This week, Daryl, Jesus, Aaron, and Dog went on a rescue mission to find Eugene. Carol and Michonne had an odd conversation planting more seeds. Gabriel was so wound up by Negan’s words that he accidentally left the cell unlocked.
The 9
1. Jesus got got by a Whisperer that ducked. Was this a good death for Jesus?
Bob: I saw that happening when Jesus killed the zombie right before his end. I was surprised at the death, but not the “surprise” itself. (As soon as he started getting cocky, I was thinking that this was the big death. I agree with your differentiating on the surprise aspect of it.)
Kristi: I was not expecting. I liked it. But who is the new leader? Very unexpected. (The new leader of Hilltop seemingly would be Tara, I’d suspect. There may be a vote. There are not many options, at the moment. As much as I hate Tara, this may be a good role for her.)
Chris: I thought it was great. It showed how dangerous this new threat it. He swung his sword nonchalantly because of course, a walker wasn’t going to duck. I thought the scene was very well done. (I liked how they did this on the show more than what they did in the books. It was very different and it established how threating the Whisperers are. It accomplished a lot.)
Raylene: I say yes although I do think he had a window to get away, but he told them to just go he seemed to want to show off or just have some fun weeding the herd down. I did not see his death coming (I think he was half showing off, and half of it was more like he wanted to just fight some walkers. He’s been so busy dealing with leader stuff that he’s like the guy who works nonstop in an office and just wants to join Fight Club.)
Kent: This was a really good death for Jesus. He is one of the few characters that you don’t expect to die in a fight. That is why it worked so well, in my opinion.
2. Was this the most horror-ish episode of the franchise? If no, then tell me what your #1 horror-ish episode is.
Bob: Kent, I suppose I don’t really know what horrorishness is. It had a Pet Semetary feel to it. (Bob, now you’re just making up words. I like the Pet Semetary reference. I totally get it.)
Kristi: I say no. I wasn’t feeling horror. More of a wtf deal. I can’t give a horrorish episode. I just don’t feel I have gotten that. (Have you ever felt any horror in the show? I am guessing no, but maybe. )
Chris: It was pretty creepy. The graveyard, the fog. The whispers at the end were pretty creepy. (The fog and whispers were a really nice touch, for me.)
Raylene: It was yes had a very creepy feel to it. (It made me wanna listen to TLC.)
Kent: This had a lot of horror aspects. There have been other episodes that have had good elements. It was the second half of season 4 and Sasha, Bob, and Maggie (I think) were trapped in the foggy woods and could hear walkers but couldn’t see them. The first episode had some horror to it. I know I am probably missing a few other episodes. Overall, I think this provided the most horror in a show that typically isn’t too high on horror aspects.
3. Michonne rejected helping out with the fair. Whatever the story is, it has to be good, right? They keep planting the seeds for an explanation.
Bob: An anti-Sasha/Maggie moment of reflection. (I can get behind that.)
Chris: I hope it’s good. I know TWD has a history of too many flashbacks, but for once we need some. (I don’t know if there is such thing as too many flashbacks for me. On the other hand, I watch AHS which is a third flashback, if not more.)
Raylene: I think the communities perhaps were ready to unite after word of Rick’s demise and Michonne finally had enough and said everyone will fend for themselves (I can see that being an issue.)
Kent: This seems to be a thing of mourning and conflict resolution. Michonne was the one trying to carry out Carl’s dream, along with Siddiq. Maggie was probably being stubborn. Ezekiel was probably focused on how to repair the Kingdom and the huge amount of people that they lost. I feel that in a time of need, they got sick of how it was going trying to work together and failing and may have felt it best to just work on healing their own communities on their own and Michonne probably got sick of talking to a wall. OR the scars are the story.
4. Henry…….is a dumbass. Discuss.
Bob: LOL, when Enid kissed that guy. I thought that was a GREAT moment and I could totally sympathize with being struck by the girl you like is with another dude. (Yup, I think every guy has known that feeling at least once. It was one of the more relatable moments in a show where most things are tough to truly relate to.
Kristi: Henry is a dumbass. He wants to be part of something he isn’t. He wants to help but isn’t. I’m hoping he grows a pair and stops trying to part of the young crew and actually grows as a character. (Growing up in the Kingdom, you’d think that he learned from Ezekiel, Jerry, and Carol. All bring very different perspectives. He needs to tell that crew to go F itself, although he could possibly keep the girl.)
Chris: As good as this season has been, Henry is just terrible. I just don’t find his character interesting in the least. He has basically taken Carl’s spot, but Carl had evolved so much after 8 seasons. Henry is just boring. (Square peg meets round hole. Among the numerous issues I had with Carl’s death, this was one of them. This particular story arc seemed to be important enough to still happen, so they change characters, as they have been known to do, but it didn’t work this time. Sometimes it does. Carl became too likable. Henry is a character that is going to struggle to get the fanbase to rally around him. It took Carl 4-6 seasons depending on perspective.)
Raylene: Henry is making decisions like to first 3 to 4 season Carl but he should know better since he is older and has had training from all people Morgan, Carol, Ezekiel. (Don’t forget Jerry. Henry has had it pretty good in a lot of regards. They have to really rethink how to portray Henry and make him more likable. I don’t think sympathy is the way to go.)
Kent: I am not going to beat the dead horse anymore. But this really is what happens when you kill off the most important character of the next 2 seasons. It’d be like killing off Eugene instead of Abe and then having Rosita be the genius who manufactures bullets and saves the war. See how that sounds really dumb? That’s how I feel about Henry.
5. Why is Gabriel stuck on Negan duty? The other dude, I think that was Scott, was right there. Like, he couldn’t have taken Negan duty for a day or two?
Bob: I think Gabriel did it voluntarily – but I dislike him more and more – mostly because he bears the cloth of faith and lives like nothing according to it. (I kinda thought that he would have gone the opposite direction after surviving everything. I love Gabe, but there are times where it doesn’t feel right. Gut feeling tells me that this time next year, we won’t be having this talk.)
Kristi: Maybe they thought he was better off inside. Everyone else are more fighters where he is more of the emotional dude that talks to people. Didn’t work out very well though. (I like the idea of Gabe the fighter, but they changed him a lot. While I love his look, his character is perplexing to me. He is someone that I would have liked to see his journey during the time jump. Just to see what changed.)
Chris: Why does someone even need to watch him? Not like he can get out of his cage…. (Right, it serves no real purpose. He’s in a locked cell. He can’t go anywhere. Man, someone is going to get fired.)
Raylene: Maybe the thing was that OG people are in charge of Negan but either way he messed up big time he let Negan get under his skin and got sloppy. Why didn’t Scott pick up on the fact Gabe didn’t lock the cell also why wasn’t the main door locked as a safety precaution for scenarios like we saw. (They seemingly have a LOT of explaining to do on this one.)
Kent: Gabe is one of the most trusted people in Alexandria. Still, Scott would be right up there too. This is simply storytelling conveniences that are not practical.
6. On Talking Dead, a statement was released on Maggie (Lauren Cohan). “Maggie’s last episode this season was 905,” Talking Dead host Chris Hardwick said as he read a statement prepared by Kang and Gimple. “But it isn’t the end of Maggie’s story. We love Lauren Cohan and hope to have her back on the big program and or beyond, and we have built a story to service that.” Which do you think is more likely: her return to the TV show or her starring in a TWD TV Movie?
Bob: Both. Maybe the Michonne/Maggie divide will be explained in a movie.
Kristi: I’m thinking the movie.
Chris: I think she will return to the show. Her new show, based on how new shows do, only has a ⅕ chance of survival, and they will probably give her more money to come back. It might not be until we get to see Georgie’s community. (I’m really curious to see Georgie’s community. It has to be cooler than Oceanside.)
Raylene: I think that she will return to the show. Maybe we’ll see her in that community she’s helping build
Kent: I was on the fence, then I decided movie. Now, the more I think about it, I do think it will definitely be the show, but also with a movie as a 78% chance. I say that we won’t have any more Maggie related questions for a while, but you know how that goes.
7. Should the other teens have been punished?
Bob: Only if Henry rats on them. And they very well may have been punished. (I think we will find out that they got minor punishment.)
Kristi: Yes, they need to learn that there are rules for a reason. They were a bit annoying to me. (I wonder if anybody watched this and thought that the teens were cool. You know there had to be a few, right? That seems like a thing. They also probably really admire Nickelback.)
Chris: Henry didn’t snitch! That being said, how many teenagers even live there? Can’t be too difficult a mystery. (So, on the plus side, he will not be getting stitches. That is probably all of the teens. Is it safe to assume that only 1-2% of the population is alive? Hmmm, I wonder what the numbers are.)
Raylene: I believe that Henry did not give them up but with some detective work they can figure out who he was with. (Hilltop could really use the Hardly Boys to get a clue and solve the case.)
Kent: Of course. They are sneaking out at night beyond the secure walls. They are the worst because it puts so many people at risk. If the kids get into trouble, the adults would go out there and risk their lives for these dumbasses. Give them all the chair. That’s right, whatever the most uncomfortable chair is, make this sit in it for a week straight. Lessons would be learned.
8. Negan is getting out. In the previews for the next half season, we see him in Michonne’s home (it appears) as well as back in Sanctuary. Are there any Saviors left? Will Negan try to cause more issues? Will Negan go on some redemption story arc? Give me your thoughts on all things Negan.
Bob: For a moment, I thought that his cell was always unlocked and that he was in complete fear and just stayed there. But when he tossed that ball back…. Ahh yes. Good times. I think we need a strong character like Negan in the show, he has charisma. (Yes, we really need more charismatic Negan. The people that we have lost from the show have been very charismatic. Abe, Simon, Gregory, Rick, Carl, Kent, etc. )
Kristi: I hope it’s a redemption story. I would like to see him contribute in a positive way but I don’t know if it’s in him. (I think it is in him, but I think he needs to be on the outside and realize that he has to alter his thoughts a bit in order to survive and try to find some meaning.)
Chris: I think his priority is finding Lucille, then I’m hoping for a redemption story. I would love to see Negan become a good guy. (Negan becoming a face on this show would be something good I think. Of course, I don’t see Negan as evil as others do.)
Raylene: I think Negan will try to get the Saviors back and running but he is going to run into issues with the Whisperers before he can get things going. (I would be intrigued to see him run into the Whisperers while out on the town.)
Kent: The only Saviors left would be Dwight and his woman, possibly. I think the other name ones are dead or have chosen other alliances, like Laura. I think in his mind, the goal is to get out and rebuild. I think he is going to find that he is no longer in a position to rebuild, and it may actually bore him. He will absolutely save one of the good guys at some point. Please, pretty please make it Judith and not Henry.)
9. Have the Whisperers lived up to expectations so far? Are you enjoying the horror vibe that comes with them?
Bob: It’s fun and adds a very surprising element.
Chris: They were made for tv. Definitely creepy. They are just going to keep getting better in my opinion.
Raylene: Yuppers I can not wait for more to come
Kent: As Chris said, they were made for TV. They are cool in the books, but the TV vibe is even better. This has so much potential, and I like how they are doing it so far.
Bonus Deuce
1. What was your favorite Jesus fight?
Bob: Hilltop, his jump kick when the Saviors released zombies inside. (I most certainly enjoyed that.)
Chris: His fight with Morgan.
Raylene: I have to say the fight between him and Morgan that was awesome
Kent: I wanted to say Morgan, but it just didn’t breathe as much as I would have liked. I have to say his initial thing with Rick and Daryl was better. Morgan and Jesus needed 2-3 more minutes.
2. What was your favorite non-fighting Jesus moment?
Bob: “This is the next world” – When he fires a single shot after Heath and Glenn slaughter some Saviors.
Chris: His introduction with Rick and Daryl was awesome.
Raylene: I did like it when he snuck into Ricks bedroom in our first introduction of him
Kent: The Rick bedroom scene was really top notch stuff. I also liked that he was in the room for the season 8 finale scene with Maggie and Daryl. I think we will see flashbacks with Jesus to tell the story about what happened with that.
Final Thoughts – I think that this season has been really well done. Here is my question. Season 9 is the best season of TWD since season ____? If you don’t know the number, just reference what happened and I’ll add in the number.
Bob: 4
Chris: 3 or 4. I thought the prison seasons were the peak of the show. Depending on how the 2nd half goes, this could be better!
Raylene: I really checked out of the series after the first episode of season 7 so by that statement I think that the last season good was 6. I am still sore with Abe and Carl being gone so 7 and 8 could have been good but I am just too stubborn to admit it.
Kent: Season 6, no doubt. The huge season premiere with the quarry and so many cool scenes in that single episode. They followed it up with the JSS episode where Carol handled the Wolves. We got the great Morgan backstory episode. Abe got the RPG and cigar. The highest rated episode was the midseason premiere with Daryle, Abe, and Sasha meeting some of Negan’s men on the road while Carl got his eye shot out and Rick went crazy on that huge herd. Then we met Jesus, and Carol became the chameleon who blended it. Even the mostly female episode with Maggie and Carol captured by some of the Saviors was really good. Denise getting shot was solid. It all ended with the lineup episode which was incredibly well done with the Saviors constantly blocking the path to Hilltop. Most of those are positive memories for me. If this season gets better, we could be talking season 2 or 3 territory for me.
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