Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead S:7 Ep:2 – 9 Deuce – Welcome To The Kingdom edition

The Walking Dead S:7 Ep:2 9 Deuce

This week, we were finally introduced to the Kingdom, and I don’t really see how you could be too disappointed by this. Next week, we presumably get to check out Negan and the Savior’s compound, so lots of excitement. In this episode, we finally got to meet King Ezekiel, his pet tiger, Shiva, and some other delightful people, including Ezekiel’s man servant, Jerry. In case you are new to this, the format here is simple. I ask 9 episode specific questions and follow it up with 2 bonus questions that can be anything Walking Dead universe related. I like to leave comments to some of the answers that make me laugh or bring up fascinating points, or just because I want to. With that out of the way, please meet my panel of contributors: Bob, Cece, Briana, Raylene, Eric, Melanie, Jess, and the quintessential studdmuffin.


  1. Do you see a romance in Carol’s future, and if so, with who?

Bits:  We’ve always wanted Carol to have a romance with someone.  At this point i’d love to see Carol start her own group- not a romance.  However, if you want me to say yes, it’d be with Ezekiel.  They def had tension but Carol is so unpredictable.  (Kent: Nobody is twisting your arm to force a romance. I like your idea of Carol running her own group and maybe in 3 seasons, that could precisely happen as a precedent has been set for that in some ways.)

Cece:  Maybe. I don’t think they’ll explore that much, as they used to somewhat allude to her and Daryl. BUT, I could totally ship Carol/Ezekiel. (Kent: No I was referring to a romance. I don’t think Ezekiel has access to a ship, nor does Carol. As we saw in Fear The Walking Dead, boats and hoes don’t mix.)

Bob:  No but I think we were led to believe there should be one between Ezekiel and her.

Briana: It’s funny you asked this because I really thought she and Ezekiel seemed like there would be more to come of them. And frankly, I like it. I like the idea of the 2 of them. I think he could bring her out of this weird break down she’s been going through.

Raylene:  Yes I think that Carol will end up with the king.

Eric:  Yes with Morgan

Melanie: Yes, with a lady. Maybe that girl who I can never remember her name. (Kent: She doesn’t deserve a name.  I wonder if they still to film her from the breasts up again this season.)

Jess:  I wouldn’t mind seeing something play out between Carol and Ezekiel

Kent:  I have long wanted Daryl and Carol since season 2, and it’s rare for me to cheer on any romance. I think with both Sasha and Maggie newly single, plus Rosita technically, and then Tobin if you consider it, we are down to Rick and Michonne, so yeah, Carol and Ezekiel because somebody has to be his love interest.  I want you to consider that since Lori’s death, TWD has been notorious for their mixed race relationships. Aside from some really short lived ones like Bob & Sasha, Rick & Jessie, Governor & Andrea, the lesbians, and the gay dudes, most relationships that are big in the show are mixed. We’ve had Glenn & Maggie, Abe & Rosita, Abe & Sasha, Rick & Michonne, and Negan and Lucille. This seems likely the more I think about it. Plus in the comic, it’s Michonne and Ezekiel, so this just works out.


  1. Carol is seeing the walkers as real people. Do you attribute that to her emotional state/change of heart from last season, or more to do with the bullet wound maybe making her a little delirious?

Bits:  Carol is all sorts of effed up right now.  She is having Rick hears the phone or Rick sees Laurie moments, just PTSD.

Cece:  I think it’s more of her mind getting to her.

Bob:  I think her seeing Walkers as living people was just a moment of reflection connected to her delirium.  Those fears should be put away since she simply walked into that house at the end and without hesitation terminated the walker in there.

Briana: Since it only happened in the beginning when she was dealing with the bullet wounds, that’s all it seemed to be for me. I think it was an interesting concept to let us glimpse but I don’t think it will be an ongoing thing.  (Kent: That’s how I took it as well.)

Raylene:  I believe Carol’s reached her breaking point and just has no desire to kill anymore.

Eric:  Both. She has been through so much trauma having to kill real people that is broken and the bullet was the catalyst. (Kent: I gotta say, this is probably the most eloquent answer. Well done.)

Melanie:  Bullet wound and guilt is why she is hallucinating.

Jess:  I think it’s a little bit of both

Kent:  I’m going to go with the bullet wound causing some mental stuff, and maybe she received some medical care that could make her see some stuff.


  1. Do you consider Ezekiel a good leader given the current scenario in the show?

Bits: Again, I know nothing about the comics, so yes, I’m hopeful that Ezekiel will be good.  I’d like to see a round table with Ezekiel, Jesus, Morgan and Rick.  Just for giggles.

Cece:  Yes, I believe he is doing what needs to be done to keep people safe and happy.

Bob:  King Ezekiel is not a good leader because he is lying to his people.  King’s often lord over their subjects like this situation but this is a savage world they live in.  Also, Ezekiel should not be trusting outsiders so quickly versus his own people.  That doesn’t make any sense.  (Kent: I think you win this one. The trusting outsiders thing really doesn’t sit well with me. It tells me that he is too eager to bend to impress or get assistance. On the outside, it seems smart only because we know Carol, but otherwise, it’s a terrible idea.)

Briana: Yes and no. His methods seem to be working for now and it’s not like he’s delusional or blind to what’s happening around him, he’s just trying to keep his people happy in the only way he knows how. With that being said, it could definitely backfire if the Saviors or any other faction decides to attack them. His people will be completely off guard and helpless.

Raylene:  Yes the King is a good leader so far he created the character for people to follow and to feel safety in this world. (Kent: That’s a whole other thing, isn’t he basically The Governor? The Governor created a character with charisma to get people to buy into what he was selling, despite not knowing an exact plan. So yeah, very smart.)

Eric:  Good leader, no. Crazy enough for people to believe him, yup.

Melanie:  Not a good leader in a real world sense, but in Walking dead land. Yes. That tiger though…  (Kent: That tiger though……yeah, pretty much.)

Jess:  I hope he proves it to himself that he’s a good leader because right now he seems a little unsure. I want him to be a bad ass!

Kent:  He’s smart, very smart. He’s definitely smarter than Gregory, and more observant.  I don’t know how strong he is as far as a leader, he just portrays it.  I see him as an improved version of the guy that we got in the comics. Yes, he is a good face or leadership, at the moment, as everybody seems happy and knows their role, and seem organized. Good leader…..I don’t know yet.


  1. Will the tainted pig meat have any ill effects on the Saviors?

Bits:  No

Cece: More than likely. And I hope so! (Kent: Why do you want harm to come to the innocent saviors who are just doing their jobs to survive?)

Bob:  No, it hasn’t yet that we know of.

Briana: This was another that I had considered deeply while watching. When Bob was tainted meat, we never got the chance to see if it affected them because our group slaughtered them immediately after. I can see where cooking the meat could possibly make it alright. We cook our food now to extinguish things like E. coli and other bacteria so it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s the case here. At the same time though, we are talking zombie disease instead of normal bacteria. So I’m extremely curious to see if and how it effects them.  (Kent: I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one to totally overthink this one.)

Raylene:  I think the tainted meat will speed up the infection

Eric:  yes

Melanie:  yes

Jess: It would be awesome if it did

Kent: I’m incredibly conflicted on this one. I don’t believe that the Hunters/Gareth’s people had any ill effects from eating tainted Bob. Also, we know that everybody is infected thanks to Jenner. With that being said, if you read the comics, there is a form of biological warfare. That implies that if it gets in you internally, it should turn you faster, for the same reason that a bite will turn you. It should have an effect is my answer, but cooking it could negate it.


  1. Who do you think will die first: Richard (the guy who got beat up by Jared the Savior) or Ben (the young man that Morgan is training)?

Bits: Ben.  This will make Morgan want to kill again.

Cece:  Ben. I have a feeling they’ll build him up, and get the fans to like him first.

Bob:  Ben – it will affect Ezekiel more and begin to make him unstable.

Briana: Ohhhhh that’s a really tough one! You always make this so difficult because I can see either perspective. If the kingdom gives a reason for the Saviors to punish them, we’ve been warned Richard will be first. However, if we are talking regular deaths, Ben just seems to have an apparent target on him. I’m still going to go with Richard as my final answer though!

Raylene:  I think Ben will get if first by getting bite

Eric:  Ben

Melanie:  I don’t know who either of those people are.  (Kent: I gotta say, I love the bluntness of this response, and it made me laugh. Kudos!)

Jess:  Probably Ben he seems like a wuss.

Kent:  Richard seems so obvious, but if Ben takes the teachings from the book to heart and chooses not to kill, I am thinking that it will cause his or Morgan’s death. So Ben is my pick.


6:  Who do you think will die first: Morgan, Carol, or Ezekiel?

Bits: WTF?!?! One of them dies? If i had to guess it would be Morgan. After Ben dies he will want to kill and then in turn be killed. Or maybe Ezekiel.  Carol can then take over the Kingdom. (Kent: Geez Bitty, I am not saying that one of them has to die, but none of them are alive in the comics 20 years later, so it seems likely that one may get got.)

Cece:  That’s hard to say. Maybe none of them. But when it comes to knowing what to do in the ‘real world’ I think Ezekiel has the worst chance of surviving.

Bob:  Ezekiel (Ezekiel’s Tiger..?)

Briana: I don’t see any of them dying off any time soon. But if I had to choose, it would be Ezekiel. Morgan and Carol have a story line going and they will play that out before considering getting rid of either. Taking it from another perspective though, Carol is by herself most of the time now. She’s close to the Kingdom but not in it so if the Saviors happen to discover she’s living in that house, I don’t see them sparing her.

Raylene:  Carol will die first (Kent: You are the only one who picked Carol first. You will have bragging rights if this comes to fruition.)

Eric:  Ezekiel

Melanie:  Ezekiel

Jess:  Morgan.

Kent: Morgan. I just told you why.


7:  Who is your favorite “new” character from this episode?

Bits: Ezekiel’s man servant, Jerry.

Cece:  Jerry and Ezekiel.

Bob:  Richard – he is the new “Abe” but has a head on his shoulders. (Kent: I do hope that Richard lasts long enough for the inevitable war because I really want to see him in action after that statement. Well done.)

Briana: Definitely Ezekiel. He is my kind of guy! I grew up doing theater so I can relate to why he has chosen to cope with the apocalypse the way he has. Plus he’s funny and calls it like he sees it. My husband didn’t like him at all but he’s not a very imaginative person the way I am so it didn’t surprise me that we had such different feelings about him.

Raylene:  The guy that is with the king usually, Jerry

Eric:  Ezekiel

Melanie:  Ezekiel’s tiger

Jess: Shiva of course!

Kent:  Ezekiel mainly because he is a very smart guy and a master manipulator so far. Plus, his hair is awesome, he owns a tiger, and he even had respect from Gavin (one of the Saviors), so he’s clearly a good business man. I know, most of you are probably going to say Jerry.


  1. Do you think that Carol will continue living in her new home, or will she move into The Kingdom or back to Alexandria by the end of the season?

Bits: By the end of the season I predict that the Kingdom will not exists because Rick’s group always effs up walled cities and Carol will be on the move again.  (Kent: That’s dark. Too soon.)

Cece:  She will more than likely stay where she is now. I have a weird feeling she wants to stay a loner.

Bob:  Carol will be back in Alexandria by the last or second-to-last episode.

Briana: She will definitely resolve this battle with herself in some way by the end of the season. Whether she will go to the Kingdom or Alexandria, I’m not sure yet. It seems for now that she would lean more toward the Kingdom. But I am also still hopeful that Alexandria, the Hill Top, and the Kingdom will team up for the sake of taking out the Saviors so if that’s the case, it shouldn’t matter which she chooses because they will all be smaller parts of one whole.

Raylene:  Carol will live in her home until she dies

Eric:  Move back to Alexandria or where ever Rick and the group are.

Melanie:  Move back to where ever Rick and the crew are.

Jess:  She will be back at Alexandria before we know it.

Kent:  I’ll guess that she stays at the Kingdom and helps with training. While the fighters seemed competent, they don’t seem to have a huge army.  Tobin will be sad.  If I could make a side wager, I’d place $10 on Carol going to the Hilltop, killing Gregory and just taking over, but she may never make it there.


  1. Will Morgan directly kill another human being ever again?

Bits: Yes. Maybe himself.  (Kent: You are incredibly dark with your predictions…..I’m kinda impressed.)

Cece:  probably.

Bob:  Yes.  Everyone has to be dynamic in this show to stay alive.

Briana: Of course. The idea that he thought he could live out the rest of his life without killing someone was absurd in the first place. I think he’s starting to realize things are not as black and white as he’s been pretending. Sure he can justify all day that the wolf guy ended up helping Denise, but at the end of the day, how many decent people die because of the people he could have killed and didn’t. I think killing that savior for Carol’s sake made him start to reconsider his previous philosophy just a little.

Raylene:  I think Morgan will kill again to try and save Carol

Eric:  Yes

Melanie:  Yes

Jess:  Probably not which could cause his death in the future.  (Kent: Well you are the contrarian here, so bragging rights if you nail this one!)

Kent:  I’ll say yes. He will kill to protect Shiva and Ezekiel will reward him with a fair maiden!


Bonus Deuce

  1. Would you rather live in The Kingdom, The Hilltop, Alexandria, or with the Saviors?

Bits: Unfortunately, it’s all about Survival and the Saviors have the upper hand.  I choose them.  (Kent: Well, it appears that we are going to survive, we’re going to live on. Everybody else wants the Kingdom.)

Cece:  The Kingdom.

Bob:  The Kingdom – they seem to have it good at this point and have some weapons – real weapons.

Briana: I would probably prefer the Kingdom. All of these places have their perks. But the Kingdom seems the most fun.

Raylene:  The Kingdom they have a tiger

Eric:  Kingdom

Melanie:  I go where ever Eric goes.

Jess:  I’m gonna pick The Kingdom. Ezekiel is already becoming one of my new favorites.

Kent:  I would say the Saviors is the best because they have power, they have supplies, and if you follow the rules, you survive fairly well.  The Kingdom is my second choice. People seem happy there, everybody works and produces, and their wall is up and it works.  The Hilltop is last because Gregory would sell you out instantly. Alexandria isn’t much better though, but better protection, thanks to Carl.


  1. Out of the remaining, living characters, who would you most want to see interact with King Ezekiel that hasn’t so far? (Basically, you can’t pick Carol or Morgan.)

Bits : Gabriel.  I think Gabriel is full of shit and so is Ezekiel.  They both want good in the end and have to put up a front to get there.  They would make a good team.

Cece:  I’d really like to see Rick’s interaction with him.

Bob:  Gabriel – both are pansies. (Kent: Since both you and Bitty chose Gabriel, I pictured it as Gabriel could really use a new start, and he may feel safer there, so I think it would work well in an odd way.)

Briana: I’m curious to see how Rick and Carl would react to him. I loved Carol’s reaction because it’s so genuine. After all the things she’s seen, he was absolutely ridiculous for her and I think Rick and Carl would feel similar about it. Abraham would have been a really funny one to see interact with him too if that were an option! “What kind of shit show is this?” Haha! (Kent: I’m really surprised that I didn’t consider Carl, but that would be a good one. On the plus side, Carl makes a new friend this season.)

Raylene:  Enid I think that’s her name Carl’s special lady friend (I hadn’t considered her, but she reminds me of Carol in a lot of ways, so that would be funny.)

Eric:  Darryl

Melanie:  Darryl  (Kent: I picture Daryl having that smirk on his face, the half laugh, half disbelief look, and then telling him that having a tiger is kick ass.)

Jess:  It would’ve been cool to hear Abe’s witty response to a freaking tiger! I miss him already.  (Kent: Abe was my first choice too in a perfect world. I imagine Abe with Ezekiel and Eugene with Jerry, for a whole hour.)

Kent:  Eugene. Abe would have been the other obvious choice, but now Eugene is the clear cut favorite, because you know that him and Jerry have to talk at some point.  In theory, Heath would also be fun due to the hair game.

That wraps up about 8 or 9 pages of written word. I hope that you all enjoyed the varied responses. Once again, thank you to all of the wonderful people who helped make this possible. If anybody would like to join in, we could have like a ceremony and welcome you to the family, or more than likely, I will just thank you. Contact me, or leave a message!

All of the pictures are the property of AMC, the producers, Robert Kirkman, and all of the other people who helped make this. I am simply using the images for review purposes.

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