We have a new logo, so I hope that pleases a chunk of you. We are back for the 9th season. I have a good chunk of my normal crew back to help me out. We will most likely have shorter blogs moving forward, but this is a season premiere, so we went all out. My name is Kent, and I ask 9 episode-specific questions, and 2 bonus questions, and that’s how we get the 9 Deuce. Any comments in BOLD are written by me. I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, whatever. The contact info is at the bottom of this blog.
I am doing a GoFundMe to help pay for the costs to keep 9deuce.com up and running. I don’t make any money off of the site. I do it because I love it, but it is expensive at times, and I had to recently renew for 3 years. So I am asking any of my readers to consider donating if they have the extra funds. If you don’t, I get it. It would mean a lot to me.
The 9
- Do you enjoy the “Western” vibe that the show is giving us?
Bob: Surely. Where is John when you need him?! I suppose there is no choice still beside an agricultural society. (It’s funny because John would totally fit the vibe, but I don’t know where exactly he’d fit in. I’d think Hilltop initially, but he may have more fun in The Kingdom. We are referring to John Dorie from Fear The Walking Dead for those who haven’t seen season 4 and how great it was…..well the first half was.)
Kristi: There was a western vibe? (I mean, it’s not exactly like Tombstone, but we have horses, wagons, pioneer mentality. If only we had a teenage boy in a cowboy hat.)
Chris: I do. It’s nice to see a change. And since they are basically all farmers, they might as well look the part. (Which is why I am mad about Tobin dying. Come on, he looks like he should be a farmer.)
Raylene: I guess you would have become some type of farmer because you’d need to have some food source. (Like sorghum?)
Kent: I just wanted Rick to call Daryl his Huckleberry. Actually, that is so something Eugene would have said to someone at Sanctuary. One can still hope.
- What are your thoughts on Daryl no longer wanting to lead Sanctuary?
Bob: Whoever runs Sanctuary is a beggar. That’s not Daryl’s style and he was tortured there. Talk about PTSD! (I get what you’re saying about the begging. I do think that Carl will not be a beggar though. I picture her saying that she needs something, being told no, and then taking it.)
Kristi: I can’t say I blame him. I wouldn’t want to step foot in that place after all he went through. (But where else can he listen to Easy Street?)
Chris: I’m pretty sure he didn’t enjoy his last experience living in Sanctuary. He’s on Maggie’s side in all this, so he wants to be there. (Yeah, he wants to be second in command, not first. Always a bridesmaid.)
Raylene: I can’t blame him at all I don’t know why Rick put him there in the first place. (For drama. Eugene should have been because they liked and respected Eugene.)
Kent: It seemed like a missed opportunity to get a group to side with Hilltop.
- How silly was the opening with Ezekiel breaking through the glass? Talk about the whole scene if you like.
Bob: Before this, the spider walker. Really, those spiders didn’t damage the brain? Then the glass floor scene. I do not think there was any risk of that floor breaking. It was in spectacular condition and had to sustain many people walking in the building, then the amount of vibrations plus weight on it is nothing compared to one heavy wagon. Before Ezekiel fell, I asked out loud, what is he doing out there, he isn’t doing anything besides looking like he is running away from bees. (SO much to acknowledge here. Yeah, the spiders seemingly would have damaged the brain, I concur based on everything I know about video games. No, that floor surely would have held fine because it was designed to hold X amount of weight. Just because bodies are rotting, the structural integrity of this building should not be. The bee comment is just funny.)
Kristi: It very expected. You knew someone was going to fall. I knew he wasn’t going to die so it was really just pointless to me. (A way to make the season premiere longer!)
Raylene: Well since I’m watching this shit again it was expected too bad the Oceanside crew weren’t all on there. (The Whisperers will kill all of Oceanside. Fact.)
Kent: I liked how they did it, but it was just a question of who was falling.
- Why is Carol so willing to take over for Daryl rather than stay at the Kingdom?
Bob: She knows Daryl needs a break, he is going to snap soon. Live free or die hard. She also wants some space from Ezekiel. Ezekiel is relaxed and Carol doesn’t trust normalcy. (SO is Daryl going to Die Hard With A Vengeance?)
Kristi: She’s doing it to help out. I disagree with it but I understand where she’s coming from. (You’d prefer that she stay with the King?)
Chris: She’s just trying to help Daryl out in my opinion. (That is the most obvious and reasonable answer. I don’t know what it’s doing in this blog.)
Raylene: She has definitely noticed Daryl’s struggle with running Sanctuary and trying to help him. (Yvette is not happy.)
Kent: I think that she fears committing too much to Ezekiel.
- Kent died last season, Ken died in this episode. What does the show have against these names?
Bob: It is obvious TWD is against the consonants N and T. (Yeah, and it’s NoT cool.)
Kristi: They heard about this blog and are intentionally doing it to mess with you. (Yup, which makes no sense. This is free advertising for them. Bastards!)
Chris: They are too similar in length to Carl…. (That dagger in my back can’t go much deeper.)
Raylene: They are out to get you (I hope they wear burlap sack hoods when they get me.)
Kent: TWD, I feel like I’m being bullied by your show.
- Gregory made his move. Gregory got lynched. Did you want to see Gregory continue to turn people against Maggie or was it time for him to go? You all know my answer.
Bob: This was overdue and timed right to make Maggie seem Neganish. (Let me know when she gets a cool weapon named Glenn. Ohhh, that should be a question for next week. What would Maggie’s weapon of choice be that she’d name after Glenn? We know that Herschel Jr will be gifted the unlimited ammo shotgun.)
Kristi: I was glad to see him go finally. It was long overdue. I enjoyed his anguish as he was waiting for the cutting of the rope also. (Anguish is a word that is not used enough on these blogs. It should be considering what we tend to write about.)
Chris: I liked the idea of it being at the beginning of the season. Showed what we can expect of New Negan?? Maggan???? I’m going to have to come up with a Negan-esque nickname for her… (I like the name Maggan. I’d say keep it and us it. I will add this alternative. She goes by Margaret to taunt Gregory.)
Raylene: Poor Gregory he was just on borrowed time he should have had a better plan then only two people taking her on. (It was a solid sneak attack. No different than Jaime Lannister going for broke last season. You gotta take the shot when you can.)
Kent: I liked everything that he tried. He paid the price, but that was the right time to strike. He also got a good death. He didn’t have to get eaten alive. I am so going to miss Gregory.
- Should Earl have also gotten lynched? Also, did any of you pick up on Tammy being played by Brett Butler of Grace Under Fire fame?
Bob: Gregory’s actions were treasonous. Earl was just a pawn used under duress. Also, one punch from Earl and Maggie is either dead or unconscious. (Huh, that visual of Earl punching Maggie…..hmm. Maybe that’s for later.)
Kristi: I don’t think he should have gotten got but I think he should have to have some kind of timeout. Maybe sit in the corner and think about his actions. I know he blames Maggie for what happened but she is kinda in control so trying to kill her does not seem very smart. Plus he made little Hersels stroller fall over. Not cool Earl, Not cool. (Good point about the stroller. I thought that would have really pissed people off. You’d really like the Earl character in the comic better. Really nice blacksmith guy who takes Carl under his wing.)
Chris: No. Gregory got him drunk and manipulated him. He will probably get locked up. (Yeah, you have a point. The comics do have a “jail” of sorts at Hilltop. I won’t say any more because I think it may be a plot point this season.)
Raylene: No Earl was tricked poor fella and I had told you I knew Tammy from somewhere at least. (She was also in The Leftovers, right?)
Kent: Negan wouldn’t have tolerated that. The Governor surely wouldn’t have. Maggie, why so weak?
- What do you think will be Maggie’s undoing?
Bob: Her recreating a Negan empire where only she knows best. Ironic that Daryl took Dwight’s job… (Love the Dwight comment. So true. Does that make Jesus the Simon character? Or would that be Enid?)
Chris: Is it confirmed she’s leaving? If so, I could see her getting drunk with power and causing conflicts with the saviors, leading to her death. Or Negan escapes and she goes after him. (It is confirmed. Whether it’s this half season or not is up for debate. I imagine that they stretch her and Rick’s exits as long as possible, and with 47 main characters, they can stretch the 6 episode appearances out for a long time.)
Raylene: It seems everyone thinks she’ll get got from turning into Negan. I say perhaps she’ll get bit protecting Herschel JR. (I could see them giving her the protective mother death.)
Kent: Alpha-bet soup. Nah, just Alpha.
- What do you think will be Rick’s undoing?
Bob: He is very weak appearing. Pleading instead of commanding with charisma. His lack of taking charge and being a leader is his undoing. “Carl!” (Yeah, they have made him seem weaker. Even in the comic, despite having the F’d up leg from the Negan encounter, he still seemed stronger appearing somehow. I don’t like a weak Rick.)
Chris: He’ll go out as a hero, saving his people while being overwhelmed by a herd of walkers. Then Tara can finally become leader! (Would I stop watching TWD if Tara became the leader? I am wondering what the answer to that is.)
Raylene: I say no undoing perhaps an overthrow of power and he gets banished like he did to Carol. (When I think of getting banished, I think of Stan Marsh getting banished for not voting.)
Kent: Alpha, which will instantly make her the biggest threat in TWD history, aside from Oceanside, of course.
Bonus Deuce
- In hindsight, do you think the writers regret killing off Carl with both Rick and Maggie leaving?
Bob: I think this everytime I see Rick’s face. (Yeah, the loss is still there. Andy Lincoln plays it so well.)
Kristi: Absolutely! Bring back Carl! (On my birthday!)
Chris: Probably. But at the same time, Chandler wanted to leave so I don’t know if they had much choice. These are the problems that come up with shows that have been on for a long time. (I have read that Chandler was surprised by the decision and kinda pissed off. I remember wondering, but he had just bought a house closer to where they filmed. I don’t think that he wanted to leave.)
Raylene: You know my answer to this I am beyond annoyed with Carl being gone. (It’s funny because he used to be so hated.)
Kent: Yeah, obviously they regret it. Well, Gimple may not, depending on what happened.
- In hindsight, do you think the writers regret that scene at the end of last season with Maggie, Daryl, and Jesus?
Bob: No, even if they don’t do anything with it, it adds an edge of suspense to the show. I feel uncertain of what is going to happen. (It certainly gave us something to ponder while the show was on vacation.)
Kristi: I don’t think so.
Chris: No. I think it was a good idea to show some division. Rick not killing Negan needed to come with consequences. (You’re right about the consequences.)
Raylene: Nah they don’t really regret anything. (They better regret killing off T Dog.)
Kent: I think so. If they had known about Rick and Maggie leaving, they sure as hell would have given themselves more wiggle room. I think that a cliffhanger of sorts made sense, as did consequences, as mentioned above, but I think they would have altered it.
Final Thoughts – Who’s character development are you most excited to see this season outside of the Whisperers?
Bob: Judith. She isn’t like Rick. In the crow scene, Rick is leaning in to her as her dad and she is pulling away. Little kid thing or done by the show? (Very good observation. That is interesting. She’s Shane’s daughter after all.)
Chris: Enid. I’ve liked her character and want to see how she continues to evolve. I was going to say Gregory, but……… (Enid could very well end up in so many different roles moving forward. I think she could be the breakout star this season.)
Raylene: Nope you know I have been waiting so long for the Whisperers the only reason why I tuned back in this season. (Yeah, they really are the big thing that is holding my interest.)
Kent: It’s a toss-up between Eugene, Carol, and Jadis. I think Eugene because he already is important, but he may end up even more important on the TV show. Carol because she is going to be a leader again, and she should have been all along. Jadis because she’s awesome.
One final note, this episode is named “A New Beginning”. The 5th Friday the 13th was called “Friday the 13th: A Bew Beginning” and spoiler alert here, Jason was really Jason in this film. It was Tommy Jarvis as Jason, or possessed by him. Is there any connection? Probably not, but I will delve deep for any random meaningless connections that I can make.
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- Circle of Confusion
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- Darkwoods Productions
- AMC Studios
- Idiot Box Productions
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