Well here we are with our 3rd straight action packed episode of the season. Guys, you can slow it down and give us some Eugene and Carl. That would be nice. Eric and Morales got got this week and Morgan is going a little crazy. Actually, this is a great song. Listen to it while you read. Any comments in bold are made by Kent.
The 9
- Did you feel that Eric was more than just a background character?
Briana: Not really, no. He was just a way to give Aaron’s character more depth.
Bob: Appeasement to culture. (It actually amazed me how much pandering the comic does for this exact reason.)
Bitty: I think Eric’s character was created to invest more in Aaron. Over the past 2 Seasons WD has tried to make us connect to Aaron. Honestly For Me i couldn’t even remember his name until last year. Now i see Aaron as human and compassionate, I think we’ll see a big Aaron arc because of the loss of Eric. (You and Briana both hit it pretty solidly. He was an Aaron enhancement character. In the world of pro wrestling, Eric was the Brooklyn Brawler. They use enhancement talents to take all of the moves and make another person look dominant, or in Aaron’s case, it gave him a bit more of a dynamic. Plus in some ways it would be kinda weird to have all of these gay characters on the show and have none of them hook up. Now if we can get Rosita and Sherry together…)
Brian: I believe that they are attempting to make us like the band of murders. And if Aaron truly loved him he would not have allowed him to join the herd. And that may come back to bite him in the ass… hopefully literally lol (Brian is pro ass biting. We haven’t seen that in the show yet…..so maybe he’s on to something.)
Kristi: He was always a background character for me.
Raylene: No Eric was precisely that a background character. He wasn’t given much of a story other than being a househusband to Aaron. Poor character development on TWD part (Very poor. He was sadly better on Talking Dead than he ever was on TWD.)
Kent: I felt that he was more of a character in the comics. I didn’t really like Eric on the show and it was because he was rarely given much to do. I would consider him more of a background character than a Tobin or Dianne.
- Will Aaron raise Gracie? If not him, then who?
Briana: I didn’t get the impression he wanted to keep her, just that he wanted to get her to the Hilltop. (Alas, I think you and Bitty are probably closest to the right answer in that he gets her there and she is perhaps never mentioned again. I will say this, if I could get 10 – 1 odds on Gregory stealing Gracie and bringing her back to Sanctuary to get in Negan’s good graces, I would totally toss $10 down.)
Bob: It’s going to have to be Aaron. (It appears that we are in the minority here in this belief. Just keep it in mind so when it happens, we can do victory dance together.)
Bitty: Hopefully Gracie will fall to the background at the Hilltop. Someone there will raise her. (Gracie will make for a wonderful background character. Probably better than Eric.)
Brian: Carol and Morgan raise grace as their own. After Carol uses her feminine powers to set him straight. (I really do like this idea, but I fear for Morgan, so I am still on the Carol and Daryl train while also acknowledging the moment that Carol and Daryl decide to be romantic, one has to die that season.)
Kristi: I don’t think so. It seems like he’s just at a loss and wants to help in some way. Carol or Maggie will probably raise her. (As long as Carol teaches her how to cook and tell scary stories, I am sold.)
Raylene: I can see perhaps Maggie and Enid raising her. Although for a long shot Daryl getting her he did bond with Little Ass Kicker and was very invested in finding Sophia (The Daryl thing would be nice in it’s own way. He really took to Judith and him and Aaron have ate together. Just sayin’.)
Kent: I can come up with scenarios in which Enid, Carol, Tara, or a lesser known character takes her, but I think it’s going to be Aaron, and perhaps another gentleman down the line with magnificent hair and dreamy eyes…..Eugene. OK, I went too far. (You went too far.)
- Do you think that Rick and Daryl will start conflicting over Daryl’s new ways of shooting first and asking questions later?
Briana: No. Darryl was right to shoot him and his explanation made perfect sense. This is what they came to do and Moralez would have killed them no problem if he’d not been told to spare Rick. (I would have liked to know if Moralez would have still bored Rick with his 3 page monologue if he wasn’t waiting for backup. These are questions I want answered.)
Bob: Daryl killed the guy for having another gun I thought…? (Nah, you’re right.)
Bitty: Yes. You could feel the setup for that in their final scene. I’m dreading their demise. (Demise? At worst they will have a heart to heart and get interrupted by something inane.)
Brian: Rick is starting to realize that he is killing his former business associates. And Darryl is a junkie who is trying to keep his drug use at bay by killing those associated with his old dealers. (THis all really makes a lot of sense week to week. I love the story arc.)
Kristi: No. Darryl is taking care of business. Kill now, worry later. They have seen so many people turning on them. Why take the chance? (There is zero reason to take the chance, but there’s always going to be the question of where’s the line. The reality is that there is no line. No true moral compass exists. They just bring us back to that every season for conflict amongst characters. This has been happening every single season, and I bet if you spend 3 minutes thinking, you can remember them. Off the top of my head: 1 the CDC should I stay or should I go decision, 2 Dale & Shane with Randall, 3 What to do with the prisoners, 4 Rick trying to teach Carl when it’s ok to kill, 5 Glenn and Rick in Noah’s neighborhood, 6 Rick and Porch Dick, 7 Oceanside.)
Raylene: Perhaps once the war is over then Rick will start to question Daryl’s motive but because of Daryl being held hostage by Negan he wants all Saviors to pay (I don’t know if Rick can be the one who questions it. That’s the problem. Maggie sure as hell won’t. This is kind of a bad story idea I think. Hopefully they avoid this.)
Kent: It seems like it is building up with all the things that Rick is seeing and doing. There was the guy that Carl left food for, Gracie and then Morales, and I am sure that I am missing others. Still, it’s war and Daryl is doing the smart thing. This will be a discussion at some point, but they do something similar seemingly every season. Some years Rick is overly sensitive and then Daryl is, and in season 10 Negan will be the hooker with a heart of gold. Yeah.
- Did Morales’ monologue alter your opinion or viewpoint of the Saviors?
Briana: No. I can understand the perspective is different for them and that they think they’re justified in what they have to do to survive. But perception doesn’t always make you right. In the end, they’re forcing people to starve and struggle for their own benefit. That’s not ok. (It is kinda silly that we don’t get a good perspective of what other groups have done to survive aside from from bits and pieces. They have made sure to tell us a lot about the Saviors though just so there is a big neon flashing sign above their HQ saying “These are the bad guys!!!! All groups have done some less than desirable things I would speculate, although the Kingdom seemed to do well.)
Bob: Not in the least. I just don’t like Negan, the folks are probably okay. (Is it because of Negan’s posture?)
Bitty: No. kill them all. I wish we heard more bout his time after leaving the original group. (Yes, that’s all I wanted from him is his travels from season 1 to now. We all get the Savior’s perspectives. Whether we agree or not is always an entirely different thing. I would have enjoyed the opening video being of Morales’ voyage. I could have done with one less gun fight.
Brian: not at all. The saviors are taking people in and as long as they follow the rules they are allowed to create a home and have a successful life. Unlike the band of killers that is wandering through the countryside murdering anyone who is unlucky enough to cross their paths. (I wish TWD would have done a fake 30 infomercial to advertise this season with Negan walking us through Sanctuary and talking about how he takes people in, like those feed the starving kids or any of the sad Sarah Mcla…… whatever her name is with the pet commercials. That would have been such a good advertisement.)
Raylene: No that didn’t change my opinion of them but they are starting to show case that some of the Saviors are there because the choice was taken out of their hands it’s either join or die (In a lot of cases, whether it’s said or not, whether the Saviors tell a person or group that, it is often join a group or die. Just because they are bold enough to say it, I don’t think that’s a horrible thing.)
Kent: No, it certainly didn’t. I know that I am in the minority, but I still don’t think of the Saviors as the bad guys when looking at it objectively. If anything, it further cemented my belief that if this show started off with Negan and showed us his journeys, he would be held in the same esteem as Heisenberg from Breaking Bad.
- In the grand scheme of The Walking Dead, which character had the bigger impact: Morales or Eric?
Briana: Morales was definitely more intense in the moment for us viewers but for the basis of the show, it would be Eric. The grief Aaron will deal with and the group’s grief. Morales was just there for a minute and then he wasn’t. (Aaron’s character arc moving forward will really be a testament to which answer is right here. As we know, some deaths are more meaningful than others. Poor TDog.)
Bob: Eric. He had air time on the show. And culture. (Pop culture!)
Bitty: Eric had a bigger impact. Not during his life but during his death. (What a terribly lame ass death for Eric though. He got the shaft and then he got screwed over in his zombie scene.)
Brian: Morales. He got to Rick and showed him the errors of his ways. Eric was just a ploy to get us to think that the ricktards are kinda human. And if they truly liked Eric they would not of let him wander off. In the past the characters who meant something were not allowed to wander off. (Okay, that is a huge point. Nobody who mattered has ever been left to wander once bitten. I was actually surprised it took this long for somebody to say it.)
Kristi: Morales. Eric was boring for me. (He never got a chance to shine and his personality was laid back and whiny.)
Raylene: I have to say Morales because he had more character development in the first episodes of the show (Morales was actually kinda cool and a bad ass fighter in the few scenes we got of him.)
Kent: Morales had more dialogue, but fueled nobody. Eric’s death has unleashed Aaron to hopefully become the great character that he is in the comics. Aside from Eugene, I would say that Aaron may also get a good strong story.
- Should Maggie have let Gregory back in Hillside?
Briana: I wouldn’t have! I’d have let him stay out and fend for himself or go back to his buddy Negan. (Would that have been better than keeping him in your line of sight?)
Bob: Nope.
Bitty: Yes. He’s just a worm who Maggie may be able to use as a smoke screen in the future. (I don’t mind this theory.)
Brian: Yes he will be able to liberate the POWS and allow the return to their home after eradicating the evil enemy that is occupying their home.(We don’t see the word eradicating enough in this blog. Thank you for bringing it back.)
Kristi: No. I just cant stand him and sure as hell don’t trust him! (boooo) (haha)
Raylene: Yes Maggie will make some use out of him (Like having Gregory and Jesus do entertaining 2 man shows for the Hilltop? Sold!)
Kent: Yes! Gregory is surely sorry and he sounded contrite. Let’s face it, Gregory is one of the 2-3 funniest guys on the show along with Simon and Eugene and sometimes Negan. We NEED Gregory around as much as possible. Gregory made me giggle a lot Sunday night and I need some levity in the midst of all the wasted ammo. In all seriousness, how did nobody suggest that she take him in to kill him? He’s a huge threat inside and out, so just get rid of him before he does more damage.)
- Were you hoping that Morgan would kill the Saviors that escaped?
Briana: Yes!! Jesus is getting on my nerves the last couple episodes. I mean that was a kick ass fight scene but Morgan was right. These people aren’t going to just assimilate to their society after they’re no longer prisoners. (In theory I would say that your right (and I did accidentally type write the first time), but my fear is that you will take umbrage with what happens on the show in a very unrealistic way. Hopefully I am wrong.)
Bob: It seemed like he was going to, but I don’t like it when he is nuts. (I love how Lennie does the performance, but I do like Morgan more when he is grounded because I feel like it makes him tougher.)
Bitty: yes that was my thought however the fight between Jesus and Morgan was the best match up in a long time. (So I just sat here thinking about best fights in the show’s history and am kicking myself in the nuts for not asking everybody’s favorite fight scene in the show’s history. Probably next week I will ask. I am trying to think of good ones and the best I can think of is Rick vs Shane season 2, Rick vs Porch Dick Season 5 or 6, Glenn vs Nicholas, Michonne vs Governor, and I feel like Merle was in one or 2. Super Daryl doesn’t count. Also, Tyrese vs Rick and Daryl simultaneous!)
Brian: No and I’m glad that our turncoat Jesus beat him down to save the lives of those pour souls. That are being held against their will. (Right? Nobody is thinking about all the families that are being torn apart by this.)
Kristi: Yes! Do away with them. They are just going to end up being a bigger problem in the future. (You may not like where this is going. Sheer speculation on my part.)
Raylene: I wanted him to at least get Jared because let’s face it he’s going to cause trouble sooner than later (I think that if they executed Jared, it would have helped keep everybody else in line. But no, I do not want Jared dead. He is one of the best characters on the show.)
Kent: Absolutely! I love the killing machine version of Morgan. Even more so, crazy Morgan is amazing. He snaps, and I truly admire the job that Lennie James has done with this character. Keeping those Saviors alive is not a bargaining chip, it’s simply a liability. I understand the endgame for when the war is over, but I wouldn’t risk it.
- Is there any benefit to keep the Saviors alive, per Jesus’ plan?
Briana: I mean maybe if Negan wants to make a deal for hostages but even that isn’t a big enough benefit to actually keep them. I say they went to kill them all, kill them all! (That’s something that I feel is overlooked. Negan would make some kind of deal to get his men back because they are the backbone of his operation, especially with so many casualties. I hope that this gets brought up in show. I doubt it will.)
(Yeah, nobody is topping that response. Fantastic.)
Bitty: If i try to see the war from Jesus’ viewpoint maybe some of the Saviors want out. Maybe they can be used for good in the future. (Really, that is the whole crux of Jesus’ beliefs is that some people had no choice and would like to have one when ALL OUT WAR is finished. You’re welcome AMC.)
Brian: Of course Jesus is a plant by Negan to spy on the Ricktards. He is helping save the saviors. (I’ve got to say, that would be a stroke of genius. A stroke of Jesus’ lovely hair.)
Raylene: Perhaps the ones that were just the workers not the henchmen (Soooo, how are you going to find out who was who? Are they going to confess?)
Kent: Yeah, so that they have characters to run the Sanctuary after the war. That’s the real answer. In the moment, hell no.
- Was Ezekiel too arrogant or cocky for his own good?
Briana: Maybe but I like to think he was more just impossibly optimistic rather than cocky. It made me so sad watching all of his men jump on top of him, taking his bullets. He definitely celebrated too soon. They should have checked the building before hanging around as if it were over. (I especially didn’t enjoy seeing the ginger dude die. This is becoming a serious epidemic of back to back seasons with a ginger death.)
Bob: Yeah, he rode that wave a little high. “Not lose one of our ranks.” Stick to victory – because by saying you won’t lose anyone, that means you lost and the mentality of your group.. Or the morale will decline. (This felt like me saying “Not one single goal allowed to the Disciples, let’s shut em out 92-0. Then The Disciples score the first goal and I hang my head in shame.)
Bitty: No. I don’t think he was being arrogant at all. He was playing a role. He was being a leader. He was acting. However everyone has a breaking point. (Yeah, I do believe that he was doing what he could and thought was right, especially in his role. People can easily forget that this was just a dude who worked at a zoo a few years ago.)
Brian: The “King” is leading his flock to slaughter. His gut knows that life was simpler when they were helping Negan and the Saviors lead a peaceful life. Now he’s in way over his head and is way past the point of no return. (Let’s consider that. It did seem like life was way more peaceful prior to Carol and Morgan showing up. Is Carol playing the role of Yoko here?)
Kristi: Nope. He has a tiger and is considered a King! He should be arrogant. (I was getting worried as you hadn’t mentioned Shiva all blog.)
Raylene: No he was neither just very inexperienced in fighting with the Saviors (He doesn’t strike me as a guy that ever got into more than one fight his whole life prior to the ZA.)
Kent: Yeah, definitely arrogant and complacent. The rules of war and horror are very similar. Boasting in any capacity will get you got. Still, I love to hear him. Carol is still the smart one.
Bonus Deuce
- Pick a character that doesn’t get much screen time that you would like to see or hear more of this season.
Briana: Negan! It irritates me that he hides during most of the crazy shit that goes on! Come out coward and fight like the man you pretend to be! Lol! (I’m all for more Negan time. I do like him though, so for me it’s without the negative connotations.)
Bob: Simon.(YES! We all deserve a bit more of Simon.)
Bitty: Oceanside!! (I may have said this just to humor a certain Kball) (Well since you did this with your boob out, I will let this slide. Bonus points of breastfeeding! I also dread going back to Oceanside, but I feel that it is inevitable.)
Brian: Eugene… he knows….. he knows what Rick truly is…. Abraham told him during their many lonely nights together… he knows all…. (I agree that Eugene reads everyone incredibly well. While I did say that this would be his season, it may not be in effect until the second half. We need more of the Tennessee Tophat!)
Kristi: Eugene and Negan. This season is about them taking him down. I would like to see more of them. (So you don’t want 4 more hours of gun fights? AMC disagrees!)
Raylene: Jadis and her people (Well if we don’t get more of her, you can always watch The Badlands again, or The Woman, or The Exam, or I think she was in Tales From Halloween. I really like her as an actress.)
Kent: Dianne is my answer here. I could go for more insight on Gavin, Tobin, and Arat.
- With 13 remaining episodes of this season, how many of them will be these episodes with lots of gun fights that resemble an action flick?
Briana: I would say at least ⅓-½ of them! They’ve been hyping this up to be the most action packed season in a long time so I’m holding them to it! Lol! (It appears that they don’t intend on letting you down.)
Bob: Ugh, too many….. (Seriously, doesn’t it feel like the first 3 episodes has just been one long action film and not much else?)
Bitty: We will have action episodes thru mid season. (That makes me a saaaad panda.)
Brian: I hope that it continues to be exciting but they need to be more realistic. The gun fights seem to be designed by the left wing that believes semi automatic firearms never need reloading and each magazine holds an infinite amount of bullets. (Say what??? This is nothing new. I present to you this gem.)
Kristi: 8. Wishful thinking here. (Yike, that worries me.)
Raylene: 4 (4 is not your friend.)
Kent: 5 is my answer.
Final Thoughts

Briana: What’s happening with Negan and Gabriel!!!??? It’s making me crazy that they left it the way they did and haven’t gone back yet! Also, I hope Morgan doesn’t go too far! I’m pretty concerned for his well being at this point and if he wanders off for too long, he may not come back.
Bitty: Favorite Quotes of the episode:
“Officer Friendly died right along with them” Morales
“We’re the same. Everybody turns” -Morgan
“I did not eat those pancakes!”-Gregory (Gregory was so great in that bit of his. Also always glad to hear somebody say Officer Friendly. I miss Merle.)
Brian: Here are my thoughts.. Negan was distributing the blue meth on the east coast. Rick and Abraham were part of the distribution network. Ezekiel was also part the network selling to the theatre crowd and stealing animal tranquilizers. Jesus is an undercover agent who worked with the DEA to bring down Negan but has grown to realize that Negan has provided order during the chaos and is a respectable leader. Now this blue meth is the secret to stopping this virus. So the fight is on to find Jesse to save the planet. (Wasn’t Rick already boning Jessie? Oh, wrong Jesse. Nope, your story checks out.)
Raylene: Where the hell is Eugene?
Kent: I want to see Gregory with his own show or do a spin off. Something. The guy is just so damn charismatic. He’d be the perfect wrestling manager for the bad guys. Starting next week, I hope to be getting questions from the contributors of this blog to add some dimensions to what you read. Also, if you go to IMDB, I find the pics that they are using for Ep 4 and 5 to be a tad odd. Go there at your own risk, but it is kinda odd to say the least.
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