This was a week of celebration, manipulation, and cremation. The plot thickens as we now see what is in store for Cersei and King’s Landing. Will Dany Please check out our podcast where we discuss this episode on Kenter At Your Own Risk.
My name is Kent and each week, I will ask some questions that I hope don’t always have a clear cut answer and see what everybody’s opinions are. It’s a super simple concept. Since Chris T. and I do a podcast already called Kenter At Your Own Risk, we are spending the next 6 weeks going on and on about this show before we get back to our typical horror film conversations. If you like what we’re doing, share this with your friends. If you would like to get involved with the blog, please contact me at Any comments in bold type are made by me. Please enjoy.
1. Varys finally got some shine this episode as he debates his plan of action. Who do you think Varys will support by the end, aside from the realm?
Chris T.: Euron. Seriously who wouldn’t support a pirate king who can ollie his ship over King’s Landing? I think Varys will support Jon the Argon, but I am wondering if this is a red herring? It’s looking that tv logic would show us that Dany is about to lose her shit and probably cause her and Cersei’s deaths, and that would feel too easy for Jon in a way. (I have nothing to add because the any time that Euron can ollie his ship of King’s Landing, I think he needs to do that. I will add a video about a Red Herring from one of my favorite cartoons.)
Jim: I think that he very clearly stated he wanted to support Jon Snow. He wants someone who clearly thinks of all the people first, not just his people. Though he has seen so much good from Dany, he also sees her acting in disregard of the King’s Landing people. He may try to use the birds to set up Dany, and ultimately, I believe it’s a cog in the machine that gets her. His involvement is only part of that, but will be crucial. (The blatant disregard is in direct violation of the realm and I think that is the deciding factor.)
Raylene: I was thinking perhaps his little birds would help him from within the walls. I’ll say Davos makes it and is by his side. (I hope some of the little birds end up being midgets. GoT is clearly not afraid to go that route.)
Chris B.: I think Varys will support Jon Snow. He’s a good person and isn’t power hungry. I loved when Varys was saying that maybe the person who doesn’t want the throne is the one who should sit on it. What intrigues me the most is Tyrion’s reaction to Varys. I think Sansa nailed it 100% when she said he was afraid of Dany. (I feel like in one of the very first episodes, Robert had some logic about wanting Ned as his Hand because he didn’t want that job. That logic is really good for everyone, I think. Jon won’t abandon it and will give it all that he has.)
Johnny: He definitely is favoring Jon because he understandably has some serious concerns with Daenerys and as he says her mental well being. Varys has always presented himself as a true supporter for the people of the realm, Dany doesn’t seem like that is a high priority for her like it is Jon. All she really cares for right now from what it seems in the last two episodes is revenge and the crown. Not the best combo to have a good ruler. Lol So I think Varys is for sure team Jon no question. (When you break it down to revenge and the crown, that sounds an awful lot like Robert and we saw how that worked out. Varys isn’t a big fan of bad history repeating.)
Mary Jane: Varys apoyara a la casa Stark. (Tengo curiosidad si te refieres a toda la casa (familia) o solo a Jon. Tal vez Varys consideraría dejar su peso detrás de Sansa. Realmente desearía que tuviéramos más temporadas.)
Varys will support the Stark house. (I am curious if you mean the whole house (family) or just Jon. Maybe Varys would consider tossing his weight behind Sansa. I really wish we had more seasons.)
Kent: When I originally watched this, I used to think that Varys always pictured himself on the Iron Throne, and perhaps he did at one point, but I think he has realized that he is best suited assisting a person to rule the realm in the most reasonable way possible. I used to hope for Varys on the throne, but I am totally on board for Jon and I feel that Varys feels the same. Varys advising Jon would really be a great thing for the realm, in my opinion.
2. Was Dany manipulating people at the celebration? Will she end up the villain when all is said and done in her conquest to be the entitled queen? Do you think Dany cares more about being the queen or about the people (the realm) being happy and well taken care of?
Chris T.: I think that Dany has never seen a good leader to judge around? She grew up running from Robert’s assassins and listening to her brother’s toxin. Drogo wasn’t exactly a paragon of kingly virtues. Every time she tried to be just she got fucked (sometimes literally). She really is all alone (her peeps from Westeros have their families, her peeps from across the sea want to leave). I can’t blame her for being defensive and political when unknowingly people who like Jon begin to play into the fear she must be experiencing knowing that by her own admission he has the stronger claim. She knows that if she doesn’t act fast Jon will erode loyalty to her just by being the type of leader that he is. Like Kent and I said in the podcast, she really feels like the last loose cannon left, in that there are a shit ton of ways she could go in the next two episodes. (To add on to this, I think that people really need to acknowledge both aspects of Dany in regard to her upbringing and how she came to be this person. Most people or characters given that childhood would probably end up in a similar way. So while I understand while this is happening, I’m still not going to like her. I feel like supporting Dany is like supporting Joffrey. He was a product of his upbringing the same as Dany.)
Jim: I think she thinks she cares for the people of the realm, but her actions show otherwise. I won’t go so far as call her a villain, but she is far from the heroine she was lauded as all the other seasons. She is now showing spoiled upbringing, showing more concern for the title of queen, than what the real responsibilities of earning it. Her actions with Gendry were earned yet manipulative, buying off his claim to the throne…. The show is painting nearly everyone as unfit ( though everyone vying for power minus Cersei not necessarily villainous) in some degree, either as a red herring, or a blast any clue we are all just missing. (Really, another Red Herring reference? I’m pumped about this. The way the story manipulated our thinking through the early seasons was masterful. I think when the show is over, going back and rewatching the show will be a whole new experience in totality. Also….)
Raylene: All she cares about at this point is the title of Queen. Maybe in the beginning of her journey, she cared for the people. The icy reception the North gave her and Jon’s reveal to her has turned her all around. (As Jim said, she definitely thought that she was doing the right thing, so we kind of forgave poor decisions because good intentions easily sway a perspective. This whole thing has been a big wake up call to get busy ruling or get busy dying.)
Chris B.: She was very much manipulating people. She essentially admitted it while talking about Gendry. It looks like they are going the route of turning her into the “mad queen.” I think the final part of this question is interesting. She cares about both in my opinion. She cares about the realm and the people, but only if she is the queen. Otherwise, she doesn’t seem to care. (That caveat at the end that you mention, it’s captivating in how they are really taking her in that direction, and totally logical! I enjoy it because we haven’t seen much like this yet in the show, so it’s compelling.)
Johnny: Unfortunately, I feel she has declined from being genuine to others in the realm, but yes, she is manipulating for her own advantage in hopes to get the people’s favor for her on the throne. Besides the starbucks cup they slipped in that scene mistakenly after so many post production workers missed it lol. She also was pretty unhappy when she saw Tormund boasting up Jon. Definitely gonna get a real mad queen scene soon. God whatever happens she just better not lay a f*cking finger on Tyrion. Lol That’s my lil’ homie. 😉 haha. (I’d be equally pissed if she took any anger out on Tormund, but he seems like a perfect victim for the full fledged wrestling heel turn. If she had to attack someone, Tormund, Tyrion, or Davos would get the biggest reaction I think, aside from Jon.)
Kristi: I feel she was manipulating them. She has no care for anyone but herself at this point. She just wants that title and I think she will take down anyone she has to for it. I hope Tyrion jumps ship before that happens. (I read this and I picture Tyrion jumping from the boat in this scene. Was that intentional in some way? Tyrion jumped ship. I wish I had thought of this before!)
Mary Jane: No ella es la que ha sido buena en la serie. Creo que ambas cosas son importantes pero las guerras no se ganan con piedad. personalmente odio a la gente en King’s Landing por que cuando murio ned stark todos apoyaban eso. (Pensé que este era un punto realmente bueno y un contraste de STARK con lo que la mayoría de nosotros pensamos. Sí, esa gente era tan estúpida como para pensar que Ned era un traidor. Tal vez estas personas no merecen misericordia. Esto definitivamente es algo que hay que considerar .)
She is the one that has been good in the series. I think both are important but wars are not won with mercy. I personally hate people in King’s Landing because when Ned Stark died, everyone supported that. (I thought this was really good point and a STARK contrast to what the majority of us are thinking. Yeah, those people were so stupid to think Ned was a traitor. Perhaps these people don’t deserve mercy. This is definitely something to consider.)
Kent: As I am watching it, I’m kinda yelling at my TV. “This bitch, she’s manipulating all you dumb fucks!) Yeah, that kind sums up my Sunday nights as of late. Even if she isn’t a villain, my money is on her going mad and lashing out at somebody that she shouldn’t and that will be it for her in the realm of public perception. I think it may end up being Tyrion, and I apologize to Johnny in advance.
3. Why do you think that Tyrion is so hellbent on being publicly supportive of Dany? Do you think that he has doubts or has he convinced himself that he is backing the right person?
Chris T.: Of course he has doubts, but he doesn’t want to be a Lannister, aka Kingslayer part 2. Varys is talking about offing her, and if Tyrion acquiesces, it’ll have the same effect as when his brother killed Aerys. He has seen the good she can do, along with the bad. He is scared of her and for her. She gave him a chance when everyone in King’s Landing voted to kill him and he is grateful for that. Additionally, a lot of what has happened to get her to this place has been by following his plans, and I think he feels guilty over her getting her fire-freak on by his plot-imposed incompetence. Lastly, I think he still has feelings for Sansa, and betraying Dany to help Sansa’s brother would feel like he was being manipulated by his own emotions to him. (When you said “getting her fire-freak on” I was thinking about her and Jon knocking boots. I mean, their both Targaryen, so it made sense. The only way that Tyrion can stop backing Dany at this point is if she does something incredibly egregious or dies. Everything you said is right. He can’t go against her without something huge happening.)
Jim: I think he realizes this is the last horse he can back. He is supporting her because part of him believes, but part of him fears her and the other part knows he doesn’t have another option. He can’t go home, and if he backs Jon (even secretly via Sansa) he risks Danny’s vengeance and rash decisions. There is a part of him that’s seen the good and holds on to it as well. I think this is where he and Varys really disagree, because Varys has a “what have you done for me lately” attitude, disregarding what she has done in Mareen and Slavers Bay. (I have to imagine there would be satisfaction for her to kill off any Lannisters because of what they have done to her family, so that is a big concern. I have to disagree with your take on Varys. I truly believe that he sees people, he reads them, and he adjusts when someone changes or he gets newer information. We may have enjoyed James Harden in OKC but he is such a little bitch in Houston. I say that because of what he has turned into. James Harden is as close to a real life Dany that I can think of. Oh and he just lost. Foreshadowing?)
Raylene: I think he doesn’t see a better option in Cersei if she’s victorious the he’s definitely dead. With Dany he feels he has a chance of life. (Yeah, you have to be alive in order to make things right.)
Chris B.: I think he, like Sansa said, is afraid of her. He’s seen some of the things she’s done to people with her dragons. I’m not sure if he believes she is the right person, but when compared to Cersei, she is the lesser of two evils. (Yeah, she is a means to one of his ends, no doubt. I think most of us would have made similar decisions as he has in order for self-preservation.)
Johnny: He is definitely afraid to betray her and be on her bad side. He knows no doubt that she has had great potential to be a great leader but that line about leaders inspiring fear to rule the people… We know from Tyrion that fear mongering is not something he would willingly support to influence the 7 kingdoms unless he absolutely felt he had to. Tyrion obviously is one of the wisest in GOT so I think it’s safe to say he himself knows he’s lying to himself about Dany but he feels he has no other choice but to stand by her. I think he knows for not only his safety but if he leaves her he feels he’s not there to council her which then threatens just not Tyrion but all the people who stand in Dany’s way. (Good point about the counselling. If he bails, she is gonna be a mad queen unleashed and that shit will get crazy in a hurry. I hadn’t really considered that aspect of him staying, but it makes a lot of sense. It would almost be his duty to the realm in some capacity.)
Kristi: I think he is afraid of her but I also think he is a smart man. I feel like he may have a plan up his sleeve. (He has really short sleeves, but he will figure something out. He knows that he can’t bail, so he has to have a plan B by now, one would think.)
Mary Jane: Ella hizo un gran gesto hacia el lo hizo su mano y le dijo algo grandioso asi que el la apoya por que cree en ella. (Tyrion parece ser un hombre muy leal y el hecho de que ella le haya confiado más de lo que cualquier otra persona debe tener algún valor, incluso cuando está en un barco que se hunde).
She made a big gesture towards him when she made him her hand and said something great, so now he supports her because he believes in her. (Tyrion does seem like a very loyal man and the fact that she entrusted him more than just anybody else has to hold some value, even when on a sinking ship.)
Kent: Gad damn, I feel like everybody has covered something unique and I don’t have much to add that wouldn’t be overly repetitious. As you can see, there are a ton of reasons for Tyrion to stay on her good side for the time being.
4. Missandei’s last word was “Dracarys”. In that moment do you think she said it more to spite Cersei to avenge her death or does she think that this is the only way for Dany to fulfill her goal? I know that you can say both, but that is boring. Don’t be boring.
Chris T.: It’s because she’s a bad ass DJ who spits fire. Definitely to spite Cersei. No way is one dragon burning King’s Landing with 7 kingdoms GDP worth of scorpions lining the walls. (I don’t know how much you ever played Perfect Dark at Eric’s back in the basement days, but if you did, you may recall that some of the names involved DJ Quik in the motha fuckin’ house. So when you said DJ, that was oddly the first thing that I thought of. I enjoy this song, but it is most definitely NSFW.)
Jim: I had to be to spite Cersei, because Dany was far enough away that she couldn’t have heard it. It is the only way Dany sees to the throne, but it was never for her, just for Cersei. If Drogon wasn’t magically now out of Scorpion Range (since somehow they killed Rheagal from farther), it woulda been cool if he reacted independently to the words, but I guess that’s not how it works (or physics). (I read a lot this week and I found this article very informative and it ties in with you talking about Rhaegal and the scorpions. I would recommend spending a few minutes with this one.)
Raylene: Perhaps she was hoping the dragon would hear her battle cry and go into full blazing mode. Although I think it would’ve been killed fairly fast. (It depends. Dragons aren’t easily killed, despite how this show has portrayed it, very inaccurately apparently. Read the link above for more insight.)
Chris B.: I wasn’t sure what she was going to say, but I like the choice. She needed to say something that would keep Dany focused, and to me it was like her telling Dany to finish this. (You said finish this and that makes me think of Mortal Kombat’s “Finish Him” and I have really enjoyed the new Mortal Kombat commercial featuring Ice Cube, so I’m gonna post that. I agree with your thoughts, but hearing Check Yo Self makes some sense when discussing the show.)
Mary Jane: Lo dijo para que prenda fuego a todos por que sabeque Cersei planea. (Ese es un buen punto. Missandei tiene más intuición que Dany, por lo que realmente tiene sentido.)
She said to fire everyone because he knows Cersei plans. (That is a good point. Missandei has more insight than Dany, so that really makes some sense.)
Kent: I took it as telling Dany to fulfill her destiny by any means necessary. She knows Dany’s journey and she knows what her death will mean, so I think it was important for her to say it.
5. Who did you feel more pity for: Gendry or Tormund?
Chris T.: Tormund. Gendry was thinking with his dick, and didn’t really know Arya, or he wouldn’t have made the proposal he did to her. Tormund didn’t want to change Brienne, he wanted her as she was. Gendry wanted to change Arya into his lady. Shit he thought she was a dude for a while back in the day. I got your back, Wyndham Wizard. (I think that is really the point. Tormund wanted her as she was and Gendry wanted Arya but also to make her a Lady.)
Jim: Gendry, because he was the NBA court proposal rejection. A guy who was with the woman, and then loved her enough to propose, and though she felt the same.. Tormund never got more than a look of disgust from Brienne…. though I would have liked to see him get the girl, I don’t feel as bad. To keep the unrelated NBA analogy, he was the Kiss Cam guy who went with a co-worker who wasn’t interested. (I am laughing because I made the James Harden reference earlier without knowing that you made an NBA reference. I would have enjoyed a GIF of Tormund looking sad followed by Dikembe Mutombo wagging his finger.)
Raylene: Gendry in all reasonable ways should have more pity. He was really thinking Ayra was going to be his lady. Tormund is one of my favorites so I felt saddened for him. I don’t like Brie but I think he was a better choice for her then Jamie. (Gendry’s story seemed more like an 80’s movie about teenage love, at least to me.)
Chris B.: Gendry. With Tormund, Brienne didn’t actually have any feelings for him. Gendry clearly loves Arya, and I think Arya loves him too. She just chose to live a different life. It’s much tougher not to be with someone when you know they love you. (Oooof, you are right and making me unsure of my answer. Damn you! These are multiple layers at play here. This turned out to be a better question than I anticipated.)
Kristi: Gendry. Tormund just didn’t get laid. Gendry has real feelings for Arya. I am hoping they take the throne, in the end. (That is my dream too. That is the ending that makes me happiest. Get Davos as the Hand and I would be thrilled. The Hound as the Kings Guard. That is what I want. That is my answer to the Spice Girls.)
Mary Jane: Tormund 🙁 (La cara triste lo dice todo.) (The sad face says it all.)
Kent: I think it is well known how much I love Gendry, but I felt really sad for Tormund. He had legit feelings and he pined away for the big woman, and she just wanted a man with one hand. I’m sure Tormund feels that he would have been a better choice. Gendry will get someone who will treat him right, hopefully and live a nice life. Tormund is going back up north to freeze his nuts off. Brienne really let the realm down on this one. Also, despite laughing, I felt bad when Tormund was trying to talk to the Hound.
6. Jaime finally did the deed with Brienne and now he is heading back to King’s Landing. Is he returning to support his sister or to attempt to be the voice of reason?
Chris T.: I am pretty sure he is returning to provide plot drama, and cause his, Cersei’s, and possibly Brienne’s deaths. (Plot armor then plot drama, shouldn’t we just rename the show Game of Plots? I think I prefer that over Plot of Thrones.)
Jim: I think he’s riding to be his Sister’s unwitting informant, aggression rag doll, and an execution for King’s Landing… in his mind he’s the voice of reason, but she won’t forgive and forget, and her new boy will make sure he doesn’t lose his grip on Cersei. She will play his emotions a little to get info on the North’s army, plans etc…. but then his final scene will arrive. (I have been staring at this screen for too long because I read the beginning line as “He’s riding his sister’s unwitting informant” and I was like, wait a damn second, what did I miss? I want to see Euron and Jaime interact.)
Raylene: I think he’s going to try to save her because he just can’t help himself but it’ll get him killed in the end. Which I believe he knows he’s a Deadman. (Well, he’s no Undertaker.)
Chris B.: I think he just doesn’t want her to die. Despite everything that has happened, he still loves her. He will probably try to reason with her, and when it proves impossible, my guess is one of them will be dead. (It definitely feel like 1-3 Lannisters are gon get got tonight. Jaime should find a way to watch this and learn from it.)
Kristi: I think he is going to try to be the voice of reason. He has love for her but on the other hand, I think he is smart enough to know she isn’t what they need, as Queen. (I don’t know if you’re doing it intentionally, but this is the second great line this week for you. “On the other hand” while discussing Jaime is pretty damn funny!)
Mary Jane: creo que ira a pelear (Realmente, ¿es Jaime un mejor amante o un luchador?)
I think he will fight. (Really, is Jaime a better lover or a fighter?)
Kent: I think he is just going there to tell Cersei that he is going to be spending the rest of his life with Bronn in Highgarden. That would be pretty funny.
7. The Hound has unfinished business. So does Arya. Neither plan to return to Winterfell. Will either be alive by the end of the season?
Chris T.: Nope. (Good)
Jim: Arya will, as I don’t believe the Night King is her peak moment. I believe the Hound is on a one way trip to his brother. Despite neither planning to return, and I believe they think they will die, Arya will survive without ever returning North. My bold prediction is she ends up on the throne, as she is one of the few who really doesn’t want it, so I see her remaining in King’s Landing. (While I think that I disagree with the vast majority of these predictions, if they come true, we can start making “Jim was right” shirts. SO there is that. Really, I would be shocked if Arya gets a bigger moment. Sansa is due, I think, more so than Arya.)
Raylene: I hope they will but I am saying No. (Debbie Downer.)
Chris B.: Ok. Guess time. My guess is that Arya and the Hound will fight the mountain together. Since he’s kind of a zombie, killing him won’t be easy. My guess is the only thing that can kill him is beheading. The hound will sacrifice himself to hold the mountain still, and Arya will behead him. Arya and the hound will have a heartfelt moment before he dies, then Arya will disappear and live the rest of her life as a ninja. (I like the boldness of the prediction, but dammit, I want The Hound to live. He has become my favorite character in the show. I can see it happening though. Now I kinda want to play Ninja Gaiden. Thanks Chris.)
Kristi: Arya will. Because she is my favorite and I need her to be. (If you will it, it will happen.)
Mary Jane: puede que si si el derrota a su hermano el es el asunto pendiente. (Si pueden eliminar la Montaña de forma segura, posiblemente juntos, como sugirió Jim, ambos podrían sobrevivir. O la montaña Zombie puede matar a ambos. Es lo que él hace.)
Maybe if the defeat to his brother is the pending issue. (If they can safely eliminate the Mountain, possibly together as Jim suggested, they could both survive. Or the Zombie Mountain may kill both. It’s what he does.)
Kent: After reading these responses, I would almost enjoy a showdown of Arya and The Hound vs Qyburn and The Mountain. Do not underestimate Qyburn! Arya is definitely going to die in front of the Hound and she will tell him to leave her. That will be the poetic ending. You know that I’m right.
8. Will Bronn ever get to be the lord of Highgarden? Feel free to comment on his great scene.
Chris T.: I want to see a remake of Three’s Company, with Bronn, Davos, and Tormund having to pretend to be gay to get in with some of Missandei’s relatives in Naath when they go to bury her and Grey Worm there. (You are bringing the noise and the funk this week. That is fantastic. I’d pay to see that show. Seriously, I’d pay $30-40 a season for that level of comedy.)
Jim: so, first, let’s talk about defense…. we know they are afraid of the South coming up to fight them, so… why would they just let a shifty looking stranger with a crossbow decked out in Lannister colors just walk in…. aside from that, his scene was great!! Holding both Lannister’s hostage to get what he wanted, while playing both their emotions and danger scene was masterclass…. however, my constant theory is those who play the game to get what they want, tend to get what they deserve. He is no different…. he should have stopped before Dorne, and he will pay for it.. sad to see him go, but it’s nearly a 100% guarantee he goes. (Yeah, I don’t know why more people don’t just stop at Dorne considering how good their wine is. The first part about defense makes me laugh. I think about my childhood favorite cartoon in G.I. Joe. Now these MF’ers are supposedly the best of the best in the world. Still, nobody with name value ever really died. G.I. Joe was the anti-Game of Thrones. It baffled me as a kid.)
Raylene: I don’t think he’ll ever get Highgarden because all the Lannisters will die. Even if Dany does win she probably doesn’t know about the deal. (Well, Dany used to listen to people who would visit and ask for things. Maybe Bronn will come in and be like “Listen I know that you don’t know the Lannisters, but they promised me Highgarden.” If she does go crazy, it’s a possibility.)
Chris B.: His scene was the best of the episode. I will miss Bronn the most when the show is over (he needs a spinoff.) I don’t think Dany will end up as queen, so I don’t think Bronn will get what he wants. (I agree and I wanted to find some video of Jerome Flynn (Bronn) singing. I totally exceeded expectations and this is my favorite video of the week. You are welcome.)
Mary Jane: creo que no solo un tonto le daria esas tierras a un tipo que lo chantajea. (Ohhh, tenemos a alguien que puede que no sea un gran fan de Bronn. Tal vez reconsidere y le dé Highgarden si ve esto.)
I think not only a fool would give those lands to a guy who blackmails. (Ohhh, we have someone who may not be a big Bronn fan. Maybe you will reconsider and give him Highgarden if you watch this.)
Kent: Do you even care about what I have to say or do you want another Bronn music video? Yeah, thought so!
9. Was Jon smart to share who he really is to his sisters? If you were Jon, would have have told them? Also, any theories about Sansa’s end game goal?
Chris T.: Sansa has no goal, but everyone will say how smart she is. Jon was stupid but after 10 years did anyone expect anything different. (Sansa is mostly a threat because people keep waiting for something based on family name and hype. Still…..)
Jim: You know nothing Jon Snow…. of course he shouldn’t have said it, but he shouldn’t have been honest to Cersei, or nearly every other time he has taken a moral high ground like his Ex-Dad. Can anyone really think of one time blatant honesty has not been fatal in the series??? Sansa is playing a dangerous LittleFinger like role. I can’t figure out if she is trying to get Herself or Jon into the throne, but I know she does not want Dany. I foresee her playing Tyrion’s emotions while working with Varys. It will cost her her life, but will succeed in stopping Dany as well! (To answer your question, and yes I stopped to think on it, I will say The Hound has been brutally honest throughout most of the show and he’s alive… this moment.)
Raylene: No he was not smart. I think Sansa wants to be the Queen. (You think so? I have been wondering if she has become so jaded from everything that she wanted in the beginning and seeing how it all unfolded, would she really want it? I am still unsure.)
Chris B.: Was it smart, no. Does it fit his character, absolutely. I would have told them. You can’t keep secrets with family. As for Sansa, she just wants the North to have independence. She doesn’t want Dany as queen because she will not get that. (Jon is a weird leader because he is also the biggest pushover when it comes to certain things. I do worry that could be a detriment of some kind.)
Mary Jane: creo que jon no debio decirlo por que no era el momento no se habia hablado esto bien y el ya estaba de chismoso. creo que sansa puede estar jugando por el trono y aun no vemos sus intenciones. (Si ella aprendió del tío LittleFinger, ciertamente apuntará al trono, pero también ha aprendido de los demás las grandes preguntas para mí.)
I think that Jon should not have said it because it was not the moment he had not spoken this well and he was already a gossip. I think Sansa may be playing for the throne but we still haven’t see her intentions. (If she learned from Uncle LittleFinger, she will certainly be aiming for the throne, but has she also learned from others is the big questions for me.)
Kent: Yes, Jon was smart to tell. He could be banging his crazy aunt who may snap anytime now. Yeah, you definitely want to let some people know. Get the word out. I have changed my mind. I don’t think that Sansa wants the throne. I think she just wants to rule the North on her own without any king or queen overriding her decisions.
Bonus Deuce
1. Was this episode a farewell for Tormund, Sam, Gilly, and Ghost?
Chris T.: Yes. Nice to see some people will survive
Jim: it was a farewell to all of them. Tormund is leaving with Ghost because they prefer the Real North, and Sam gets one of the few happy endings leaving with Gilly, little Sam, and the result of cold nights and boredom as he so romantically put!
Raylene: Well Tormund is staying until winter’s over so we may see him again. I’m ok with not seeing Sam again.
Chris B.: Sure seemed that way. It was refreshing to actually see some people leave the show with their heads still attached. At least some people might have happy endings.
Mary Jane: definitivamente y me decepciono la forma en que abandonaron a ghost
Definitely, and I was disappointed by the way they abandoned Ghost
Kent: I didn’t really have much to add here. I think that we will see Tormund and Ghost before the series wraps up. I also think that Sam ends up as the Grand Maester, so no, fudge it. I say no to everybody! We will see them before the final credits. Hell, I’m still not 100% on Tormund surviving.
2. Rhaegal the dragon is dead. Will Drogon survive this season?
Chris T.: Maybe Bran will die but warg into Drogon for good.
Jim: No, since I think Dany doesn’t succeed, I don’t foresee any way he survives, unless she dies and he (she?) takes off to do his/her own thing once mom is dead.
Raylene: As you’ve made fun of me or asked what is wrong with me I want him alive but I don’t see a way around the Scorpion.
Chris B.: No. like a previous answer, I don’t think Dany is going to live at the end, so her dragon won’t make it either.
Mary Jane: no puedo con la idea de que ese dragon muera de esa forma tan tonta. Que sentido tendria si drogon muere?
I cannot understand this idea that Drogon dies in such a foolish way. What sense would it have if Drogon dies?
Kent: Like Cersei’s 3 children, Dany’s 3 children will die as well. That prophecy had more to it than possibly intended. I think we will see Dany and Cersei face similar fates, although not the 100% exact same, but the main ideas. Now that they have shown how easy it suddenly is to kill a dragon, it seems likely to me.
Final Thoughts – The title of this episode was “The Last of the Starks”. What does that mean, in your opinion?
Chris T.: We talked about in the podcast. Go listen to Kenter at Your Own Risk #6 for my crazy ass, probably wrong, meandering ramble about this. Also, to hear the forum post about Euron that had me cracking up on air for about 2 minutes and made Kent sweat he laughed so hard. (That post was so damn funny. I mean, I sweat a lot, but rarely from laughing so hard. That was a treat!)
Jim: The last time we see most of them alive together. Also, if Jon is a Targaryen (or a Snow really), and Bran is a Three-eyed raven (creeper) the Stark name dies with the women when they marry and have children (or don’t do neither in Arya’s case), so it’s a moment to realize that. But let’s be clear, they are gonna start dying soon…. in short order.. (Would Jon even be a Snow based on the geography of his birth? I know that depending on the area, you get one of a few different generic bastard names. I assume because Ned raised him in the North, that legitimized the Snow aspect, but I was curious about this.)
Raylene: Maybe this being their last final stand and fight for the throne. I can’t see them all dying because Sansa is still in the North unless an assassin already there for her. (Well, Bronn just strolled in there with a Lannister crossbow, so an assassin is entirely possible.)
Mary Jane: la verdad me has dejado impactada. no sabia del titulo hasta ahora, tambien para pensar. (Me enteré el martes y es algo en lo que he pasado una cantidad excesiva de tiempo pensando.)
You really left me shocked. I did not know the title until now, so I am left to think about this. (I found out Tuesday and it is something that I have spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about.)
Kent: I think that it was a reference to Sansa because the remaining ones are gonna do various things and may not return. I will make one final prediction. We will hear this song tonight!
I don’t own the rights to any of the videos or song. They are here for review purposes and laughs. I hope that you support their creators. Thank you (Gracias) to all that helped. 2 more to go!