Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Season 7A Preview – 9 Deuce Discussion – Part 2 of 3

Welcome friends, acquaintances, and mortal enemies. I am your host, Kent, and I am going to pose 9 questions about this upcoming season and then 2 bonus TWD themed questions. I will be doing this throughout the season. I’m pretty excited. I’m always looking for people to share their opinions, so please contact me if you would like to engage with us. As this is a season preview, it’s not terribly easy to come up with a bunch of questions, so humor me. I know some of you have read the comic, and yes, that may help, but please be mindful of those that have not.

I originally intended for this to be just one blog, but then I got a ton of people who volunteered their time to contribute, so it came out to 10 pages of just words. I then decided to break it down in 3 parts, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I will provide links as they come or you can visit

Link to Part 1 of 3
Link to Part 3 of 3

Please enjoy, leave comments, share with your friends. Or don’t, because you don’t want to take a chance and show your friends just how amazing you are. Your choice, of course.


  1. Will Eugene find any romance this season?

Jess:  There might be a lovely lady looking to smooch Eugene this season. Oh wait no, that’s just a walker.

Briana:  I’ve been curious about this since they settled in Alexandria. It’s definitely possible but since it wouldn’t be a necessary addition to the story line, I don’t know if they’ll waste the time on it except maybe for the purpose of the good guy getting the girl. I’m rooting for him though!

Tom: Death by bat.

Bob:  No, nothing mutual.

Bitty: Eugene will not find love this season.  He will survive Lucille and will be forced to make ammunition by Negan.

Melanie:  I hope not.  I don’t like him and the thought of any more of him running around is gross.  (Kent: Wait, so the Tennessee Top Hat does nothing for you? Not even a little bit? He respects the hair game!)

Raylene:  Yes, Eugene will either end up with Rosita or he will turn Tara bisexual. (Kent: If any man can turn a lesbian to a bisexual, it’s Eugene!)

Eric: Maybe with new characters.

Kent: Sure. I’ll just write my own story. One of Negan’s wives escapes and ends up heading to Alexandria, and Eugene steps up and saves her and she is close to getting killed by a walker. Eugene is her white knight and even though she is hot, she still digs him. They hide her when Negan comes to collect his pay. At one point, she is discovered and Negan kills her right in front of Eugene to further his character arc. I love that man.


  1. Aside from the obvious “who gets it from Lucille”, name something else that you look forward to seeing this season, even if it’s pure speculation.

Jess:  I’m hoping to see Carl struggle a bit with the fact that he just lost his eye people! What’s the story with that?

Briana:  In general I’m excited about the season because i stopped reading the comics after Glenn. (not for any particular reason, I just have a very absent mind and sort of forgot I’d been reading it) So for once I don’t have any clue what is going to happen. But I think I’m curious to see what happens to Carol and Morgan and where their story goes because I really hate this whole not killing thing. I’d like to see if killing the Savior to save Carol was a fluke or if he will continue killing when necessary. Also, I’d like there to be a baby Glenn and Maggie (assuming Maggie isn’t the one Negan whacks). Finally, I’m just really excited to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan bring Negan to life! (Kent: Anything else that you would like to add? Your answer was very succinct.)

Tom:  More deaths by bat. (Kent: nodding in agreement)

Bob:  This may be boring, but Rick chartering a mutiny against Negan. (Kent: No, it’s absolutely not boring and is some of the more compelling stuff in the comic in my opinion.)

Bitty:  I really am looking forward to the Kingdom.  I do not read the comics so it will all be new to me.  I’ve also always been a huge fan of the name Ezekiel and now that it will be a WD mainstream name i’m even more in love with it! (Kent: I really hope that Ezekiel is introduced at 25 minutes and 17 seconds in to an episode.)

Melanie:  Just more Daryl kicking ass.

Raylene:  To see the Whisperers in action.

Eric: I would like to see them back in a safer location. Daryl also needs to get his bike back.  (Kent: Would you accept Daryl getting a new bike with the help of Aaron, who clearly knows his way around a bike?)

Kent: Shiva, Spencer, the Savior’s compound, and the flashback story of why Dwight’s face is in it’s current state. Believe me, it’s fucking awesome as Negan would say. Also, very intrigued by Enid’s role, whatever it may be, this season.

  1. Will Carol rejoin Rick’s group this season?


Jess:  No, Carol will be off looking at the flowers.

Briana:  Since it seems she was taken to the Hilltop at the end of the last episode, I assume so. She left because of a mental breakdown over the people she’s killed. If she can pull herself out of that, she will realize being on her own isn’t any better than having to kill for the people she loves. I don’t see Carol going anywhere but I could definitely be wrong.

Tom:  Yes

Bob:  Possibly in the last episode.

Bitty: No.  It will be much like when Carol was exiled like Rick before.  She will continue on her journey and we will watch her become even stronger.
Melanie:  Yes because her me-time is over.

Raylene:  Perhaps Carol will rejoin towards the end of the season.

Eric:  Yes because she has also been a part of the group.

Kent: I can see her and Morgan staying in The Kingdom and help train them while Carol heals. They sorely need some training.  In my opinion, Carol is the #3 most important character to the show behind Rick and Negan. She has made Daryl expendable in that women still can get behind a strong female character. Daryl is still 4.

  1. Will we ever see or hear about the Wolves moving forward?


Jess:  Is that still a thing?

Briana:  That’s a good question because I felt the way they handled that situation was very odd. It was such a quick little plot. A lot of build up for just one fight. We don’t know if they killed all of them or not so it’s definitely possible. With the Saviors and possibly the Whisperers still in the picture, the wolves seem pointless. The other 2 groups are far more terrifying than the Wolves. (Kent: Do you think we will get any other subtle hints towards the Whisperers prior to the ending of the story arc before the comic jumped in time several years? I don’t know how to say that with less spoilers.)

Tom:  I’d say that since we haven’t seen an official end to them, we have to see them again.

Bob:  Only as a memory, perhaps by seeing an occasional “W” scarred into someone’s forehead.

Bitty: I freaking hope not. Bunch of A-Holes!

Melanie:  They add suspense to the story, so I say yes.

Raylene:  Maybe we’ll have one more Wolves encounter.

Eric: No. The wolves are done.

Kent: I felt that the Wolves, much like The Hunters were a wasted opportunity to do some cool shit. Terminus last all of 2 episodes. We know that some Wolves still exist, and I say that Morgan hasn’t seen the last of them yet. It would be cool if Negan, to show that his group is holding up their end of the deal, come and fuck up the remaining Wolves, but unlikely.

All of the pictures are the property of AMC, the producers, Robert Kirkman, and all of the other people who helped make this. I am simply using the images for review purposes.

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