Television The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Season 7A Preview – 9 Deuce Discussion – Part 3 of 3

Welcome friends, acquaintances, and mortal enemies. I am your host, Kent, and I am going to pose 9 questions about this upcoming season and then 2 bonus TWD themed questions. I will be doing this throughout the season. I’m pretty excited. I’m always looking for people to share their opinions, so please contact me if you would like to engage with us. As this is a season preview, it’s not terribly easy to come up with a bunch of questions, so humor me. I know some of you have read the comic, and yes, that may help, but please be mindful of those that have not.

I originally intended for this to be just one blog, but then I got a ton of people who volunteered their time to contribute, so it came out to 10 pages of just words. I then decided to break it down in 3 parts, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I will provide links as they come or you can visit

Part 1 of 3
Part 2 of 3

Please enjoy, leave comments, share with your friends. Or don’t, because you don’t want to take a chance and show your friends just how amazing you are. Your choice, of course.

  1. OK, you know the question, who do you predict gets killed by Lucille to start the season? By now, everybody knows that it was Glenn in the comics. If you have seen the TV show spoilers, do not respond as your answer is not welcome, and if you do spoil it, I will end you. I will make my own personal Lucille, hunt you down, and end you.

Jess:  I don’t have a prediction but I don’t feel like it’s going to be Glenn to get the bat. Too predictable for such a major cliff hanger.

Briana:  I’ve thought ever since Glenn came back from the dumpster incident that they were preparing us to lose him. I think everyone is completely convinced he won’t die because it’s too obvious since that’s his comic book death but I think that’s exactly why it will be him. They want us to think they wouldn’t be so obvious and in your face, but they would, they completely would. On the other hand, once I saw the new clip, I thought maybe Abraham. Rick has blood on his face from the beating and on that side of him is Maggie and Abraham. So then I thought it has to be one of them because Glenn is no where near Rick and out of Maggie and Abraham, they’re not going to kill the pregnant lady. And maybe they just want to keep us in suspense without actually really taking away one of the most beloved characters. Don’t get me wrong, I freaking love Abraham! He’s hilarious but I’d miss him less than Glenn or Darryl. And we all know how much TWD likes to kill off people who are just barely important. I really really don’t think it’s Darryl because of the blanket. They wouldn’t have shown that if it was truly him. At the same time, obviousness is why I think it’s Glenn so maybe it is Darryl but I don’t think so.

Tom:  With my limited knowledge, he seems like a threat, and he is not the leader.

Bob:  You should already have a Lucille, for the record.  Maggie takes the hit. (Kent:  You’re absolutely right, I should have my own Lucille!) 

Bitty: I’ve heard to many guesses to make my own guess anymore.  I do know that i’m looking forward to the episode and not looking forward to the episode.  The fact that Scott Gimple told us to not watch it alone leads me to believe its a fan favorite.  

Melanie:  Who gets Lucille’d? Seriously no clue and I refuse to look online.

Raylene:  I am devastated writing this but my Abe will get it and perhaps Daryl as well.
Eric: I think it is Michonne.

Kent: First off, just realized that Michonne is the only person to not have Lucille in frame with her face during the Eeny Meeny Miny Moe.

If I had to put money down, it’s Abe. But it’s a logical fallacy. Negan wants these people to work for him, and he doesn’t seem to have the emotional attachment that would crush the group’s spirits in the same way that Glenn would. But as I said, Glenn has been surrounded by foreshadowing for so long, what’s the point? Maggie dying crushes the group’s soul in so many ways. I will stick with Maggie being the best choice. Remember, Glenn burned her picture because he would never need it again. Nobody expects it to be Maggie because what kind of heartless tyrant kills a pregnant woman? A smart guy who knows that a guy has impregnated her, he knows that she will be useless to him as a gatherer, and she will need to have even more supplies for the baby. Kill her Negan! Of course the new trailer implies that it’s a man, so goodbye Kent’s theory on Maggie.

On the other hand, I think it’s Glenn. You can analyze the position of where everybody is, where the blood splatter is on Rick’s face, all of that stuff. Let’s face it, Negan probably pulls whoever more towards the center, so it can be “anybody”. In theory, the first person perspective is important. Why? Because they did the first person perspective all episode long with the 4 (Glenn, Rosita, Daryl, and Michonne) inside the vehicle. Why do that perspective and do another first person perspective for the kill? You can argue it any which way, but the person’s perspective when they were inside was Glenn’s if you pay attention to when they were brought out and you can see which side they are on, and they are in the back. That’s Glenn. Also, I have long held on to the idea that this is THE defining moment in the comic, right? I almost feel like they have tried softening the blow for a long time now. Plus, Kirkman did this 2 February’s ago.

I also think that we are getting 2 major deaths for this premiere. The hype is just too much for one singular death, but 2 in the same episode, now we’re talking. Also, I so don’t want to see youtube videos of people’s reactions to this. Stop it. It’s been over done.

OK, final prediction: Abe is Lucille’d, Rick loses a hand, and Glen gets killed trying to maybe find Heath or he strikes back at Negan’s group after getting Maggie to the Hilltop. If not Glenn, then Daryl. Somebody will outshine Abe’s death, sadly. It’s my blog and I can write way too much, deal with it.

If I were to give percentages for likeliness to die, they would look like:

The Usual Suspects – People to Rick’s right
Abe – 40% His life is going so well up to this trip. He is finally happy with Sasha, and looking towards the future. Death is imminent soon, whether it be Lucille or a different source. Also, Negan refers to a right hand man. Abe is the one helping Rick carry the stretcher and looks the part.

Glenn – 30% One of the most iconic comic book moments. This was issue #100, and Glenn meets Lucille. Unlike the comics though, Glenn has had so many things happen that were subtle shout outs to the fans, with the bats, and seeing the pictures, the fake death. Death also feels imminent here with Glenn, and he is one of 5 original season one remainders.

Michonne – 12% Let’s face it, Michonne’s starting to lose some of her identity, and some are starting to just see her as Rick’s girlfriend who can fight. She’s also starting to find happiness like Abe. Also, Negan may know how close they are. Taking her out is a very risky move, but they do have another bad ass black chick, so it’s possible and would crush the audience. Plus, she was the only one to not have the bat in her face.

Daryl – 10% If we truly believe that Negan knows about Daryl’s closeness with Rick, this would be absolutely killer. Daryl has become Rick’s brother. I genuinely feel that Norman has a lot of opportunities out there, but I think he is smart enough to know that this is his pinnacle for fame. Unless he has a sure fire thing to go to next, I don’t see him asking out. I don’t foresee Kirkman getting rid of his female meal ticket. He brings in a lot of females, and some dudes. He is probably the fan favorite of choice. Seems unlikely, but he may have been offered a Godfather deal too good to pass up.

Maggie – 5% She’s been around since season 2. She is pregnant. Readers of the comics know just how much power that she ends up wielding down the road. But let’s not trick ourselves into believing that she is untouchable. Her role in the comics can be easily replaced by Sasha or Carol with minimal issue. Oh, and neither of them are alive in the comic, so this works out doubly well. This is the kill that gets Rick’s attention the most that cripples the group’s morale and hopes more than anyone aside from Carl, and that ain’t happening. She has to be considered as Negan knows how important she is to Glenn.

The people that the audience isn’t attached to as much.
Rosita – 1% Her character could be important for Eugene or to turn heel.
Sasha – 1% I feel that she will be the sniper/Andrea role.
Aaron – 1% Honestly, aside from the Gay Community audience members, this wouldn’t be a huge loss.

No chance in hell group. All 3 are way too important and impossible to replace for the upcoming story lines. The comics handles all 3 perfectly.
Eugene – 0%
Carl – 0%
Rick – 0%

Bonus Deuce

  1. Do you think that it’s bullshit that Glenn is still alive after the dumpster scenario?

Jess:  I probably watched that scene 100 times and analyzed every angle of every dumpster I happened to come by. I understood the frustration behind it but secretly I was ecstatic he was still alive. I love me some Glenn!

Briana:  Not at all. It pissed me off at the time because it was a crappy thing to do, making us think he was dead all that time and then not even showing us in the first episode back what had happened. But I don’t think that would have been a fair send off for him after having such an epic comic book death. But I think it was a preparation for him dying at Negan’s hand.

Tom:  Death by bat!

Bob:  No, it just should have been filmed better.

Bitty: Kind of.  I like Glenn a lot and i’m not sure anyone would have survived that fall into walkers, however it wasn’t his way to go.  The walkers have all gotten slower as the Seasons have continued.  In the beginning a walker was able to crawl under a car and snatch Sofia’s leg and run after her.  Now they are the minimal threat so it is possible that Glenn is faster than them.

Melanie:  Nope!  I have said it all along.  The intestines that they were pulling out were not his.  That dude acted literally as a human shield.  Super nice of him!

Raylene:  Only you Kent are still thinking about the darn dumpster scene.  (Kent: Much like wrestling, it’s still real to me, damnit!!)
Eric: Yes absolute bullshit he is still alive.

Kent:  Yeah, I do. Here’s the blog backing up my belief.

  1. If you could pick one person to turn on Rick’s group and join Negan and the Saviors, who would it be?

Jess:  Carl! I would like to see him play a villainous character against his own father. Who’s your daddy?

Briana:  That’s a tough question because I couldn’t really see any of them fitting in with Negan’s group. They all have too much of a bond with each other and none of them are the type of people who would do the things the Saviors do. If I had to choose one though, it would have been Carol before Morgan got in her head. She seemed like she could have fit in with the chick who held her captive if they hadn’t been on opposing sides.

Tom:  I’ll go with Carl as he would create the most drama.
Bob:  Eugene. I think he naturally gravitates to those who are more powerful and able to protect him.
Bitty: Andrea.  Can i say that??

Melanie:  Eugene because he is a huge pussy  and I would like to see him less or dead.

Raylene:  Carl will turn on Rick, but it won’t happen right away.
Eric:  Father Gabriel

Kent: Rosita, Tobin, or Kent. OK, I kid on the latter 2. Rosita is in a weird place at the moment with the Abe situation, and she is skilled. More importantly, I can craft an easier reason for her to betray the group better than anybody else. She hooked up with Abe for protection. Well, you can become one of Negan’s wives and get the same thing, but without having to do much other than put out. She may choose that over scavenging for the foreseeable future. If Kent turned heel though, would I be happy.

All of the pictures are the property of AMC, the producers, Robert Kirkman, and all of the other people who helped make this. I am simply using the images for review purposes.

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