.  Yeah, I agree about the dragon warging thing. It would have made some sense.)

Kristi:  I honestly wanted some major deaths. A little disappointed we didn’t get one. That being said, this episode was epic!  (One major death would have really added something despite the episode having so much.  This was seemingly the time to have a major death or two.)

Mary Jane:  esperaba que drogo matara a el dragon Viserion ya que supera su tamaño y fuerza.  (Creo que estás diciendo que esperas que Viserion muera. Parecía que estaba en muy mal peligro. Es sorprendente que Bran no entrara en Viserion para salvar su vida.)

I expected that I would kill the Dragon Viserion as it exceeds its size and strength. (I think that you are saying that you expect Viserion to die.  It looked like he was in very bad danger. It is surprising that Bran didn’t warg into Viserion to save his life.)

Kent:  Bran’s complete and utter lack of doing a damn thing just made me bitter.  Hell, I’m still mad. A major death was also missing. Jorah and Melisandre were both huge deaths, but had a Stark died, it would have added just a bit more, or Dany, Tyrion, or Jaime.  I love how Theon has barely been mentioned so far in this blog. It pleases me.

7.  Who was the MVP of this episode for you?

Chris T.:  Missandei. She got the best diss in a couple of episodes in on Sansa. I really wanted to high 5 her and say you go, girl!  (Yeah, I think this is the first time that Missandei will get the best line of an episode.)

Jim:  I’d love to say anyone else, like make a better case for Melisandre, or Dany for sacrificing all of her army first, but it has to be Arya.  She fought like a champ, then was fantastic in the library, then went full Space Jam on the Night King. She has fully transitioned from starting child, to dangerous adult, and really was the MVP.  (I believe I can fly.)

Raylene:  Melisandre definitely was. They would have been dead without her, plain and simple.  (Facts!)

Chris B.:  I mean, I want to say Arya, but I’ll go with Melisandre.  First, she lit the Dothraki weapons, then the trenches, then she guided Arya to realize she was the one to kill the Night King.  Without her, I’m pretty sure the entire Stark family would be white walkers. (Preach it!)

Kristi:  Melisandre for sure. They would all be dead if it wasn’t for her fire starting chanting business. (Hell yeah!)

Mary Jane:  Definitivamente Sansa Stark (No sé qué hacer con esta respuesta. Mi conjetura es que hay confusión en lo que estaba preguntando. Tal vez realmente pensaste que Sansa era la persona más importante en este episodio. De cualquier manera, no esperaba esta respuesta y fue única.)

Definitely Sansa Stark (I don’t know what to make of this answer.  My guess is that there is confusion in what I was asking. Maybe you just really thought that Sansa was the most important person in this episode.  Either way, I didn’t expect this response and it was unique.)

Kent:  Melisandre for sure, and yet you aren’t wrong if you pick Arya.  Melisandre did so many different big things that I valued her more.  She lit the swords and the trenches, gave Arya that last little pep talk, and then had an amazing death.  Even Davos was on board. I felt that the answers would be somewhat split.

8.  This was a very draining episode.  The biggest threat got killed in one episode.  Now we have 3 more episodes to deal with more bickering about who is going to sit on that uncomfortable throne.  Do you feel that King’s Landing should have been dealt with prior to the fight against the dead or does this sequence of events make more sense to you?  Did this episode sap the series of any momentum for you?

Chris T.:  The books are called A Song of Ice and Fire, the show is named after only the first book, Game of Thrones. The book shows you that the threat from the White Walkers is the main point, with the argument over who sits on a chair subsidiary to the apocalypse. The show has sold itself through its differences from Walking Dead and Z Nation, with a greater emphasis on the political situation. This sequence also makes sense from a monetary standpoint.  (Have I ever told you that I hate politics?  Why the hell am I watching this?)

Jim:  I think the way it happened had to happen.  I would have thought the dead would have been more than one episode, but the story is about the Game…. for the Throne.  That always had to be the final point. I do wish I’d seen Cersei have to deal with the dead a little as karma for the lie, but I’m happy with how it’s shaping up, and I’m sure she will get what’s hers.  I’m hoping it makes Tyrion and Varys more useful again because of it. We need to have another thinning of the herd though…. too many survived the battle. (You can’t say that it’s all about the Game without me going to one of my all time favorite videos.  This was at WrestleMania and I am convinced that Lemmy was out of his damn mind. This truly is a must see video, in my opinion.)

Raylene:  I think their timing was correct. First, you deal with this and then go after Cersei.  This is because if you all went to King’s Landing and waged war and then waited, by the time The Night King found you, his army would’ve just been way too huge to even stop. I mean this was kinda a stretch that the North even won.  (Were you drunk when you wrote this?  I edited it as best as I could.)

Chris B.:  I think they did the right thing.  While the Night King was a bigger threat, the war over the Iron Throne is what this show is really about.  I am looking forward to seeing how it ends. (You are right.  This isn’t like Independence Day where everybody gets their shit together and listens to Bill Pullman’s speech and deal with the huge threat and then go back to political bickering.  This is the anti-Independence Day. Yes, they did technically launch an aerial assault. And yes, mankind should have new meaning. But they will go back to being consumed by their petty differences.  Sure, they didn’t go quietly into the night , nor vanish without a fight, but rest assured, most of them are not going to live on or survive. I really can’t count how many times I have posted this video in my blogs over the years.)

Kristi:  I mean, this is the Game of Thrones. I did think we would lose more people in this fight but I’m also glad we didn’t. This is a fight for the throne.   (I think about it though.  Like, they have 50 people living now.  After surviving that, Dany is gonna be like, okay, let’s all go fight for me to sit on the throne because that’s super important now.  And hopefully Sansa gives her the death stare and a backhand pimp slap.)

Mary Jane:  pienso que el norte siempre ha sido masacrado y es quien mas ha sufrido y sus casas desaparecido creo que la amenaza deberia haber tenido mas aliados pero creo que si los muertos llegaban primero al sur y al su gente no estar preparada seria imposible derrotarlos despues.  (Sí, si el Rey Nocturno se hubiera dirigido a la teoría de Desembarco del Rey en realidad, no hay ninguna posibilidad de que nuestro amado grupo haya sobrevivido. Tal vez habría obligado a Bran a hacerlo mejor.)

I think the north has always been massacred and is the one who has suffered the most and their houses disappeared. I think the threat should have had more allies but I think that if the dead came first to the south and their people were not prepared it would be impossible to defeat them later. (Yeah, had the Night King headed to King’s Landing theory actually played out, there is next to no chance that our beloved group would have survived.  Maybe it would have forced Bran to do better.)

Kent:  Listen, I get that the name of the show is Game of Thrones.  The priorities seem off here a bit. So I get the argument, I just don’t like it.  Also, there is always something fun about watching the good guys and the bad guys unite to take on something so much bigger than them.  It happens in the comics, I loved when it happened in the Justice League cartoons. I feel like this next episode is going to be a nice sigh of relief and yet, there’s only 3 more episodes, so the urgency needs to be there.  I also want to say that I think Tormund will make an excellent addition to the Small Council.

9.  3 episodes remain and the road ahead seems clear.  Who will be Cersei’s most valuable asset?

Chris T.:  Franken-Mountain. Qyburn will kill a bunch of dudes with his crazy shit, Euron will continue to be entertaining the way date rapists and serial killers always are, but Sir Gregor is going to get a bunch of named kills I believe leading up to Cleganebowl.  (Gregor has a chance to get almost as many known character kills as Arya or Jon.  And yes, Euron will absolutely make us laugh at least one more time before this is finished.)

Jim:  Jaime…. he’ll find a way back to her now that the dead are done, and provide some insight to the remaining forces.  It’ll be the death of him, because she will bring him back, but doesn’t forgive.. (I love this theory.  I said last week that I don’t think Jaime can kill her.  Not everybody needs a redemption arc. Let Jaime die proudly as a Lannister!)

Raylene:  The guy that created The Zombie Mountain. He has so created so much interesting stuff I believe it’s going to be interesting to see what comes out. (Qyburn is his name.  He has to have something planned and it will be glorious.)

Chris B.:  Euron. He has proven very valuable so far.  If it weren’t for him, I think she would have already lost.  (Yeah, we are probably not giving Euron enough shine.  He has been pivotal in so much. Yes, we can safely assume that his demise is impending, but he ain’t going out without a huge struggle and probably some deaths.)

Mary Jane:  creo que la compañia dorada recordemos que el fundador de la compañia dorada fue un Targaryen creo incluso que el bastardo de un rey, odian la casa Targaryen es decir a Daenerys y a Jon. (No sabía esto de la Compañía Dorada. Ahora bien, esto podría ser realmente un cambio de juego (de tronos). Muy buena información aquí!)

I think the golden company remember that the founder of the golden company was a targaryen I even think that the bastard of a king, they hate the house Targaryen that is to Daenerys and Jon.  (I didn’t know this about the Golden Company.  Now this could truly be a game (of thrones) changer.  Very good info here!)

Kent:  Qyburn has to be my answer.  That dude is such a clever character.  I think he will be the biggest asset. If you don’t think that he doesn’t have some crazy scheme, then you ain’t been paying attention.  The Mountain will be more Kentertaining though. I’m still waiting to see what Bronn does.

Final Thoughts – Talk about anything else from this episode.  One topic that I kinda wanted to discuss was Bran’s role in this episode and the rest of the series, so use that if you like or use your imagination. I didn’t touch on whether the other dragon is dead, whether Arya was Azor Ahai, how the hell Arya managed to get to the Night King, and so much more random stuff.

Chris T.:  I think people read too much into the fact that people have died and think that their needs to be deaths for it to feel GoT. Everyone who lived did so because they will have at least one more scene of importance this season. And Also, Fuck plot armor.  (Eh, the show really has a big reputation for the big deaths and that is a huge reason why the show was so beloved.  You just never knew who would get GoT. I honestly believe that we still need about 8 more deaths before this season ends.)

Jim:  I touched on Bran, and the other random points, so I’d like to point out that it’s time for GoT to be GoT again…. I need the unexpected major deaths, and though I know I will get some deaths soon, I hope they are not expected.  I really thought this was the time to get us unbalanced. I really liked the episode as negative as most of my comments seemed, but I just wanted to be surprised, and other than who killed the Night King, my surprises were just who was alive.. (And here is Jim supporting my thoughts to Chris.  I don’t need this to be 80’s era Hulk Hogan overcoming all the odds all the times, but unbalance makes this more intriguing.  Most importantly, it leaves us to have many “what if” scenarios in our minds.)

Raylene:  As I have stated, I would’ve thought that if the other dragon was dead that it would have rose when the Night King did his summoning on the battlefield. I was thinking Bran just had to stay put because he had already foreseen Arya killing The Night King in this exact location perhaps any movement would have altered the outcome. Where is Arya wolf will she ever return??. Is Sam’s wife and child still alive? Is Dany pregnant with her nephews kid?  (Who knows if we’ll ever get to see Nymeria again.  It’s too expensive they say, but where does one draw the line in a show with ice walkers and dragons?  Also, we can assume that Bran knows so much. Does he have the ability to alter the future? I need answers.)

Kent:  I always imagined that the reveal of Azor Ahai was going to be different.  It is something that I have been dwelling on for a long time. Yay for Arya, but I still feel that someone else could have used that rub more.  I don’t expect much more from Arya moving forward. This was her time to shine and she did an amazing job, from what I could see. Now I need to know what Bronn is gonna do.  I think we will find out tonight!

Finally, I don’t own the rights to any of the YouTube videos that I included in here. They belong to the proper owners and you should support them if you like them.

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