Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Season 7A Preview – 9 Deuce Discussion – Part 1 of 3

Welcome friends, acquaintances, and mortal enemies. I am your host, Kent, and I am going to pose 9 questions about this upcoming season and then 2 bonus TWD themed questions. I will be doing this throughout the season. I’m pretty excited. I’m always looking for people to share their opinions, so please contact me if you would like to engage with us. As this is a season preview, it’s not terribly easy to come up with a bunch of questions, so humor me. I know some of you have read the comic, and yes, that may help, but please be mindful of those that have not.

I originally intended for this to be just one blog, but then I got a ton of people who volunteered their time to contribute, so it came out to 10 pages of just words. I then decided to break it down in 3 parts, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I will provide links as they come or you can visit

Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3

Please enjoy, leave comments, share with your friends.

  1. Why does Tara exist?

Jess:  I’m hoping for some redemption from Tara’s character this season. There’s definitely room for her to grow…or die.

Briana:  Personally, I think Tara’s role in the show seems mostly about guiding Eugene to becoming more of an asset to the group. She seems to have spent the majority of her time being the one to slap him in the face with the truths he doesn’t want to hear but needs to hear. Otherwise, maybe as the token lesbian? Haha! I only kid but I sort of like Tara in an expendable kind of way.

Tom:  Death by bat!

Bob:  Tara exists is a placeholder, a void.  She is someone that doesn’t cause a significant affect on the audience when she gets hurt somehow and could conveniently and unexpectedly save another member of Alexandria (i.e., Rick is busy somewhere else like everyone else so they can’t be a saving grace for someone, uhh yea use Tara)

Bitty:  Tara still feels non existent to me.  In the beginning, she was there to show that someone is able to still have the freedom to change their minds and switch sides; when she jumped ship from the Governor to Rick’s group.  Since the switch she has just been a side story for me.

Melanie:  Who is that? Seriously, I had to google who Tara was.  Mind you I am not a particularly great Walking Dead watcher, but still…no clue.

Eric:  No clue…she is just filler.

Raylene:  Tara exists because there is always one awful useless female character in this show.

Kent:  I have been wondering this since season 4. I seriously disliked her the moment we met her. If anybody watched it with me, they can vouch for my instead hatred of this character. Please piss of Negan or Shiva, I beg you Tara.

  1. In the preview, we see Negan dragging Rick at one point. Do you think Negan will physically harm Rick in any way?


Jess:  I believe Rick is safe from physical harm because he’s going to be mentally scarred after whoever gets the bat.

Briana:  We know in the comics, Rick loses his hand to the Governor and since that never happened, I assume that’s what they were hinting at. I can’t think of another plausible reason for taking him into the RV. Negan isn’t the kind of man who negotiates so what could he possibly have to talk with Rick about.

Tom:  I feel that he needs to maim Rick in some way. See, you thought I was going to say “Death By Bat”.

Bob:  No, this would not be a buildup to a grander confrontation, the stage has already been set for that anything else would just be excess.

Bitty:  My girly opinion would be “NOOOOO!!!!” but my real guess is Yes.  I think Negan will either cut off his hand or arm.  Negan states “a right hand man” so maybe that was our hint.

Melanie:  I think he will hurt him to show dominance, but I don’t think he is the, “one”.

Eric:  Yes, nothing major though just to rough him up to show power.

Raylene:  Negan will finally cut Rick’s hand off.

Kent: In the comic, when Rick and the Governor had a confrontation, Rick ended up worse for wear. While I don’t foresee that exactly playing out now, I want to say that Rick loses a finger as a message for Rick threatening Negan. It could also be the hand as well. Just not his brass balls.

  1. Do you feel that Father Gabriel has redeemed himself yet to the group after some of his underhanded things early on in Alexandria?

Jess:  To the group yes, to the audience maybe not. I cringed when Rick left the baby with him.

Briana:  The first time I watched it, I didn’t think I’d ever like him even by the end of season 6. However, my second time watching season 6, I realize what he did in the beginning was more about misunderstanding. When he saw the group slaughter the Terminus people, he really didn’t know the extent of evil these people possessed. He learned a little after going to the school and seeing Bob’s charred foot but I still think in his mind what they did was worse. He didn’t know them well and didn’t trust them after witnessing that. And let’s face it, he was a priest, it’s not easy to see that kind of thing and hope for the best. There came a point when he realized who he was and who his group was. After that, he did everything in his power to redeem himself and that is enough for me to believe he can be a valuable group member. More so than Morgan who irritates me with his “every life is precious” bull shit! Gabriel at least knows there are people who do what they have to and there are people who do what they want to do.

Tom: No

Bob:  By the reasonable and prudent man rule yes, he has redeemed himself.  I am not convinced he has redeemed himself in his own heart.  His mind is trying to convince himself he is working toward that end though.

Bitty:  Gabriel Shmabriel.  He is another character I can do without. In my eyes he can never be trusted and i’m still waiting for him to crack again.

Melanie:  I think he has redeemed himself, but I think people should still have a close eye on him.

Eric:  No, not at all. Still a dirt bag causing problems.

Raylene:  Yes I feel Father Gabe has, as long as he still is a hoss and protects Judith as well.

Kent: I know a lot of fans despise Gabriel, but I like that he’s come out of his shell after being such a coward. I think the group would say yes to pay him mouth service, but no, I don’t think he has the trust of say a third of Alexandria yet.

  1. Will any of the Alexandria group die via bite from a walker this season?


Jess:  I don’t see walkers as the real threat anymore. More or less just background noise. My guess is no.

Briana:  Of course! At the end of the day, it’s a show about zombies. You can’t have an entire season with no one getting a little love nip from the walkers!

Tom:  Yeah, there’s gonna be a walker death.

Bob:  Yes, the “red shirts”(Kent: This answer really made me laugh.)

Bitty: My guess is many will die but not from a walker.

Melanie:  Tara…she seems pretty expendable and forgettable.

Eric: No one is safe…

Raylene:  Yes not a main character will die of a walker bite.

Kent:  Walkers are no longer the threat, humans are. They have been expounding that for awhile now. I think that would be a way to troll the fans is to have one of our badasses deal with some people, but get killed by a walker because we need to remember, they are still a threat. Some may even talk to you if you listen to Morgan.  Probably Kent dies via walker bite and I riot.

All of the pictures are the property of AMC, the producers, Robert Kirkman, and all of the other people who helped make this. I am simply using the images for review purposes.

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