Television The Purge

The Purge Ep:10 “A Nation Reborn”

This week, we see Joe for who he truly is, a whiny little insecure bitch.  He puts most of the main characters on trial, and Jane is a moron.  It’s Kristi and I trying to go over the important developments of the week. Any comments in bold are made by me, Kent.


  1.  It appears that Joe is dead.  Are you 100% certain that he is dead?


Kristi:  I feel like he is dead. I’m thinking there will be a new villain next season. I don’t see them going with the same story.

Kent:  I said to myself that they didn’t kill him and I thought that it was a shame that there wasn’t a season 2 so he could show up and get got.  Then the announcement for season 2 happened. I am going to say that Joe is alive because there was no definitive death blow, and it’s the horror genre.  Seriously, kill your attacker!!!


  1.  Did Rick deserve to die after what he did to Joe?


Kristi: Going with yes here. Sure, Joe was crazy but what he did was pretty crappy. He lost everything because of him. He deserved to die.

Kent:  Yeah, I think it was fair.  You don’t fuck with a person’s livelihood, their ability to earn for themselves and their family.  I do think death was fair. When I lost my one job because some little shithead got me and two other good employees fired in the dumbest way possible, I have no shame in wishing death on that person.  That is the only person that exists that I do not forgive, and I doubt that I ever will because of the malicious intent involved. Maybe my answer is biased, but fuck Rick.


  1.  What character grew on you in a positive way as the season progressed?   Aside from Joe, what character went downhill the most for you through the season?


Kristi: I pretty much hated Pen most of the season but I actually found her tolerable in the last episode. I do agree that Pete the cop was my favorite though. I liked him from the beginning. I really like when he said he was Pete the Cop and the dude was like oh shit, go through. Pete’s cool.

Kent:  I wasn’t 100% down with Pete the first and possibly the second time that we meet him.  He ended up being my favorite. Lila grew on me too, but for all of the wrong reasons.  As for downhill, I think it has to be Jane. I started off really liking her story. Getting fucked over by the man for years, so you hire an assassin.  She slowly spiraled and made so many mistakes, and her final bit was beyond stupid. Also, quick shout out to Jenna. I never liked her, but she wasn’t trying to keep Rick alive at the end.  She was told to put pressure on the wound and after like 3 seconds, she totally half-assed it and let him die. I appreciated that, although I don’t think it was intentional, I was paying attention.


  1.  Did you like the next year stuff with Miguel and Penny going out on Purge night as protectors?  Do you think that the news in France that Jenna was watching is a potential clue to what we may see next season?


Kristi:  I have mixed feelings about Miguel and Pen being protectors. I get that they want to help since their parents were purged but, seriously, just kick it with Pete the Cop. Why ask for danger?  I’m kinda thinking Jenna’s story will end since she has the baby.

Kent:  I think that it was smart to leave the door open to a Purge in another country, but I don’t think we will see it in season 2.  I would guess that maybe in season 3 though. Just a random guess. I like Miguel. I want to like Penny, like at times she’s okay, and then she does something dumb.  With that being said, I hate the protector idea. I liked the medic team idea, and if they were working with them, I would have liked it better. I feel it would have given them more purpose.


  1.  Now that you have had a chance to see what they can accomplish as both a film and a tv series, do you prefer this longer format?


Kristi:  I do like the series but I also love the movies. With the series, I get more involved with the characters, which I enjoy. Backstories please me.

Kent:  The TV format offers so much more opportunity to tell a great story and truly develop characters.  There were some missteps along the way, but I think they got more right than they got wrong. I will say that I prefer the TV format for now due to its potential, but now they need to live up to that potential.


Final Thoughts – The big news revealed hours before the finale aired is that The Purge is apparently having a second season, despite this being advertised as a one-off mini-series. Are you happy that we will get a second season?  What would you like to see improved upon?


Kristi:  I am super happy about getting another season! I really liked this show. Less talking, more action next year.

Kent:  They do need to up the violence and feature more of The Purgers being violent.  I think that is one of the big selling points of the films, you see the “bad guys” more frequently.  I still think that the first Purge film was a great idea, but is my least favorite due to a handful of issues.  I am hoping that the series continues to improve as the film franchise has. I’m happy. Also, no more of these characters like David who had no redeeming qualities.  You want to have complicated bad guys who have a legitimate reason for doing what they do. That’s why Batman is so popular, because of his rogue gallery of antagonists.  I want to understand and appreciate why this character is an asshole. David and the Stanton’s were just rich and or sexist elitists. That’s not good enough in the modern era.  They tried a little more with Joe. If all of the people that he took captive screwed him over in a similar fashion as Rick did, we’d be looking at Joe significantly different right now.  Just because a guy was mean to you in high school, or you had a bad date, or someone didn’t thank you for holding the door open, those are not acceptable reasons. The people who closed his workplace down, that makes sense.  Joe should have been more like John Kramer AKA Jigsaw. Had Joe gone after the head of an insurance agency that refused to cover his dad’s illness, something like that is relatable. I hope that they make the antagonists more 3 dimensional moving forward.  Also, did we ever find out who the old couple was that Joe found?



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