Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead 9 Deuce: S:7 Ep:1 – Lucille The Vampire Bat Edition

Welcome ladies and gentlemen. The wait is over, and our questions have been answered. Walking Dead has now entered phase 2. Negan has bashed in some skulls and appears to have broken Rick’s will. We learned that Lucille is part vampire, and that Carl may be the biggest bad ass of them all. While the farm, the prison, Terimuns, the Hunters, and the Wolves have all been varying levels of difficulty, Negan has increased this to maximum difficulty. If you don’t play video games, none of that just made sense.

With that being said, the format is simple. I ask 9 episode specific questions, and the 2 about the Walking Dead Universe. We get lots of interesting opinions, I act like a pompous fool, and we have a few good laughs. Let’s have some fun. Enjoy! Finally, no Negan, your joke was not that bad. People’s responses are listed in the order that I received them. This is a long read, but I promise you, this is well worth reading and sharing with your friends.

Before we start, I feel compelled to get something off of my chest, and you already know what it’s going to be, so you can skip to the first question if you like. To the people who are whining about this show’s violence, please leave the room. You don’t have to announce it. You people are not special. You are simply looking for attention and you like to complain just to complain. I have not read a single valid or viable complaint about this episode. You did, in fact, understand that a character was going to get their head bashed in. You also see the warning before the show airs and usually when it returns from commercial. These people need to go back and get your trophy for participating in a sport because they are all individual snowflakes. I am not suggesting that this wasn’t violent, but what in the blue hell did anybody expect? Find a person that is complaining and simply ask them what they expect based off season 6’s finale. It’s hilarious watching them twist in the wind. I implore everybody upset or offended by the violence to act like a grown up, you don’t have to go to social media and seek out attention, just shut your mouth, and find something that is more to your liking. There’s a difference that modern society seems to forget. There is a HUGE difference between whether something is good or bad to watch, vs your personal opinion. Finally, I implore people to backhand anybody who suggests that this episode was torture porn. That term is not appropriate for this episode, and whoever says it may as well be wearing a sign stating “I’m a moron. My opinions have no merit. Ignore me at all costs.” Go watch the original French film called Martyrs, and then tell me if this episode was torture porn.

The 9

  1. Who caused Glenn’s death?

Cece:  I think Glenn himself because we see in the previous episode he tries to fight back and I don’t think Negan liked that.

Raylene:  Three people played a hand in Glenn’s death. Maggie for making the deal at the hill top to take out Negan. Then Glenn when he tried to stop Negan from approaching Maggie during the line up. Finally, Daryl for punching Negan when he clearly stated that you only get one and after he shuts that shit down.

Briana:  Definitely Daryl! I understand that he just can’t help himself but Negan said “I will shut that shit down!” And you seriously have to believe the threats of the guy who just bashed your friends head in! Don’t get me wrong, I still love Daryl, but he definitely was the reason there were 2 deaths. Even if he didn’t know it wouldn’t be his own.

Melanie:  Negan plain and simple.

Eric:  Glen did because he was eye fucking Negan.

Bob:  I have several suggestions for this.  1) Taking in the totality of the circumstances, Daryl caused Glenn’s death;  2) Negan physically caused Glenn’s death because he was actually the one who did the head smashing;  3) Glenn caused his own death by getting Maggie pregnant;  4) Maggie caused Glenn’s death because she became pregnant;  5) Rick caused Glenn’s death because he is the leader and ultimately is responsibility for the good or bad of the group;  6) Whoever released this virus is culpable for Glenn’s death as well. (Kent: Well, Bob wins this one. That is probably the best thought out response that I have heard yet.)

Jess:  Ultimately Rick for attacking the saviors but Daryl played a part too. Both will probably blame themselves.

Bits:  Negan.  Negan already knew he was going to kill more than one. He’s been scouting them for a long time and sees that Maggie is stronger than Glenn and Glenn was disposable.

Kent:  Well initially Maggie and Rick for waging war, so they are the root of the problem. Then Glenn because he got out of line. I don’t really blame Daryl. Also, watch Glenn for the 5-10 second before Negan smashes his skull. He looks so odd.

  1. What is your fondest Abe moment, or line? (Kent: Please note that I tried to link as many of your picks to YouTube clips.)

Cece:  Oh man, what’s that one about ‘Loose ends make my ass itch’.

Raylene:  There were so many Dolphin Smooth was really great. When we see him first on the how was awesome his sheer enjoyment of bashing walkers heads in is great. Too bad that scene had to be ruined by Tara. Again there are soooo many memories to name for me. (Kent: Fuckin Tara! She’s the worst!)
Briana:  I loved all of his lines! That man made poetry with the word shit! Hahaha!

Melanie:  “Son of a dick!” (Kent: Sorry, couldn’t find that clip.)

Eric:  When he beat up Eugene.

Bob:  When Abe tuned up Eugene for being an complete tool and essentially stole the rug of hope from underneath him.

Jess:  Son of a dick!  (Kent: Sorry, couldn’t find that clip.)

Bits: Who’s Deanna?  (Kent: That will be a response during Loaded Questions, guaranteed.)

Kent:  “Mother Dick” is a phrase that I use quite often, as I do with “Who’d Deanna?”. I use a lot of Abe’s lingo. I wish he would have been with Rick when he took on Joe and The Claimers though. Above all else, I always loved Abe’s flashback story about his wife and kid. The comic was better, but still, it was very heartbreaking.

Season 4 Compilation

Season 5 Compilation

Season 6 Compilation

Here’s a great list as well.

  1. What is your fondest Glenn moment? (Kent: Once again, I tried my best to link to YouTube videos for your responses.)

Cece:  I think my favorite is when he’s talking to Rick in season 1 while he’s in the tank and being a smart ass because he’s this fast pizza delivery boy.

Raylene:  Glenn was alright in my book he was more of a background character for me even though he was a main character. My fondest memory is when Glenn finally fought back against Nicholas in the woods and almost shot him that made me think Glenn was a badass.

Briana:   As cheesy as it sounds “Hey dumbass!” Will always be my favorite Glenn moment. It was the line that made me fall in love with the show. He was absolutely my favorite character and I will miss him dearly.

Melanie:  When Glenn meets Rick for the first time and he looked like a mix of Data and Short Round. Kent: Well, you sold me with a mention of Short Round.)

Eric:  When he was driving that car when they left the warehouse.

Bob:  When Glenn killed one of Negan’s men at one of Negan’s compounds to prevent another form having to kill a non-zombie.

Jess:  Probably when he firsts walkie talkies Rick in the tank and calls him a dumb ass.

Bits: I loved the story line between Glenn and Hershel.  A Dynamic we haven’t seen again on the show.

Kent: When he gets lowered into the well is season 2. Like he’s always that guy getting put in danger, but he tries to play it cool. Also, when he got the list from Lori, that quality. Finally, that time that he died by the dumpster.

  1. Are you happy or disappointed that nobody lost an arm or hand?

Cece:  I’d have to say I’m a little disappointed. I thought it would been sick to see. Although I knew Negan just wanted Rick to get there. (Kent: I think it would have been a sight to see, but it would have changed how people did the final scene, in my opinion.)

Raylene:  I really didn’t want anyone to lose a hand especially when they went down the Carl road screw you Ron for making him lose that eye!!!!!

Briana:  I guess I could take or leave the losing of a limb. I’m glad Carl didn’t lose his hand/arm because the poor kid already only has one eye! It would have been super difficult for him to lose a limb on top of that! However, I kind of like the idea of Rick losing a hand because in the comics, it sort of amplified his badassness! Lol!  (Kent: One handed Rick manhandling fools is always a treat!)

Melanie:  No

Eric:  Disappointed that Rick did not lose his hand.

Bob: I am relieved – I don’t think losing a limb makes for good TV, especially a leader however in a real world scenario, I could see this punishment being effective.

Jess:  I have no opinion either way. I thought they did great keeping everyone on the edge of their seats with the moment.

Bits: I’m happy that no one else was injured during the making of the episode.

Kent: I have to say disappointed. As Brianna said in regards to Rick, it adds this layer of bad assery to his character.


  1. Who will be the first person to try to retaliate against Negan?

Cece:  Maggie.

Raylene:  I feel that Maggie, Rosita or Sasha will try to get revenge on Negan.

Briana:  From the looks of things, I’d have to say Maggie! Hell hath no fury and all that! At the same time, for whatever reason, I could see Carl also being the one to say “hey! So they got a leg up on us once! We are still us!”

Melanie:  Maggie

Eric:  Carl

Bob:  Carl.  Because he is still an idiot.

Jess:  I’m hoping for another bad ass Carol moment. (Kent: I hadn’t considered that, but Carol is my favorite lady on TV, so I’m down with that.)

Bits: Carol

Kent: I hope Carl. If Carl’s story arc plays out in any way similar to the comic, it’s my favorite part about everything that we’ll see the next season or 2.


  1. Did Rick’s group deserve this?

Cece:  No? Why?

Raylene:  Most people say yes but I feel that Negan’s group are the bad ones. Yes our group killed many of their people but Negan’s group goes around slaving groups to work for him and give him half your stuff if you don’t then he kills people until you submit to him.

Briana:  I can see where they deserved it in the Saviors’ minds. Technically, they didn’t do anything to Rick’s group prior to them attacking their compound. So yeah. They kind of did deserve it. With that being said, there would have come a point when the Saviors came after Alexandria anyway so the Saviors also deserved what Alexandria did to them. Them vs Us mentality doesn’t really need logic and is usually a complete misunderstanding based on ignorance of the other group. That is exactly the case here so deserve is a word that really has no meaning anymore. (Did any of that make sense? I’m a rambler sometimes)

Melanie:  For the story line yes, just in general no.

Eric:  Yes. They are kind of assholes. (Kent: Yes, we agree on this. You and I even talked about it on the Are You Not Kentertained podcast.)

Bob:  No person or group “deserves” this however, I believe they had it coming to them.  They didn’t do any reconnaissance and jumped the gun on attacking Negan.  They failed to exhibit patience and were getting high headed…  It was the right time for Rick to learn a  new lesson and be humbled.

Jess:  Technically yes, they killed a lot of Negan’s people and if we were watching the show from his POV we would’ve been cheering him on.

Bits: Yes.  100% yes. (Kent: Your husband even wrote to me to concur on this particular issue!)

Kent: Yeah, they pretty much did. They stuck their nose in other people’s business, although it was smart. Sometimes you gotta take the losses for the greater gain down the line. Negan was totally justified in what he’s doing. I mean, in the zombie apocalypse, there are the haves and the have nots, and if you have, you often have to take by force. Rick’s group was right to try to be proactive though.


  1. Do you think that Daryl will ever leave the Savior’s compound alive?


Cece:  Of course, it’s Daryl. He’s a survivalist.

Raylene:  I believe once the Negan war is over with then we get Daryl back but he’ll have pieces missing because the group will be defiant against Negan’s demands early on. (Kent: Daryl missing pieces is something that didn’t cross my mind initially, but that could totally work.)

Briana:  Oh definitely! He will go through his guilt trip, “I deserve anything they do because I got my friend killed” thing and then eventually he will snap out of it and escape.

Melanie:  Yes!

Eric: Yes

Bob:  Sure.  Unless they have some truly great scenes where we can satisfied with his death. (Kent: Would you be satisfied with my scenario?)

Jess:  Yes Carol is gonna save the day!

Bits:  No. He will work for them for a few seasons.

Kent: I am going to say no, and really go out on a limb. Daryl isn’t going to be able to escape because then he will just be hunted down, and that isn’t much of a story. Now Rick or Daryl could reason with Negan that Daryl will help get the Saviors more supplies, and Negan may agree to that. But, what if Rick and group decides to attack Negan, or try to rescue Daryl. They aren’t successful. Maybe Negan messes with them and says give us more supplies and we will give you Daryl back in return. The group agrees, and let Daryl out of the truck, but it’s walker Daryl. I struggle with them having the balls to kill off Daryl, but what a moment that would be.


  1. Which character will struggle the most the rest of the season, due to this episode’s outcome?

Cece:  Rick.

Raylene:  I believe Maggie will struggle as she already stated that they were all out there because of her. As in because of being ill but mostly due to her deal with Gregory at the hilltop.

Briana:  Daryl will definitely be the one most affected by this episode. Everyone lost someone very dear to them but Daryl will feel responsible for it. Plus, the whole being captured thing probably won’t be easy on him either. Similarly though, Rick will feel responsible simply because he’s supposed to be in charge and Negan truly broke his spirit and that will not be easy on him (as we saw with Lori’s death). (Kent: To go just a little deeper, Daryl is going to feel responsible for the guy that he has known longest. He knew Glenn before he knew Rick. Not by much, but Glenn was an original 6 character.)

Melanie:  Rick

Eric: Maggie

Bob:  I want to say Maggie, but she seems pretty resolved – Maggie has the “long shanks” – she is like Jack Bauer… Everyone they get close to dies.  All that to say it’s not Maggie.  Sasha’s romance was only just beginning with Abe, so I think that it will be her, plus she has already had her mental health problems…  I am going to throw Daryl out there as he will absolutely and directly feel responsible for Glenn’s “preventable” death. (Kent: Like I wasn’t going to comment on a response that included the term “long shanks”. Maggie had a good chunk of her family and some friends remaining in season 2, so yeah, we have seen her lose more people than anybody else aside from when The Governor lost his whole community.)

Jess:  My guess is going to be Rick. Maggie has already lost everyone else so she’s used to it by now. I feel like this moment puts a lot of pressure on Rick and his future decisions as a leader.

Bits:  Sasha.  She effed up before and will be effed up again.

Kent: Daryl and Michonne. Sorry, I’m picking 2. Daryl, for all of the reasons Bri said. Like, he is fucking helpless, at their mercy, and may get burned or worse. Michonne I think because She may be the new morale compass of the group. You could argue for Sasha, Tara, and Morgan, but I think Michonne is the closest. She’s going to struggle because her man is broken from her perspective, and he pseudo son is just a ball of rage most likely. That’s going to be incredibly hard for her. Also, Tobin.


  1. What moment or scene truly defined this episode for you? I know some of you have multiple ones, so have at it. (Kent: I have decided to leave out the 2 death scenes. We’ve all seen it, and some of you don’t really want to see it again, and I think that is fair.)

Cece:  The two best breaking moments were probably Glenn’s sick eye popping out, which was awesome! And the most emotional was Rick finally becoming submissive and losing it. (Kent: The eye popping is such a great visual in the sense that it has been ingrained in the book fans’ minds for a long time, and this didn’t disappoint.)

Raylene:  Well Kent already knows my moment, for I was sitting next to him when it happened. Now I had heard the rumors all summer and how Abe was so happy last season. Plus my dreaming of Abe on Saturday night I think my mind was preparing me. I know characters die and yes its only a show but when you see that Abe was the first to get Lucille my soul was crushed and I cried for the majority of the evening after wards. This for me is like Wrestlemania 30 I don’t want to talk about it or watch it ever again. (Kent: Too soon to bring up Taker losing the streak! Still breaks my heart.)

Briana:  Of course Glenn’s death was the most heart wrenching and graphic. But I think if we are going for “defining” for what point the writers were trying to get at, it was when Rick decided to cut off Carl’s arm. It proved Negan had accomplished what he set out to do. He broke Rick and the group and that moment showed that more than anything else. (Kent: This is pretty much my biggest take away, just in a different manner. The guy has bit a dude’s throat to protect his boy, but was now forced to chop off an arm was pretty incredible.)

Melanie:  When Glen said, “I will find you.” He did this last romantic thing for Maggie. He made his last words about Maggie. This really just defined for me what kind of person we knew Glen was and then he was gone.  Glen is gone is what I take from the episode. (Kent: Eric and I discussed this, and we both agree that Glenn had no clue where the hell he was. I know a lot of people have “romanticized” it. It was a nice nod, and I think it worked incredibly well because the people who were emotionally upset naturally gravitated towards it. So it’s not a who was right or wrong, but it was absolutely effective.)  

 Eric:  When Negan killed Abe and Glen. (Kent: Yeah, we definitely went in detail on the podcast on this particular subject.)

Bob:  One scene.  After Daryl punched Negan and the way they shot the scene  so you could see Negan to the left and Glenn in the center of the screen in the back.  It became very clear what was about t happen. (Kent: It sounds like you probably focused on the exact same thing I did for those few seconds.)

Jess:  Probably when Abe took the bat and flashed Sasha the peace sign. It was his final gesture to her and it was so subtle yet very heart breaking. (Kent: I totally missed this sadly enough. I saw something on it on Monday or Tuesday. Good catch.)

Bits: The final scene.  It was terrifying all the way through and horribly sad but the final scene left us not knowing and the not knowing is scarier than anything. (Kent: To me, that was the reset button for the show. If you think about it, a person who has never seen the show could start watching once it’s light out and it would be all set up for them in that scene. The show has been reset to an extent, and we don’t know what happens, or how long it will take to get to the end of this story arc.)

Kent: There is no right answer here. It will be remembered for so many things. Yeah, it will be known as the episode that Abe and Glenn died. It will be known as the episode when Negan broke Rick. It will be the episode that lit a fuse under Maggie that Negan will never see coming. To me, this is the episode I will remember for Carl being the biggest bad ass in the room and telling his dad to chop off his arm. Whether you love or hate Carl, he was one of 3 guys to challenge Negan. Abe did with how he looked at Negan, basically volunteering, Daryl with the punch, and Carl basically saying that you can cut my arm off, but I am still going to get mine eventually.  Carl is Thug Life.


Bonus Deuce

  1. Throughout the whole Walking Dead franchise, what was your saddest (or 3) saddest death(s)?

Cece:  I cried so damn hard during the whole Merle/Daryl scene. Like, that was the most emotional scene for me in the entire show. Herschel was also upsetting.

Raylene:  Saddest deaths for me are Abe of course, Dale and tie between Tyreese and Bob.

Briana:  This is a tough one! If I had to pick only 3 off the top of my head it would be Glenn, Beth and Hershel. Hershel was a pillar of their community. He was the hope for everyone when no one else had any. He was the moral compass and the one who kept alive the dream of being able to live in this world. Plus, ya know his head after the fact. Glenn because I love him. His death was excruciating to watch and how hard he struggled to find the words to let his wife know one last time how much he loves her. That spelled out everything we love about Glenn. And Beth just because of how untimely and shocking it was and how devastating it was for the group. In a time when they desperately needed a win, they lost again. And it’s not easy to see Daryl the hard ass get so emotional and attached to someone and then lose her. 

Melanie: Glen, Sophia, Hershel, Tyrese…couldn’t do just three.

Eric:  Hershel, Beth, and Glenn

Bob: 1) Hershel;  2) Beth;  3) Tyreese

Jess:  Noah, Lizzie, and Glenn of course. :'(

Bits:  Hershel, Beth, Glenn

Kent: I’m glad that everybody chose multiple ones. For me, quite a few stung, but oddly enough, mine haven’t been touched upon much. 1. Dale because it was the first really big main character to get killed. I didn’t even like Dale, but it was how that whole episode unfolded with arguing about what to do with Randall, and how everybody except Andrea (eventually) kinda turned their back to their ideas and principles out of fear. Everybody was gathered around. People want to complain about gore from this week, but Dale’s belly was savagely ripped open. And when they realized that he was suffering, even Rick was too torn apart to kill him, and Daryl eventually did the act of mercy. 2. Lizzie because if you are a fan of “Of Mice and Men” then it sticks with you. This child doesn’t get it, she doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation, and in her mind, things are ok. Look at the flowers, gets me every time. 3.  Herschel’s death will always stay with me. To this day, I still would love to know, what if Daryl doesn’t tell Carl to not take the shot. Does Herschel live, and for how long? The death itself wasn’t the heartbreaking aspect. It was that it was done in front of everybody, and that approving look that he gave to Rick when Rick tried to make things work, and stupidly failed. Honorable mention to T Dog (Sacrifice to save Carol) and Merle (A single man on a mission that almost succeeded).

  1. Throughout the whole Walking Dead franchise, who had the best death (or list 3)?

Cece:  Noah, Glenn, and Merle

Raylene:  Best deaths Hershel, Noah, Hunters/Terminus people getting slaughtered in Father Gabriel’s church

Briana:  Glenn was the best. It was horrific and terrible but that’s also why it was the best! I knew from the dumpster scene and after reading issue 100 that he had to go the way he went. It was too epic to not have Glenn be the one to execute it. If they hadn’t killed him like that, they couldn’t have ever killed him. Nothing else would have been good enough for him. (Again, if any of that makes sense! I’m never sure my words convey how I mean them)

Melanie: Not really sure what you mean by best deaths…like, coolest, most peaceful, or so they didn’t become a walker?  I will go with I think the most peaceful death would be Bob Stookey (played by Lawrence Gillard Jr.).  Everyone saying goodbye and he be accepting of his fate.

Eric: Tyreese had the best death because he was hallucinating the whole time.

Bob:  Andrea.

Jess:  Denise still was my most favorite death just because of how well she acted it out. That one still sticks with me out of all of them.

Bits:  Noah, Sophia, Denise

Kent: 1. Tyreese because it was one of the best episodes that they have ever done, and although upsetting, it was beautiful and like a work of art really.  2. The Hunters in the Church was one of the absolute best slaughters and so satisfying.  3. Bob’s for everything that Melanie touched upon. Bob grew to be one of my all time favorite characters, so he went out like a champ. Honorable mention to both of Glenn’s deaths, Shane because he got put down by both Rick and Carl, Governor because  it took multiple people to take him down, Andrea’s because I loved watching her squirm, Claimer Joe, the crazy bitch that tried to kill Rick out in the woods, Jenner and Jacqui in the CDC, and finally Ed because that abusive fuck deserved it.

I have to say that I find the vast assortment of opinions pretty interesting. I consider this a success. Thank you once again to all of the incredible people that took the time to write this out. Please, take a moment, leave a comment on this. I hope that we can do this again next week.

All of the pictures are the property of AMC, the producers, Robert Kirkman, and all of the other people who helped make this. I am simply using the images for review purposes.

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