Game of Thrones Television

The Game of Thrones 9 Deuce – S:8 Ep:5 “The Bells”

This was a week of Dany being a crazy bitch while Cersei, Jaime, Sandor, Gregor, Qyburn, Euron, and Varys got got. Oh, there is only one episode left and they could use about 3-4 more episodes. Can somebody remind me why they cut this season to 6 episodes? Please check out our podcast where we discuss this episode on Kenter At Your Own Risk.

My name is Kent and each week, I will ask some questions that I hope don’t always have a clear cut answer and see what everybody’s opinions are. It’s a super simple concept. Since Chris T. and I do a podcast already called Kenter At Your Own Risk, we are spending the next 6 weeks going on and on about this show before we get back to our typical horror film conversations. If you like what we’re doing, share this with your friends. If you would like to get involved with the blog, please contact me at Any comments in bold type are made by me. Please enjoy.

1.  We finally got “Cleganebowl”, better known as the Hound vs the Mountain in a fight to the death.  This has long been anticipated. Did it live up to the hype? Were you happy with how they did this?

Chris T.:  Some cool visuals, i.e. the backdrop and their plunge through the wall. Ultimately though it felt out of place and tacked on to me. (It felt like the producers were like stuck between the feeling of giving fan service while having no game plan.  So it gets half-assed. I am happy that they tried. If they didn’t try, we’d be even more let down.)

Jim:  I liked it, probably more than I should have.  It felt a little shoehorned in because they waited so long to do it.  The better place in my mind would have been finale last season. Aside from my minor complaints, I had a slight nostalgic wave thinking of The Highlander’s final scene on the stairway with everything happening around it.  I really liked it, and really couldn’t see any other outcome happening. *pours a 40 on the ground for the Hound (Yeah, this needed to be placed in a different episode to get its own shine.  I also immediately thought of Highlander, which is a good thing. So far, two people haven’t liked the timing or placement of this.  Let’s see if this is a trend._)

Raylene:  I was hoping that The Hound was victorious and lived through it. (Yeah, that would have made some sense, right?  Somebody should have won it.)

Chris B.:  I thought it was well done.  Realistically, the Hound wasn’t going to be able to kill him in a sword fight.  They did a great job of making the Mountain seem like a monster while giving the Hound the closure his great character deserved.  (You’re right, The Hound wasn’t going to simply win in a sword fight, in the technical sense.  I would have liked to see The Hound behead the Mountain. That would have given a winner and may have been a cool visual.  I know that he got closure, but I am greedy.)

Johnny:  I for one really enjoyed how CleganeBowl was done. The build-up was shocking but a little funny for me and my roomies when ZombieMountain just FATALITIES him. ???? Very well done in my eyes… like the directors said the only one thing that is stronger than his fear of fire, is the hatred of his brother. And in the end, fire is what killed the Mountain and the Hound. Well, that… and, you know… gravity.  (It’s weird that I used to really enjoy the producer commentary at the end, but this season, I feel like they are more trying to justify their decisions rather than explain why the decision was made.  Still, I am picturing this in a Mortal Kombat sense and that made me laugh a lot.)

Kristi:  It was ok. After all the hype, I hoped for a little more than a staircase fight. I would have liked to see Hound live but this is GoT so I guess poetic justice?  (Bingo!  Hoped for more but had to settle for more “poetic justice”.  If I wanted Poetic Justice, I’d watch the very decent film from the 90’s starring Tupac and Janet Jackson.  Sometimes you just want a cool decisive victory, not poetic justice. Now I kinda want to do a Tupac movie marathon.  I’m in the minority, but I thought he was a better actor than a rapper.)

Mary Jane:  estuvo a la altura no se puede decir la verdad siempre esperamos mas de cada escena pero es por que cada fan tiene planeado en su mente el desenlace. me gusto pero lo mataron a el sabuehueso.  (Los aficionados son inconstantes. Esto es cierto en todo. Todos los fanáticos son inconstantes porque son fanáticos. Naturalmente, todos queremos algo diferente. La única diferencia es que ahora las personas pueden ser ruidosas y desagradables en las redes sociales y algunas personas se escuchan más que otras debido a la cantidad de negatividad que sale de sus bocas.)

It was up to the task, but to tell the truth, we always expect more from each scene. It is because each fan has planned in their mind what the outcome may be. I liked it but they killed it to the Sabbath.  (Fans are fickle.  This is true in everything.  All fans are fickle because they are fanatics.  Naturally, we all want something different. The only difference is now people can be loud and obnoxious on social media and some people are heard louder than others due to the amount of negativity spewing from their mouths.)

Kent:  Visually this was cool.  For the story, this was a letdown and that saddens me.  This is modern WWE at it’s finest. Afraid to just give us a winner and instead give us 50/50 booking, which means that neither man got over and neither man got truly buried.  It sucks in wrestling and it sucks in Game of Thrones. I didn’t want Sandor to lose, but if it meant a better story after, I would have accepted that way more than a remake of the fight from Highlander with a Kool-Aid Man ending.  All that was missing was The Hound saying “Ohhhh yeah ya fucking cunt!” as he was going through the wall.

2.  Cersei and Jaime died together, supposedly.  Was this a good way to kill 2 of the 20 biggest characters in the series?  What were your thoughts on this?

Chris T.:  Nope. Shitty way for them to go out. Jaime threw away 7 seasons worth of growth.  Cersei ultimately had no plan. Wtf Chuck? It was also like they tried to make her sympathetic at the end.  (You could make the argument that she was the ultimate evil character in the show, and I would argue that over the Night King as far as being a horrible person.  Then you try to make her sympathetic over the course of a couple of minutes? It took Jaime and Hound 7 seasons to strive for some redemption, as you said. Bad choices are bad.)

Jim:  It was good, very symbolic, everything they did such acts to protect, literally and figuratively crushing them.  I think if anyone killed them, we would have thought someone else was more deserving of the kill, simply based off of how many people they collectively wronged.

I didn’t like how Cersei handled her final hours…. just wallowing in denial of how shittily her “plan” worked.  She was such a strong and smart character for so long, to see her helpless in this time was a little out of character.  (What are you talking about Jim?  Are you saying that between 2 of the 5 smartest remaining characters in Cersei and Qyburn, that they didn’t have a Plan B or C and that Plan A was only effective because plot armor made it so in the previous episode by killing a dragon that shouldn’t have been killed in that manner?  Oh, yeah, that sounds about right.)

Raylene: Maybe they didn’t die we actually didn’t see their corpses. I was a weirdo and felt sorry for her a few times throughout this episode.  (If only I knew an old woman who could ring a bell a walk behind you and say “shame” repeatedly, I’d feel better.  I do wonder where the original “if we didn’t see the corpse then they ain’t dead” theory started. My guess is a soap opera or horror movie.)

Chris B.:  It was….ok.  I guess I just expected more for two of the main characters.  The part I didn’t enjoy was that they seemed to be trying to make people feel bad for Cersei.  I mean, at least Jaime tried to redeem himself, up Cersei was just evil. (But….but…..but Cersei loved her children.  She’s not so evil. C’mon Chris, sympathize for this shining beacon of hope.)

Johnny:  I personally didn’t mind it. Granted it wasn’t how I thought it was going to… but still, I think that’s why on some level I actually really enjoyed it. Say what you will about the whole incest brother/sister love, but beyond all that you have these 2 awesome characters who have had so much affection for each other with Cersei after hearing about the Battle of Winterfell, for all she knows Jamie is dead or never wants to see her again once she last saw him leaving Kings Landing at the end of season 7..

After she saw Qyburn die by her bodyguard’s hand ✋ she knew that meant she was truly alone. Left alone and believing that she was gonna die alone. But in the end, she saw Jamie the father of her children and welcomed Jamie into her arms and then there you have it… Jamie ended up really dying in the arms of the women he loves… ❤  (I like 2 points here.  It was decent in the idea that this was unexpected.  Still, as a horror traditionalist, I will say that a twist for the sake of the twist isn’t as good as the obvious route that provides the best ending.  Whether that applies to this is entirely subjective, but they did try something different so I will credit that. The other point, Cersei’s Hand (Qyburn) died via her bodyguard’s hand.  This made me happy to think about.)

Kristi: Didn’t care for it. I thought Jaime had turned around so it was disappointing seeing him all loving towards her. I mean, I was rooting for him for Sir Brienne so now I’m upset with my comment wanting them to hook up. Glad he’s dead. That’s all.  (This is the most Kristi comment that I have read in awhile.  I laughed and that’s all.)

Mary Jane:  claro que no fue buena fue una basura cersei merecia ser decapitada y sufrir mas esa muerte fue mejor que la del titanic  (Tal vez fue aplastada en el cuerpo, pero no lo suficiente como para matarla instantáneamente. Es poco probable, pero intentaré ser optimista por un momento. Ahora volviendo a mí siendo un idiota negativo.)

Of course, it was not good. It was garbage. Cersei deserved to be decapitated and suffer more. That death was better than the one in Titanic.  (Maybe she got crushed in the body but not enough to kill her instantly.  It’s unlikely, but I will try to be optimistic for one moment. Now back to me being a negative jerk.)

Kent:  I have already made my points in the comments.  It underwhelmed me, plain and simple. But enough about that.  Did anybody notice the big thing? Yes, that’s right, last week I predicted that Rains of Castamere would play, and I was right.  I was so right that Chris B sent me a message at 10:21 PM Sunday. I started the episode late and was already pissed about Varys, so seeing his message made me happy at least.

3.  Tyrion totally screwed over Varys and got him killed.  Had Tyrion not told Dany, would she have possibly killed Tyrion or still killed Varys or did something else?  

Chris T.:  If Tyrion hadn’t told Dany she wouldn’t have known any of what she killed Varys/lost her mind over. Everything that happened later is on his head.  (I am still thinking that she knew without Tyrion telling her.  I have no proof, just useless theories. This is the internet after all.)

Jim: I think Tyrion did what he needed to stay alive.  He clearly is on his last thread of Dany’s patience, so if she found out about Varys she would have held him responsible as well, even for just ignorance.  He did screw Varys hard, and he knew it. The guilt must have exploded in him once he saw Dany torch Kings Landing, based of Varys’s dying comment. (I wish the guilt explosion killed him.  Yeah, I’m bitter.)

Raylene:  I think she will ultimately be trying to kill everyone who has shared Jon’s real identity. (I can see her trying to behead Tyrion or Jon and relive the Ned scene in a sense.  She will call it treason that Jon shared his identity or something beyond idiotic.)

Chris B.:   She is so unstable, she might kill anyone at the moment.  She has become increasingly paranoid since she found out the truth about John.  I think when all is said and done she will have tried to execute anyone who knows the truth.  (Yup, we are headed for a public execution it feels like.)

Johnny:  Definitively hard to say, but it did feel like Tyrion knew if Dany found out that he knew about Varys without him telling her, it’d be off with his skin. Well, that and along with everything else. ???? But please not Tyrion… But Tyrion mainly told Dany in hopes to save himself. Because he knew that keeping Varys’s motives a secret would be potentially signing his death sentence.  (Well, sorry, but Tyrion deserves the death sentence more than just about anybody at the moment for his actions.  The argument for good intentions is no longer valid for me.)

Also, I believe the first few scenes of the SERIES FINALE is going to be the death of Tyrion. 🙁 (C ’mon, turn that frown upside down.  He kinda sorta deserves it. He helped empower the living embodiment of a Buckcherry song.)

Mary Jane:   tyrion no debio delatar a varys debio hablar con el o hacer algo el era su amigo y lo traiciono y dany loo quemo vivo.  (Esto realmente hizo que el episodio fuera malo para mí. Uno de los personajes más honorables de este espectáculo, considerando todas las cosas, tuvo una muerte horrible. Los buenos tienen las muertes más terribles en este espectáculo, mientras que los más malvados tienden a salir con bastante facilidad, excepto Ramsay.)

Tyrion shouldn’t have ratted out Varys.  He should have spoken with Varys or done something different. He was his friend and betrayed him and then Dany burned him alive.  (This really set the episode up to be a bad one for me.  One of the more honorable characters in this show, all things considered, got a horrible death.  The good guys get the most terrible deaths in this show while the most evil tend to get off fairly easily, except for Ramsay.)

Kent:  For as smart as Tyrion seems to think that he is,  he is nothing but a coward who has backed and helped empower the wrong person.  And now, how many innocent people died? This isn’t a man that has the best interests of the Realm in mind.  This is the epitome of a desperate gambler who keeps going further and further in debt because he thinks that he is smarter than the system and it’s high time the imp got got in GoT.  

Getting Varys killed was the last straw for me. He kept putting faith in the wrong people instead of the person that had the best intentions and plan. I hate to say this about a character that I have loved throughout the series, but fuck Tyrion.  Dany was always going to be this psycho if you followed the clues. Tyrion could have been better. I wish Tywin was still alive.

4.  Euron got a nice fight to the death with Jaime while Qyburn got killed in a blink of the eye by The Mountain.  Which death scene was better?

Chris T.:  Euron might still be alive (we didn’t see a body). Qyburn’s death might as well have been played for laughs.  (There we go with the “if we didn’t see the body” theory.  I really want to know the origin of it.)

Jim:  I enjoyed the Qyburn scene so much more.  It showed that there was still just a little human (albeit psychopath) in the Darth Vader costume.  I can’t think of anyone who really could/should have killed Qyburn (unless a fake pregnancy test fell out of his pocket). The boyfriend-bowl though good, was not nearly as entertaining.  (I kinda thought Arya would kill Qyburn, in my head it made sense. The” monster that you created ends up destroying you” type of thing is still good when not overused. I bet Qyburn could have come up with a pregnancy test. You know that there is at least a 92% of him having something in mind.)

Raylene:  Euron had a better scene. Qyburn just died so damn fast by his creation.  (The old Frankenstein’s monster routine.  I I kinda want to rewatch that movie again now.)

Chris B.:  Qyburn. It was so quick and brutal.  He was killed by his greatest creation.  (If you blinked, you missed it.  Fortunately, I didn’t blink. I think the Starbuck’s cup got more time than Qyburn did for his death.

Johnny:  Both great but in different ways.

Mary Jane:  la de euron aunque soy sadica y preferiria que lo hubiera matado yara lo de jaime fue inescesario pelea de rivales muy romeo y julieta jaja.  (Yara se merecía la muerte de Euron. A pesar de que toda la justicia poética se difundió, ella no consiguió la suya.)

The one of Euron although I am sadistic and I would have preferred that he had killed by Yara.  Jaime was an unnecessary fight of rivals, very Romeo and Juliet, haha. (Yara deserved the Euron kill.  For all of the poetic justice being spread around, she didn’t get hers.)

Kent:  Euron’s was better by a wide margin, not even close.  Euron had a great fight with swords and punching and trash talking.  Euron goes out with one of his best lines yet. That is the only way Euron could go out as fan service, and this was most definitely that.  Here’s the thing, and this pisses me off. Qyburn deserved something more than that shitty death. Qyburn is arguably one of the 25-30 most important characters in this whole story.  He’s rarely the guy getting the lines and screen time, but he is the one helping to orchestrate Cersei’s dominance. This man got no love from the fans, no recognition, and I shame everybody who doesn’t see that.  To put this in perspective, we all love Tormund, but Qyburn was more important. So this was bullshit.

5.  Arya received words of wisdom from Sandor, and she managed to survive.  Tell me what you thought about all of Arya’s journey in this episode, what stood out to you.  

Chris T.:  How fucking pointless it was. “Sorry Gendry, friend zone for you, it’s not you it’s me. I can’t give up being an assassin and cutting off people’s faces. Besides I still have to kill Cersei. Oh wait, some dude who I only semi-respect told me to give it up so I can live. I mean, seriously, it’s not like my bro-slash cousin’s aunt-slash girlfriend is going to go completely batshit crazy and murder a million people in King’s Landing and I will need to be there on a white horse to kill her in the last episode, is it Gendry? Stop crying like a pussy because I just gave you spoilers for episode 5, and go row a boat some more!”  (I have never seen this movie, but this sums up my thoughts on your answer.)

Jim:  It just seemed like her trip instantly became pointless.  If she really was so willing to die to get Cersei, she wouldn’t have been talked out of it by a “The More You Know” talk from The Hound.  I didn’t like she (as the directors said) was just used so we’d care about the people on the ground more. There were plenty of people we liked as characters there which could have had the same effect, without neutering the story of one of its best.  Her escape, minus the horse, was cool, but I don’t think she would have been so easily talked out. (Davos would have been a great person on the ground to serve this purpose that the producers wanted without screwing Arya of her dignity like alopecia did to me.)

Raylene:  Ayra accomplished one thing in the episode that was finally making peace with the Hound. Being there was just pointless perhaps she will be Queen in the end wearing Dany’s face.  (She doesn’t want the position.  But maybe she does. She is suddenly fickle.)

Chris B.:  I thought this episode highlighted Arya is truly a survivor.  She’s been kidnapped, blinded, stabbed, fought ice zombies, and now a dragon burning a city down.  If none of that killed her, what exactly can? I was disappointed with how easily she changed her mind about killing Cersei.  It’s not like she’s been talking about it for 5 seasons or anything….. (Like this……)

Kristi:  It’s no secret she is one of my favorites on the show. I’m glad it went down the way it did. She surely would have met her demise if she went into the castle. She is now pissed and out for blood, even more so than before. I hope to see her slay some shit next episode. Kicking ass and taking faces. That’s my girl!  (I’m curious is this episode weakened her in any way.  It appears that it did in some people’s eyes but you seem to think that it probably motivated her more.  Interesting take.)

Mary Jane:  me hizo llorar sandor… fue tan triste creo que arya tiene rabia y con mucha razon… esperaba mas de arya dany hizo todo el trabajo los stark no se vengaron de ningun Lannister jaja  (Esa escena fue en realidad la más triste para mí también. Sandor fue probablemente mi personaje favorito en la serie de espectáculos.)

Sandor made me cry … it was so sad. I think that Arya is angry and rightly so …I expected more from Arya.  Dany did all the work. The Starks did not take revenge on any Lannister, haha. (That scene was actually the saddest one for me as well.  Sandor was probably my favorite character in the show series.)

Kent:  Sandor has been teaching Arya for a long time and it was nice to see her stop being so stubborn and hellbent on vengeance.  Simultaneously, if you are going to turn down Gendry and are prepared to die, then go fucking fulfill your legacy. I’m happy that she is alive, but her killing Cersei would have been preferred by the vast majority and I think a lot of people feel robbed of that.  I kinda thought that Mountain would deliver a fatal blow to Hound and then Arya would kill Mountain. Then she would be forced to leave Hound there as the building collapsed. That would have been a better way to handle Arya and Cleganebowl, in my opinion.

6.  Arya has had 3 mentors in Syrio Forel, Jaqen H’ghar, and The Hound.  Who helped her the most?

Chris T.:  I have to say Jaqen H’ghar. He taught her how to use everything she has to become the badass she is now.

Jim:  I think it was Jaqen, though the Hound kept her alive, Jaqen taught her she needed to take lives to get what she needs, that she needs to follow through of she’d have consequences, to use advantages she had available, and so many more lessons.  He also emphasized her ingenuity, by rewarding her plan when she asked him to kill himself early on. He knew she was special even then. I do wish she used her “faceless one” skills a little more.

Raylene:  I say without The Hound getting her out she would’ve been dead so Hound it is.

Chris B.:  The Hound. He’s the realist of the group.  While they all kind of taught her how to fight to an extent, he was with her when she first learned about killing.  His “kidnapping” of her put her on the path to become a faceless one. By the way, I thought it was a nice touch when she called the hound Sandor.  No one ever refers to him by his actual name, and I thought it was a great show of respect.

Kristi: I would go with  Jaqen. He really taught her a lot of things within her. He made her believe more in herself and help her find her inner badass.

Mary Jane:  todos la complementaron pero creo que no podria ser lo que es sin alguno.

All complement each other but I think that Arya could not be what she is without all of them helping.

Kent:  I didn’t want to comment on this one, and a few others due to the nature of the question being very cut and dry.  There is no wrong answer, and while Hound is probably the best answer, I will make the argument for Syrio Forel. He took this girl who hated her lot in life and gave her something to focus her energy and talents on.  Without him, none of the other stuff has an opportunity to play out. He gave her the guidance which led to her thirst for further knowledge and training of sorts. Still, Hound probably taught her the most valuable skills.  Syrio was her Mr. Miyagi though.

7.  In your opinion, should or could Jon have done more to calm the riot that Grey Worm caused?

Chris T.:  What could he have done, kicked him in the nuts? The things guys do for pussy (or dick if they go that way).  (Facts, guys do some dumb shit.)

Jim:  Anything he did would have been better than the nothing he did.  He didn’t pull back his men, try to stop Grey Worm, try to save people, or try to stop his men from war crimes.  I don’t know if any of it would have been successful, and I think his little resistance will be reported back to Dany, but he should have done more if he’s the great leader he’s supposed to be. (Yeah, this is the great Jon Snow.  The most respected man in all of the lands, perhaps.  If he is so revered then what the hell?)

Raylene: Like we’ve discussed perhaps having his men retreating once the bells were rung. Instead of standing there watching Dany have a meltdown.  (Yeah, his voice was the most powerful on the ground and he didn’t utilize it.  Maybe he doesn’t deserve the throne.)

Chris B.:  Killed Grey Worm????  No. That would have made it worse.  I’m not sure what he could have done… (That is what the moment so tricky.  Killing Grey Worm is the obvious move, and just as disastrous as the outcome that we had.)

Kristi:  I don’t think he could have done anything. Grey Worm lost his love.  His reason for living. He gives zero shits now. He is going to do what he was bred for. To fight. (I don’t think Grey Worm has anybody to answer to, including Dany.  He surely wasn’t going to listen to Jon.)

Mary Jane:  no era una multitud el solo es un hombre.  (Es cierto, pero supuestamente es EL HOMBRE.)

It was not a crowd, it’s just a man.  (True, but he is supposedly THE MAN.)

Kent:  Well first of all he should have been wondering how they had so many Dothraki after the battle of Winterfell.  He should have just cut bait on them and he could have left Grey Worm to do his thing. If he fights Grey Worm, it makes everything worse.  Most importantly, at least half of that army would have listened to Jon and that is something that he did have command over. And that is where he could have made the decision to do the right thing.  Jon disappointed me big time. Not as much as Tyrion though.

8.  Arya is on her horse and presumably riding back to Winterfell.  Sansa and Bran haven’t really had that big moment yet. Out of those 3, who do you think will have the biggest moment in the series’ finale and why do you choose them?

Chris T.:  Considering Arya is the only one of those 3 in the preview, Arya. Bye Dany, nice knowing you took 6 plus books and 23 years of my life to go fucking crazy and kill everyone Cersei didn’t.  (I think next week will include a question of who was the worst character, Dany or Cersei.  I had to wait to see how the finale played out first. 23 years of your life down the drain, man.)

Jim:  I’ve said to anyone who will listen, that I think Arya will get the throne, so if I’m right, Arya will have a big moment.  I’ve also said Sansa, and anyone who has tried to play the game to win, will die trying, so Sansa’s moment will be big too, for other reasons.  Bran.. I don’t know, I never know with him.. he could have a big moment, or just stare while trying to connect to WiFi.. he could take over Drogon, or be a paperweight..  (I like your theory that a person who doesn’t want to play the game will win the game.  It makes a lot of sense. That leaves Jon, Arya, Davos, and…..Tormund. Lots of solid possibilities there.)

Raylene:  They seem to be gearing towards Ayra having moments. But I’ll say Bran morphs into the dragon and kills Dany.  (If Bran doesn’t warg into Drogon, I will totally shave my head.)

Chris B.:  Well, Arya is in King’s Landing in the trailer, and she looks mad.  All that being said, I think Bran will have the biggest moment. I think his character needs one the most.  Arya killed the Night King, Sansa had her awesome scene with Littlefinger, Bran…. well, I guess I just thought the three-eyed raven would be more involved.  (Bran has been the most powerful character aside from perhaps the Night King, and yet Bran has barely used this potential.  He has to be due….right? And when doesn’t Arya look pissed?)

Kristi: I’m going out on a limb and saying Sansa. She hasn’t had any truly big moments this season. With her and Tyrion’s relationship, I think she will have a hand in taking down Dany. (If I wrote this 4 days ago, my bold prediction was that Sansa and Tyrion would rule at the end of the finale, but I have talked myself out of it….for now.)

Mary Jane:  Sansa o Arya por supuesto  (¿No hay amor por Bran?)

Sansa or Arya of course  (No love for Bran?)

Kent:  It’s Bran.  If the answer isn’t Bran then this show will have let us all down.  Sansa has had some good to very good moments. Bran has, by and large, had mostly shit and one or two good moments.  Arya has had a ton of great moments and it appears that she will get another. In a non-sexist show, Jon would take on Dany and Arya would take on Grey Worm and I’d have a bucket of popcorn.  I’m just kidding about sexism. I’m not a fucking idiot.

Arya will kill Dany or Grey Worm or die trying. Probably Dany, I think. Sansa will make at least one more power move and with Brienne and possibly Tyrion (not a high probability but still…), she seems to have her shit together the most.  I think Drogon has to be taken out. Bran and Drogon is the key. Also, Arya on the horse had a very Rick Grimes vibe to it for me.

9.  I saved this for last.  Everybody, now is your time to unleash your anger toward Dany.  Be as brutal as you want. I am looking forward to some funny lines here.

Chris T.:  This works in a story way, but only one where they had 3-4 more episodes this season to play this out. Everything is just too condensed to the point that shit has become caricatures of the plot points George gave D&D, I am sure. Guess the look Tyrion gave us when Jon went to Fuck Dany last season was over how the show shit the bed on its ending.

Jim:  I didn’t expect it (despite the spoilers) until the “previously on GoT” snippet in the beginning.  They clearly pointed out she was gonna go bananas. I don’t think she is necessarily out of character doing it, but I just thought she would be a little more “breaker of chains” than “bbq chef who can’t tell when it’s done ps..  it’s burnt”. I did laugh, as for whatever reason, watching her kill all the innocent people, I thought of Don Cheadle as Captain Planet.. with John just sobbing “heart”. If you have never scene it, I linked it. (Hahaha, I had never seen that video. I am Kentertained.)

Raylene:  She’s an entitled Bitch that is all.  (Word)

Chris B.:  She’s never exactly been innocent.  From the beginning, she’s been talking about burning cities and people to the ground.  I have no problem with her being crazy. My problem is that this entire season has been so rushed.  There are too many stories that need to be wrapped up, that none of them are getting the time they need.  And as Raylene said, she’s an entitled bitch. (Thank you!  She has always been about this life, just not batshit crazy.  But I implore people who don’t get it, go rewatch the series. She has been this bitch all along but because she did a few things that seemed nice on the surface, it has always been self serving.)

Kristi:  Shes a crazy bitch that has lost most everything she loves. I can’t blame her for going crazy. If someone killed 2 of my 3 pets, my best friend, and the man that protected me for as long as I had known, I’d light some shit on fire too! (I feel like you will definitely be answering Cersei when I ask who the more evil queen was in this show.  Pet fans will side with Dany I feel. I am looking forward to next week’s blog now. I am curious if you think she would have stayed sane if those deaths didn’t happen.  Obviously it is all hypothetical, but would she have still snapped because of her lineage?)

Mary Jane:  no estoy enojada. grande dany ese pueblo pidio la cabeza de ned stark…. me encanto que los quemara ademas una mujer con rabia es un peligro (Y es por eso que no confío en las mujeres).

I’m not angry. big dany that town asked the head of ned stark …. I loved that you will burn them also a woman with rage is a danger. (And this is why I don’t trust women.)

Kent:  Go back and read what I was saying about Dany in season 7.  This wasn’t surprising. The surprising thing to me was how long it took people to see the truth.  I wish Melisandre was still around to put Dany’s ass in its place. She’d do it if the Lord of Light allowed it.  Little Sam may have had to be sacrificed, but I think it’s a fair trade-off.

Bonus Deuce

1.  Will Dany die by the end of the finale?

Chris T.:  I would be surprised if she doesn’t

Jim:  Yes, she won’t get what she wants, and would rather die than give up the throne.  (A question for you to ponder.  How many characters in the show would give up the throne if it meant living?  Tyrion would, Davos might. Most would be too damn stubborn, I think. The list would be short.  Sam would, obviously.)

Raylene:  Yup

Chris B.:  Yes.

Kristi:  I think so.

Mary Jane:  si va a morir una desgracia para mi en verdad.

Yes, a misfortune is going to die for me in truth.

Kent:  If she doesn’t, the season 8 DVD/Blu Ray/Digital sales will plummet.  That matters. Yeah, she gon get got! Dany is a dead MF’er now.

2.  Aside from Dany, it feels inevitable that there will be at least one other big death.  Who would be your best guess?

Chris T.:  At this point, I am surprised if Arya, Dany, Drogon, Tyrion, and Grey Worm live. I give Jon 50-50. Davos I think is ok as should be Bran and Sansa. It’s looking like Queen Sansa now, so Fuck you seven kingdoms, resting bitch face Little-er/Nofinger will be a bunch of fun for you after all the other shenanigans  (Littlefinger will always be in my top 10, so I can’t be too pissed if Sansa carries on his legacy.)

Jim:  I still have a list bigger than Arya’s of who I think will die…. I think Sansa, Tyrion, John, Dany, Grey Worm are all going to get it.  The real big one no one is talking about is HotPie. Seriously though, I think we are going to lose a bunch of characters. Just hoping for enough so someone says “Jim called it, the crazy bastard got it”.  (If Hot Pie dies, DVD sales will plummet, Jim.  Not cool. He bakes really, really good.)

Raylene:  I’ll go with Tryion (Really going out on a limb there.)

Chris B.:  I’m going to go with someone different, although it deeply saddens me.  Sir Bronn of the fooking Blackwater. (Ohhhh Chris, your answer saddens me.  Bronn is really Tyrion’s best chance at surviving though, right?  Fuck, you just make me really sad.)

Kristi:  Jon Snow. He is too big of a character to live. He was brought back for something. I think he will fulfill whatever he came back for and die again. (For the Watch!!!!)

Mary Jane:  arya morira lo se >:c  (Parece estar destinada a salir peleando y muriendo. Nadie piensa que ella va a ser feliz en sus 30 años con 3 hijos.)

I think Arya will die  (She seems destined to go out fighting and dying.  Nobody thinks that she is going to be happy in her 30’s with 3 kids.)

Kent:  Grey Worm is a definite but that is too easy, probably defending Dany.  The thing is, he gets killed by Nymeria! Arya is also too easy.  I think Drogon is going to die. Jon intrigues me. Do they really want to kill off the Targaryen bloodline entirely?  I think Jon survives, but Tormund dies. Ghost dies. Brienne, Sansa, Tyrion, Bronn, Bran, Jon, Sam, and Davos all live.  Gendry also loses the Storm Lands and his head tonight. Sad panda.

Final Thoughts – One last time, who will be sitting on the Iron Throne, literally or figuratively, by the time the credits roll?

Chris T.:  Shit I just answered that before I read this question. Look up 1 answer ^^^

Jim:  Arya, because she has never wanted it.  Plus she’s probably the only one left.

Raylene:  Ayra

Chris B.:  The only person who would probably actually be a good king, Sir Davos!  But based on how this season has been written, Sansa.

Kristi:  Arya and Gendry. Maybe Tyrion and Sansa.

Mary Jane:  Sansa Stark

Kent:  Dany’s corpse? Sansa and Tyrion because they have played the game the best, mostly inadvertently.  Don’t forget to check out the podcast that Chris T. and I do about Game of Thrones. It’s called Kenter At Your Own Risk and it’s adequate. I also hope for one last really good piece of original music from this episode.

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