This is the premiere episode of Watchmen. We are getting a taste of the world after the film. This was a solid opening episode that has me wanting more. My name is Kent, and I ask 5 weekly questions and then people answer them. Any comments in BOLD are written by me. I hope you enjoy and if you or someone you know may want to do this blog, contact me, leave a comment, etc.
1. Obviously, I don’t know what’s up with the squids. Some of you probably do. Do you think that the squids will play the same role as they did in the graphic novel?
Jim: I don’t believe the squids will have the same role, I believe they are more like the aftershocks or tremors from what happened in the end of the novel. I know I’m hedging my bets a little, but the could be like tremors before something big as well. I just think Ozymandias has something better and different planned… (I just have one question. Who the hell is Ozymandias?)
Chris: I’m pretty sure the squids won’t be like the comic. My guess is it’s being done to serve as a reminder of what happened in the past. It was a great nod to the comic. (If they never show the squids again, we can safely assume they went the nod route. I feel like they spent a lot of time on this so I’m speculating more than a nod. I truly love having no idea about any of this.)
Kent: I am not going to provide any valuable insight here. My first reaction to this was The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror V where Homer travels time with a toaster. At one point, he is in a universe with no donuts, or so he thought. He leaves and then it starts raining…donuts. First of all, that reigns supreme as the best Treehouse of Horror, and secondly, I only laughed once at this year’s episode. Do a YouTube search for The Simpson – Homer’s time machine (Part 2) if you want to see the clip. I am terrified of hosting a Simpsons video on my site. As for the squids, I am guessing it has to have a payoff, otherwise they wouldn’t show it.
2. Do you expect any content from the Watchmen movie to be replicated or retold in this series?
Jim: I really don’t believe any content will be replicated or retold. Vigilantes are illegal already, as the masked ones are police employees…. then there is a completely different political climate now as appears to the undertones of the story told in the 80’s, so they won’t broach the same subjects. (I’m good with this. I really did like the film, but I have seen that story play out. I like to see a whole new story.)
Chris: I hope for the most part no. They might do some flashbacks with Ozymandias since he’s still alive. I’m excited to see where they go. (Okay, I guess it is safe to guess that Ozymandias is someone of importance since you both have brought him/her/them up in the first 2 questions.)
Kent: Just because I want to fit in, did you know that season 5 episode 14 of Breaking Bad was titled “Ozymandias”? Now I feel like I am fitting in. I think we will get some retelling when they show us some of American Hero Story. I feel it is inevitable. It will be a good way to tie it together for people like me who haven’t read the books. ANd it can be 1-3 minutes, it doesn’t have to be anything substantial.
3. Should we expect this show to continue beyond one season? Is there enough content or loose ends for that?
Jim: I truly and genuinely hope so. The Watchmen, and the world it built are my favorite in so many categories. I believe they can build a big enough world to extend it, I suppose whether they do or not depends on viewership and critical rating, however, everything critical I have read raves about the series (those bastards got the see the first 6 episodes…. fuckers). So I believe yes, hope yes, and will be upset if I’m wrong. (Someday Jim, when this site becomes super popular, maybe we can become those critical bastards.)
Chris: I really hope so. I loved the comic and the movie too, but the movie didn’t do great. The first episode was amazing, and it’s gotten great reviews, but it will all come down to how many people watch. They are doing the right thing in expanding the story though. Rehashing the movie/comic would have been stale. (I was surprised that the movie didn’t do well. Honestly, I bet if that same film came out nowadays it would get a better review/rating. Granted, IMDB does have it at a 7.6 which is pretty damn good. That cast is superb.)
Kent: I think so because I am seeing a lot about it online. So there is a buzz. I don’t frequent a lot of places online, so for me to be picking up on it seems like a good omen. HBO could use a new flagship show with GoT ending. I just hope that one episode doesn’t show all but 5 members of the Kavalry getting killed and then 2 episodes later showing us that there are hundreds of them.
4. Judd Crawford got killed. The old dude in the wheelchair was there and seems to be the likely killer. Will we see the old man as a good guy, a bad guy, or a guy kinda doing his own thing?
Jim: The series is painted with morally grey, so the idea of him being good or bad is a little difficult to answer. He is the boy from the prologue, so in taking in the baby and how he loves truth and justice from the movie he was watching, we know he has good qualities in him. I don’t know that I would paint him as all good or bad though, but more realistically, I think Judd probably was into no-good as well. (I agree that Judd was into some bad business.)
Chris: Good or bad is very difficult to determine in watchmen. That’s what makes it great. He had the note the boy had in the beginning, so I assume it’s the same person. I’m not so sure he was the killer, since, well, he’s in a wheelchair. (All I know is that he asked the question about lifting 200 pounds, so the seed was planted, and that’s all I need for now.)
Kent: I like the moral greyness of this. I wish pro wrestling would go this route. That is the next true evolution in that industry. Giving fans more options to get behind certain characters. It adds layers and dimensions. I love it. I am disappointed that Judd got killed. I thought that Don Johnson did an amazing job and he was quickly winning me over as a favorite. I didn’t know that he could sing, either.
5. Is Master in some way connected to the Seventh Cavalry? I hope this isn’t a super obvious question.
Jim: Yes. Based off of comments in the show, and little snippets I’ve read online, they began acting out when Ozymandias (Adrian Veldt) was announced dead in the papers…. if they’re fanatically following the writings of Rorschach, they may see his death as the world coming apart again, and trying to fill in that vacuum with their presence. (I liked how we don’t get much yet, but just enough to intrigue.)
Kent: I did enjoy Jeremy Irons in this. It reminds me of a funny meme that I once saw. I’m an even bigger fan of Tom Waites so I would love to see him make a guest appearance.

Final Thoughts – Is the TV show in the series “American Hero Story” going to be a way to tell stories from the past or is it even important?
Jim: If you read the book, as important as the main story is, the filler and side stories told between chapters are equally important. Included were newspaper articles interviewing members showing their thought process/motives, pirate comics which shadow the thought processes of a master plan, snippets from novels showing hidden dissension within the group etc, so all material is fair game. HBO already has put out a website with documents from the show, which fill in some missing world-building blanks, and I’d imagine there is more to come.
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Kent: I wish they had chosen a different title because I want to type American Horror Story. But I am all about all the extra goodies that will help us understand the world in the show better. I have to say that early on, Wade has been my favorite character. Panda also Kentertained me.